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Maberly to Manitoulin, Canada

MABERLY, a post village in Lanark co., Out., on Fall river, 21 miles from Perth It contains 2 stores, 1 flouring mill, and 1 saw mill. Pop. 100.

MABOU, a thriving post village in Inverness co., N.S., on the Gulf of St Lawrence, 10 miles from Port Hood. It contains several mills, 2 hotels and about a dozen stores. Pop. 600.

MABOU COAL MINES, a post village in Inverness co., N.S., on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 7 miles from Mabou. There is a good deal of excellent coal here. Pop. 250.

MABOU HARBOR, a post village in Inverness co., N.S., on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 3 miles from Mabou Pop. 150.

MACCAN, a post village in Cumberland co., N S., on the Maccan river, and on the I.R., 9 miles from Amherst. It contains a telegraph office, a woolen mill, a tannery, and 3 stores. There are some excellent coal mines in the neighborhood Pop 250.

MACCAN INTERVALE, or LITTLE FORKS, a post village in Cumberland co., N.S , 5 miles from Athol. It contains several stores. Pop 250.

MACCAN MOUNTAIN, a post settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., 10 miles from Athol. Pop 250.

MACE'S BAY, a post settlement in Charlotte co., N.B., on the Bay of Fundy, 4 miles from Lepreaux. Pop 100.

MACHELL'S CORNERS, York co., Ont. See Aurora

MACINTOSH MILLS, a small village in Leeds co., Ont., 6 miles from Mallorytown. Pop. 50.

MACK'S MILLS, a small village in Stanstead co., Que., 3 miles from Stanstead Plain. Pop. 90.

MACLEOD, a lake and fort in the North West Territories. Lat. 55° N., lon. 122° 15' W.

MACNAB, Renfrew co., Out. See Arnprior.

MACNIDER, a post village in Rimouski co., Que., on the River St. Lawrence, 14 miles from Metis. It contains 4 stores.

MACTAQUACK, a post settlement in York co., N.B., 15 miles from Fredericton. Pop. 120.

MACTON, a post village in Wellington co., Ont., 16 miles from Listowel. Pop. 60.

MACVILLE, a post village in Cardwell co., Ont., 3 miles from Bolton. It contains an hotel and 1 store. Pop. 150.

McADAM JUNCTION, a post village in York co., N.B., at the junction of the European and North American and New Brunswick and Canada railways, 81 miles from St. John, 43 miles from St. Andrews. It has a telegraph office, a first class restaurant, and 2 stores. McAdam Junction is a port of entry. Total value of imports for 1872 $11,626; exports $41,305. Pop. 400.

McCAIN SETTLEMENT, a settlement in Kings co., N.B., 3 mile3 from Sussex Pop. 75.

McDONALD'S CORNER, a post office in Queens co., N.B., 15 miles from Gagetown.

McDONALD'S CORNERS, a post village in Lanark co., Ont., on the Mississippi river, 26 miles from Perth. It contains a hotel and 3 stores. Pop. 150.

MCDONALD'S MILLS, Glengarry co., Ont. See South Lagraisse.

McDONALD'S POINT, a post settlement in Queens co., N B , on the River St. John, at the mouth of the Washademoak, 6 miles from Wickham. Pop. 200

McDOUGALL SETTLEMENT, a post office in Westmorland co., N.B , 11 miles from Shediac.

McGILLIVRAY or IRELAND, (also called FLANIGANS,) a post village in Middlesex co., Out., 20 miles from London. It contains a gristmill and several stores. Pop. 300.

McINTYRE, a post village in Grey co., Out., 18 miles from Collingwood. It contains an hotel and 2 stores. Pop. 60.

McKAY'S CORNERS, Kent co., Ont., See Harwich.

McKAY'S POINT, a post settlement in Victoria co., N.S., on St. Patrick's channel (south side), 2 miles from Baddeck. Pop. 150.

McKAY'S SETTLEMENT, in Hants co., N.S., on Meander river (south shore), 7 miles from Newport. Pup. 60.

McKELLAR, or ARMSTRONGS FALLS, a post office in Victoria co., Ont., 16 miles from Parry Sound.

McKENZIE'S CORNER, a post village and settlement in Carleton co., N.B., on the N. B. & C. R., 10 miles from Woodstock. Pop. 350.

McKENZIE'S CORNERS, Hastings CO., Out. See Springbrook.

McKENZIEVILLE, Pictou co., N.S. See Barney's River.

McLAUGHLAN ROAD, a post settlement in Kent co., N.B., 20 miles from Buctouche. Pop. 200.

McLEAN'S CORNERS, Huntingdon Co., Que. See Vicars.

McLELLAN'S BROOK, a post settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 5 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 80.

McLELLAN'S MOUNTAIN, a post Settlement in Pictou co., N.S., on East River, 5 miles from New Glasgow. It contains 1 church, 7 saw mills and 3 grist mills Pop. 800.

McLEOD ROAD, a station on the Prince Edward Island railway, in Queens co.

McLEOD'S HILL, a settlement in York co., N.B., 3 miles from Fredericton Pop. 80.

McLEOD'S MILLS, a post office in Kent co., N.B., 11 miles from Richibucto

McNAB, Glengarry co., Ont. See Lochinvar

McNUTT'S ISLAND, a small settlement in Shelburne co., N.S., on an island in Shelburne Harbor, 12 miles from Shelburne town. Pop. 50.

McPHEE'S CORNER, a small village in Queens CO., P.E.I., 9 miles from Charlottetown. Pop 50

MCPHERSON'S FERRY or BEAR ISLAND, a post settlement in Richmond co., N.S., on an island in the Strait of Canso, 4 miles from Port Hawkesbury. Pop. 150.

MADAWASKA, Victoria co., N.B. See Edmundston.

MADDINGTON, a post office in Arthabaska co., Que., 13 miles from Stanfold.

MADISCO. a post village in Gloucester co., N.B., on the Baie des Chaleurs, and on the I. R., 11 miles from Bathurst. It contains a telegraph office, 1 hotel and 6 stores. Pop. 300.

MADOC, or HASTINGS, a flourishing post village in Hastings co., Ont., on Deer Creek, 27 miles from Belleville. It contains a telegraph office, 2 flouring mills, 1 foundry, 1 tannery, marble quarries, productive iron mines, about 15 stores, 3 hotels, &c, and a printing office issuing a weekly newspaper. Gold bearing quartz is found in the vicinity. Pop. 800.

MADOX COVE, a small fishing settlement in the district of St. John's, Nfld., 9 miles south of St. John's. Pop. 90.

MADRID, a post office in Renfrew co., Ont., 36 miles from Renfrew.

MAD RIVER MILLS, Simcoe co., Ont. See Singhampton.

MAGAGUADAVIC, or BROCKAWAY, a post settlement in York co., N.B., 18 miles from Harvey. Pop. 100.

MAGDALEN ISLANDS, a group situated near the centre of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, directly in the track of vessels bound up the gulf for Quebec, 5-1 miles N.W. of Cape Breton, a id 100 miles W.S.W of the nearest point of Newfoundland. Including Bind and Biron Islands the whole length of the range, in a N.E direction, is about 53 miles Coffin's Island, the largest of the group, is 25 miles long, but very narrow Amherst Island 13 nearly 6 mile; in length and 3½ in width, and contains the best harbor in the chain. Gypsum is found in the hollows and basins of the island, and occasionally in veins This mineral forms an important article of export The principal dependence of the inhabitants is upon the cod fisheries, although they prosecute herring and seal fishing to some extent The Magdalen Islands were formerly attached to the government of Newfoundland, but at present are under the jurisdiction of the Canadian Government, and belong to the electoral district of Gaspe. They were granted by the British Government to Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin, for distinguished services, and by him were bequeathed in strict entail to his nephew, Captain, now Rear Admiral, John Townsend Coffin, the present proprietor, and to his heirs for ever. There is a custom house on Amherst Island, and occasionally a revenue cutter is stationed to protect the fisheries and maintain the civil authority. The total number of arrivals for 1872 was 25 (tons 1,413), and the clearances 21 (tons 1,255). Total value of imports $10,830 ; exports $20,203. Pop. 3,172.

MAGNETAWAN, a post settlement in Victoria co., Ont., on the Magnetawan river.31 miles from Ashdown. Pop. 207.

MAGOG, a thriving post village in Stanstead co., Que., on Lake Memphremagog, 10 miles from Georgeville, 21 miles from Waterloo. It possesses extensive water power privileges, and contains 2 saw mills, 1 grist mill, 1 carding mill, 5 or G stores, 2 hotels, 2 churches, a telegraph office, &c. A steamer runs daily between Magog and Newport. Pop. (500.

MAGOON'S POINT, a post village in Stanstead co., Que., on Lake Memphremagog, 5½ miles from Georgeville. Pop. 180.

MAGPIE, a post office in Saguenay co., Que., on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, 125 miles from Gaspe Basin.

MAGUNDY, a post settlement in York co., N.B., 33 mile3 from Fredericton. Pop. 150.

MAHONE BAY, or KINBURN, a post village in Lunenburg co., N.S., on the sea coast, 6 miles from Lunenburg. It contains about 20 stores, 2 hotels, 3 churches, a tannery, and 2 or 3 saw mills, and drives a good business in the building of small vessels, and in the shipment of lumber, wood, &c. Pop. 800.

MAIDSTONE, or MAIDSTONE CROSS, a post village in Essex co., Out., 12 miles from Windsor. It contains 2 stores, 2 hotels and a saw mill. Pop. 125.

MAILLOUX, a village in Bellechasse co., Que., 25 miles from St. Vallier. U contains 3 saw mills and a grist mill. Pop. 200.

MAIN, a fort in the district of East Main, Labrador, at the mouth of East Main river in James's Bay.

MAIN ADIEU, a settlement in Cape Breton co., N.S., on the sea coast, 26 miles from Sydney. Pop. 150.

MAIN'S CORNERS, a small village in Grenville co., Ont., 4 miles from Edwardsburg. Pop. 50.

MAITLAND, a flourishing post village in Hants co., N.S., at the mouth of Shubenacadie river in Chignecto Bay, 20 miles from Shubenacadie. It contains 2 churches, 13 stores, 2 hotels, and several shipyards. Terra alba (crystallized plaster) is found in the vicinity. Pop. 600.

MAITLAND, a post settlement in Annapolis co., N.S., 27 miles from Annapolis. Pop. 200.

MAITLAND, a post village in Yar-mouth co., N.S.,13 miles from Yarmouth town. It contains several stores and shipyards. Pop. 270.

MAITLAND, a settlement in Lunen-burg co., N.S., 13 miles from Lunenburg. Pop. 200.

MAITLAND, a thriving post village in Grenville co., Ont., on the River St. Lawrence, with a station on the G.T.R., 120.1 miles from Montreal. It contains a telegraph office, 2 hotels, 4 stores, a foundry, distillery, saw mill, &c. Pop. 200.

MAITLAND RAPIDS, Grenville co., Out. See Kilmarnock.

MAITLANDVILLE, a village in Huron co., Out., on the River Maitland, 1 mile from Goderich. It contains a large tannery, several salt wells, and 2 hotels. Pop. 150.

MAJOR'S, a village in Ottawa co , Que., on the River Ottawa, 46 miles from Ottawa.

MAJORVILLE, Ontario co., Ont. See Whitevale.

MALA GASH, a post settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., on Northumberland Strait, 10 miles from Wallace. It contains 2 churches and 1 store. Pop. 200.

MALAGASH POINT, a settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., on the point of a headland at the entrance to Tatamagouche harbor, 15 miles from Wallace. Pop. 100

MALAGAWATCH, a post settlement in Inverness co., N.S.. 29 miles from Port Hawkesbury It has marble quarries. Pop. 250

MALAGUASH, Lunenburg co., N.S. See Lunenburg.

MALAKOFF, a post village in Carleton co., Out., 9 miles from Kemptville. Pop. 100.

MAL BAIE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Placentia and Bt. Marys, Nfld., 3 miles from St. Marys.

MAL BAIE, Charlevoix co., Que. See Murray Bay.

MALCOLM, a post village in Bruce co., Out., 10 miles from Walkerton. It contains a store and an hotel. Pop. 85.

MALIGNANT BROOK, (Cross Roads,) or MARYVALE, a post settlement in Antigonish co., N.S., 40 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 180.

MALIGNANT COVE, a post village in Antigonish co., N.S., on Northumberland Strait, 3Gg- miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 150.

MALLORYTOWN, a thriving post village in Leeds co., Ont., on the G. T. R., 137f miles from Montreal. It contains 8 or 9 stores, an hotel, and 2 telegraph offices. Pop. 300.

MALMAISON, Missisquoi co., Que. See Des Rivieres.

MALONE, or POWELL'S MILLS, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., on the River Moira, 3G miles from Belleville. Here are rich goldmines. It contains two quartz mills, a flouring mill, a telegraph office, and several stores Pop. 300.

MALPEQUE, Prince co., P.E.I. See Princetown.

MALPEQUE ROAD, a station on the Prince Edward Island railway, in Queens co.

MALTON, a post village in Peel co., Ont., on the G. T. R., 15 miles W. of Toronto. It contains a telegraph office, 2 stores and an hotel. Pop. 300.

MALVERN, a post village in York CO., Out., 2 miles from Agincourt. It contains an hotel and 1 store. Pop. 125.

MAMATTAWA, a former post of the Hudson's Bay Company, on Kenogami river, 60 miles above its mouth in the Albany river, North West Territories. Mamattawa is a contraction of an Indian word, signifying the coming together of many branches, and refers to the fact that two large tributaries here join the main stream from the E., and both of these again receive branches near their mouths. The post of the Hudson's Bay Company was removed a number of years ago about 30 miles down the Kenogami, and is now called Newport.

MANCHESTER, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., on the W & P. P. R., 14 miles from Whitby It contains a telegraph office, several hotels and stores, and is a good grain market. Pop 300.

MANCHESTER, a seaport of Nova Scotia, Guysborough co., on Milford Haven, formed by Chedabucto Bay, which opens into the Atlantic Ocean, about 120 miles E.N.E of Halifax, 5 miles from Guysborough. Pop 500

MANCHESTER, Hastings co , Ont. See Frankford.

MANCHESTER, Huron co., Ont. See Auburn.

MANCHESTER ROAD, or MARYDALE, a post settlement in Antigonish co.. N.S., 10 miles from Antigonish. Pop. 100.

MANDAMIN, a post village in Lambton co., Out., on the G. W. R.. 51 miles W. of London. It contains oil wells. Pop. 100.

MANFRED, a post office in Wellington co., Ont., 2k miles from Rockwood.

MANILLA, a" thriving post village in Victoria co., Ont., 5£ miles from Cannington. It contains 2 telegraph offices. G stores, 2 hotels and several mills and factories Pop. 500.

MANITOULIN, a group of islands in the province of Ontario, stretching from E. to W. along the N. shore of Lake Huron, and consisting chiefly of the Great Manitoulin or Sacred Isle, Little Manitoulin or Cockburn, and Drummond. Great Manitoulin, 30 miles long by 20 miles broad, has an area of 1,6000 square miles, is deeply indented by numerous bays, and has an elevated and very rugged surface. Many of the precipices are covered with clumps of beautiful trees; and behind, in the interior, are large and dense pine forests. Little Manitoulin has a diameter of about 7 miles, and, in its general features, resembles Great Manitoulin. The channel between them is about 8 miles long and 4 broad. Drummond, 24 miles long, with a breadth varying from 2 to 12 miles, has an irregular surface, covered with large masses of rock. It is separated from the American shore on the W., by a strait, called the True Detour, which is scarcely 1 mile wide and forms the principal passage for vessels proceeding to Lake Superior. Pop. 2,011.

Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873


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