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Liverpool Cape to Lytton, Canada
LIVERPOOL CAPE, is the name of a headland on the south side of
the entrance to Lancaster Sound, North West Territories, and of
another bounding the inlet
Liverpool Bay, Arctic Ocean, North America, immediately S.W. of Cape Bathurst.
Lat. about 70° N., lon. 129° 3 W.
LIVINGSTON'S COVE, a post settlement in Antigonish co., N.S., on the north side
of Cape George, 42 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 150.
LLOYDTOWN, a thriving post village in York co., Ont., 8 miles from Khneburg.
It contains a telegraph office, several stores, a flouring mill, saw mill, and
carding mill, and has manufactories of agricultural implements, cabinet ware,
wagons, bricks, &c. Pop. 400.
LOBO, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., on the Ox Bow river, 11 miles from
London. It contains a saw and flouring mill a woolen factory, a brickfield, and
2 cheese factories. Pop. 100.
LOBSTER HARBOR, a small fishing settlement on the French shore. Nfld., south
side of White Bay 50 miles from Tilt Cove Pop 28
LOCHABER. a post settlement in Antigonish co , NS on Lochaber Lake 20 miles
from Antigonish. Pop. 200
LOCHABER BAY a post office in Ottawa co , Que . 5 miles from Thurso.
LOCHARTVILLE, a post settlement if. King s co. N.S , near the River Avon, 2½ miles from Hantsport. Pop. 275.
LOCH BAN, a hamlet in Inverness co N S It has a grist mill.
LOCHBROOM, a settlement in Pictou co., N.S.. on the S.E. side of Pictou
harbor, 8 miles from Pictou. Pop. 200.
LOCH GARRY, a post village in Glengarry co., Ont., 8 miles from Alexandria, Pop.
LOCHlEL, a post village in Glengarry co., Ont , 19½
miles from Riviere Raisin It contains 2 stores. Pop. 60.
LOCHIEL, Inverness co., N.S. See Grand Etang
LOCHINVAR, or McNAB, a post village in Glengarry co, Ont., 25 miles from Riviere
Raisin. Pop. 50.
LOCHSIDE, a post settlement on Loch Lomond Lake, Richmond co., N S. b9 miles
from Port Hawkesbury. Pop 100
LOCH LOMOND, a post settlement in Richmond co., N.S., on a lake of the same
name, 37 miles from Sydney. Pop 100
LOCH LOMOND, a post settlement in St John co., N.B., 9 miles from St. John. Pop
LOCKE PORT, or LOCKE'S ISLAND, a post town in Shelburne co., N.S., on Ragged
Island harbor, 37 miles from Shelburne. It is a port of entry, and contains a
telegraph office. a branch bank, a number of stores, and 2 hotels. An extensive
trade is done in West India produce and in the fisheries. The number of arrivals
for 1872 was 52 (tons 4,416), and the clearances 69 tons (5,741) Total value of
imports $62,973; exports $294,226. Pop. 400.
LOCKSLEY, a post office in Renfrew co., Ont., 7 miles from Pembroke.
LOCKTON, or CENTREVILLE, a post village in Cardwell co., Ont., on the River
Humher, 4½ miles from Mono Road. It contains a flour mill, a store and an
hotel. Pop. 80.
LOCKVILLE, a post village in Dundas co., Out., 10 miles from Iroquois. It
contains 2 churches, 1 store, 1 hotel and an ashery. Pop 100
LOGANVILLE, a post settlement in Pictou co., N.S, on the River John, 18 miles
from Pictou. Pop 60.
LOGIERAIT, a post village in Lambton co., Ont., 5½ miles from Sarnia. Pop. 50
LOGY BAY, a fishing settlement in the district of St. John's, Nfld , 5 miles
from St. John's. Pop 200.
LOMBARDY, or SOUTH ELMSLEY, a post village in Leeds co . Out. 7 miles from
Smith's Falls. It contains a flouring mill, a shingle mill, and several stores.
Pop. 150.
LONDESBOROUGH, a thriving post village, in Huron co., Ont , on the River
Maitland, G6½ miles from Clinton. It contains a telegraph office, and several
stores. Pop. 250.
LONDON, a city of Ontario, capital of the co. of Middlesex, on the River Thames.
121 miles W of Toronto, 107 miles E.N.E. of Windsor. It has a fine appearance,
the streets are lit with gas and are wide and run at right angles to
each other Upon them are many excellent buildings.
It is the centre of the finest agricultural region of Canada, and a sort of diverging centre of three railways, being the junction of a branch of the Great
Western to Sarnia from the main line, the northern terminus of the London and
Port Stanley railway, and having a branch of the Grand Trunk from St. Marys,
connecting it with that line.
London contains 6 branch banks, 2 telegraph agencies, a number of line hotels, a
host of stores, 4 printing offices issuing 3 daily and several weekly
newspapers, an exhibition building, a lunatic asylum, orphan asylum, hospital, 9
schools, a convent, 4 colleges (including Huron College, Hellmuth College and
Hellmuth Ladies College, three good educational establishments.) and 19
churches (including Church of England and Roman Catholic Cathedrals.) St.
Paul's church (church of England) is one of the few in Canada possessing a peal
of bells.
The manufactories of London are represented by extensive iron foundries and
machine shops, mills, breweries, chemical works, petroleum refineries,
tanneries, boot and shoe, soap and candle, musical instrument, cabinet carriage,
and oilier factories, &c
The commercial affairs of the city are regulated by a Board of Trade The city
returns 1 member to the House of Commons and 1 to the Provincial Legislature. During the summer months large numbers of invalids and health seekers visit
London to enjoy the benefit of its white sulphur springs (famed for their
medicinal qualities ) London is a port of entry Total value of imports for 1872
$1,740,850, exports $1,470,203. Pop in 1852 6,034. 1861 11,555, 1871, 15,826.
LONDONDERRY", a post settlement in Kings co , N B . 41 miles from St John It
contains 2 saw mills Pop 200
LONDONDERRY, a seaport town of Nova Scotia co of Colchester on the N side of
Cobequid Bay the waters of which flow W through Minas bay to the Bay
of Fundy. and on the 1 R., 17 miles from Truro It contains a
telegraph office, 10 stores, 1 hotel a tannery, &c. and has a good
shipping trade The number of arrivals for
1872 was 28 (tons 2,862), and the clearances 13 (tons 1,244 ) Total value of
imports $84,392 , exports $21,570 The Acadian Charcoal Iron Company have their
works here Pop 600.
LONG CREEK, a post settlement in Queens co , N B l 7 miles from Apohaqui Pop
LONG CREEK a post village in Queens co P.E.I., 8 miles from Charlottetown It
contains 3 stores and a shipyard Pop 100
LONG HARBOR, a fishing settlesettlement in the district, of Fortune Bay. Nfld.,
47 miles from Harbor Briton. The harbor is about 1 mile wide and runs inwards
for 12 miles It is thickly wooded on both sides Pop. 140.
LONG HARBOR, a fishing settlement on the east side of Placentia Bay, Nfld., 9
miles from Little Placentia Pop. 139.
LONG ISLAND, an island in Hudson's Bay. Lat. 55° 5 N., Ion. 79' W.
LONG ISLAND, a settlement in Kings co., N.S., on an island in Minas Basin, 2
miles from Grand Pre. Pop. 120.
LONG ISLAND, or FREEPORT, a post village in Digby co., N.S., on an island in St.
Mary's Bay, off Digby
Neck, 38 miles from Digby town Pop of island 701
LONG ISLAND LOCKS a post village in Russell co Ont., on the Rideau canal 5½
miles from Manotick Pop 350.
LONG ISLAND, at the head of Lake Mistake, on the Riviere du Lievre, co of
Ottawa, Que
LONG ISLANDS, a group of small islands in Bonavista Bay Nfld., 4 miles from Open
Hall They are inhabited by fishermen Pop 43
LONG POINT a post settlement in Kings co N S on the Bay of Fundy. 7 miles from
Berwick Pop 60
LONG POINT a post settlement in Kings co N B . on Belleisle Bay. 27 miles from
St John Pop 150
LONG POINT a post settlement in Inverness co.. N S., 14 miles from Port Hastings
Pop 250
LONG POINT, Prince Edward co.. Ont See Point Traverse
LONG POND a village in the district of Harbor Mam Nfld., on the north side of
Conception Bay 16 miles from St John's Pop 250
LONG REACH a post settlement in Kings co , N B., on the St John River, 26 miles
from St John It contains 2 stores Pop. 300
LUNG SETTLEMENT, a post settlement in Carleton co., N B , 8 miles from
Florenceville Pop 100
LONGUE DE CERF, a small fishing settlement on the east side of For-tune Bay
Nfld . 20 miles from Garnish Pop 20
LONGUE POINTE, the chief town of Hochelaga co., Que., on the north shore of the
St Lawrence, 6 miles E. of Montreal. Pop. 250
LONGUEUIL, the chief town of the co. of Chambly, prettily situated on the right
bank of the St. Lawrence, 3 miles from Montreal. It contains
churches for the Roman Catholics, and Episcopalians, a telegraph
office, and several stores and hotel. Longueuil was the terminus of the Grand Trunk Railway until the
construction of the Victoria Bridge, when the rails were removed and the offices
and works closed. It is the summer residence of many Montrealers. Pop. 2,083, a
decrease of 753 as compared with 1861. This was long a favorite retreat of the
late Mgr. Deneaux, Bishop of Quebec.
LONGWOOD or MELBOURNE, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont ., 2 miles from
Longwood Station. It contains 1 saw mill, 1 grist mill, 1 hotel, and
6 stores.
Pop. 150.
LONGWOOD STATION, a post village in Middlesex co., Out., on the G. W R., 21
miles from London. It contains a telegraph office, 1 store and 2 saw
mills. Pop.
LONSDALE, a post village in Hastings co., Out., on Salmon river, 4 miles from
Tyendinaga. It contains a grist mill, a woolen mill, and 3 or 4 stores. Pop.
LOON BAY, a small fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo,
Nfld., 22 miles from Twillingate. Pop. 35.
LORD'S COVE, a post office in Charlotte co., N.B., on Deer Island, 8 miles from
LORD'S COVE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Burin, Nfld., 8
miles from Lamaline. Pop. GO.
LORETTE, or ST. AMBROISE DE LA JEUNE LORETTE, a flourishing post village and
parish in Quebec co., Que., on the River St. Charles, 8 miles from
Quebec. It contains a paper mill, a saw mill, a flour mill and the
Quebec water works. About 60 families of the Huron tribe of Indians reside here. They have a church
of their own, and occupy their time in making snow shoes, moccasins, and
articles of curiosity. The Falls of Lorette are an object of much admiration.
Pop. 3,395.
LORETTO, a post village in Cardwell co., Ont., 21 miles from Bradford. Pop. 90.
LORNE, a hamlet in Oxford co., Ont. It has 1 store.
LORNE, a post office in Bruce co., Ont., 5 miles from Kincardine.
L'ORIGNAL, a post village of Ontario, capital of the united counties of
Prescott and Russell, on the Ottawa River, and nau a proposed railroad from
Montreal to Ottawa, 66 miles W. of Montreal. It contains, besides the county
buildings, a telegraph office, several insurance agencies, churches for the
Roman Catholics, Presbyterians and Methodists, grist and saw mills, and 4
stores. A weekly newspaper is published in L'Orignal. Pup. 800.
LORRAINE, a post office in Cardwell co., Ont., 17 miles from Mono Road.
LORWAY MINES, a post village in Cape Breton co., N.S., on the Glasgow and Cape Breton railway, 4 miles
from Sydney. It contains 9 stores, and has extensive coa1 mines. Pop. 250
LOTBINIERE, a county in the eastern part of Quebec, on the south shore of the
St. Lawrence. Area 460,649 acres. The River du Chene and the Beaurivage flow
through it. Capital, Lotbiniere. Pop. 20,606.
LOTBINIERE, the capital of
Lotbinière co., Que., is situated on the south shore or the St. Lawrence, 47
miles S. of Quebec. It contains 2 large foundries, saw and grist mills, a
convent, a Roman Catholic church, and several stores. Pop. 2,129.
LOTUS, a post village in Durham co., Ont., on Pigeon Creek, 9 miles from
Bethany. It contains 1 church, 1 store, 1 hotel, 1 saw mill, 1 grist mill, and 1
woolen factory. Pop. 150.
LOUGHBORO, or SYDENHAM, a post village in Addington co., Out., at the outlet of
Slout's Lake, 17 miles from Kingston. It contains about 15 stores, 4 hotels, and
grist, saw and shingle mills. Pop. 450.
LOUISBURG, once an important seaport of Cape Breton, N.S., on the S.E. shore of
the Island, 27 miles S.E. of Sydney. The French erected a fortress here at an
expense of 30,000,000 livres, and while Louisburg remained in their occupancy it
exported 500,000 quintals of cod annually, and 600 vessels were employed in its
trade and fisheries. After it was taken possession of by the British in 1763 (all
the French North American possessions having been given up by treaty,) the
British Government demolished the fortifications, at an expense of $50,000;
since then the harbor has been deserted and the town is almost in ruins. A
number of fishermen only reside here. A light-house, showing a fixed light 15
feet high, has been erected on the sight of the old French light house on the
east head. Louisburg has a fine harbor, open the year round.
LOUISVILLE, or KOUCIHBOUGUACIS, a post settlement in Kent co., N.B.,12 miles
from Richibucto. Pop. 120.
LOUISVILLE, Kent co., Ont. See Lewisville.
LOVAT, a post office in Bruce co., Ont., 5 miles from Paisley.
LOW, a post village in Ottawa co , Que., in a deep valley, 38 miles from Ottawa.
It contains a telegraph office and a store. Pop. 100.
LOWBANKS, a post village in Monck co., Ont., on Lake Erie, 4 miles from Feeder.
Pop. 140.
LOWER ARGYLE, a post office in Yarmouth co., N.S., 24 miles from Yarmouth.
LOWER BARNEY'S RIVER, a post settlement in Pictou co., N.S., at the mouth of
Barney's river, 18 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 200.
LOWER BART1BOG, a settlement in Northumberland co., N B., on a tributary to the
Miramichi, 9 miles from Chatham. Pop. 150.
LOWER BRIGHTON, a post settlement in Carleton co., N.B., 6 miles from Woodstock.
Pop. 250.
LOWER BURGEO, a post town and port of entry in the district of Burgeo and La
Poile, Nfld., 330 miles from St. John's. It is a place of considerable trade. A
steamer calls here from St. John's every fortnight. Pop. 620
LOWER CANTERBURY, a post settlement in York co., N.B., on the S. side of the
River St. John, at the mouth of the Sheogomoc, 44 miles from Fredericton. Pop.
LOWER CAPE, a post village in Albert co., N.B., at the head of Shepody Bay, 32i
miles from Salisbury.
LOWER CAPE, a Settlement in Kent co., N.B., at the entrance of Richibucto
harbor, 3 miles from Richibucto. There is a lighthouse on its head. Lat. 4G° 39'
40' N., Ion. 64° 42' 30" W. Pop. 150.
LOWER CLYDE, a settlement in Shelburne co., N.S., on the Clyde River,
14 miles from Shelburne. It contains
2 stores. Pop. 100.
LOWER COVE, a post settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., on Cumberland Basin, 15
miles from Maccan. Grindstones are manufactured here. Pop. 300.
LOWER COVERDALE, a post settlement in Albert co., N.B., 4 miles from Moncton.
Pop. 150.
LOWER DUBLIN, Lunenburg co., N.S. See Dublin Shore.
LOWER FORT GARRY, a post office in the district of Lisgar, Man., on the Red
River, 20 miles north of Fort Garry.
LOWER FREETOWN, a post village in Prince co., P.E.I., 8 miles from Summerside.
Pop. 200.
LOWER FRENCH VILLAGE, a post village in York co., N.B., on the St. John river, 9
miles from Fredericton. It was originally settled by French. There is an Indian
village close by. Pop. 250.
LOWER GRANVILLE, or GOAT ISLAND, a post village in Annapolis co , N S., on
Annapolis Basin, 8 miles from Annapolis. Pop 100
LOWER GULLEY, a small fishing settlement in the district of Harbor Main, Nfld ,
30 miles from St John's. Pop. 115
settlement in York co., N.B., 22 miles from Fredericton. Pop. 100
LOWER HILLSBOROUGH, a post settlement in Albert co., N.B., 27 miles from
Salisbury Pop. 50.
LOWER HORTON, Kings co., N S. See Grand Pre.
LOWER IRELAND, a post village in Megantic co., Que., 16 miles from Becancour
Station It contains 2 saw mills and 1 grist mill, Pop. 200.
LOWER LACHINE ROAD, a settlement on the lower road on the N. shore of the St.
Lawrence, between Montreal and Lachine.
LOWER LA HAVE, also called FIVE HOUSES, a post village in Lunenburg co., N.S., on
the La nave river, 9 miles from Lunenburg. Pop. 220.
LOWER L'ARDOISE, a post settlement in Richmond co., N.S., on the east side of
St. Peter's Bay, 48 miles from Port Hawkesbury. Pop. 400.
LOWER LINE QUEENSBURY, a post settlement in York co., N.B., on the north side of
the St. John river, 16 miles from Fredericton. Pop. 150.
LOWER MACCAN, a post settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., 11 miles from Amherst.
LOWER MIDDLETON, a village in Annapolis co., N.S., 1½ miles from Middleton. Pop.
LOWER NEWCASTLE, a post village in Northumberland co., N.B., 6 miles from
Chatham. Pop. 250.
LOWER PEEL, Carleton co., N.B. See Peel.
LOWER PEREAUX, a post settlement in Kings co., N.S., on Minas Basin, 11 miles
from Port Williams Station.
LOWER POCKMOUCHE, a post settlement at in Gloucester co., N.B., 62 miles from Chatham Pup. 250.
LOWER PRINCE WILLIAM, a post settlement in York co., N.B , on the south side of
the River St. John, 23½ miles from Fredericton.
It contains a store and a
saw mill Pop. 400.
LOWER PROSPECT, a post settlement in Halifax co.. N S., 21 miles from Halifax
Pop. 200
LOWER QUEENSBURY, a post settlement in York co. N B , on the north side of the
River St John, 21 miles from Fredericton Pop 150
LOWER RIVER INHABITANTS, a post settlement in Richmond co., NS., at the mouth of
the River Inhabitants, 13 miles from Port Hawkesbury. Pop. 300.
LOWER SELMAH, a post village in Hants co , N.S., on the south shore of Cobequid
Bay. 4 miles from Maitland. Pop 200.
LOWER SETTLEMENT, (MIDDLE RIVER.) a post settlement in Victoria co , N.S., 12
miles from Baddeck. Pop. 100.
LOWER SETTLEMENT, (SOUTH RIVER, ) a post settlement in Antigonish co., N.S., 4
miles from Antigonish, Pop 200.
LOWER SOUTHAMPTON, a post settlement in York co., N.B., on the north side of the
River St. John, 40 miles from Fredericton Pop. 200.
LOWER SOUTH RIVER, a settlement in Antigonish co., N.S., 5 miles from
LOWER STEWIACKE, a thriving post village in Colchester co., N.S., on the
Stewiacke river, near its confluence with the Shubenacadie, and on the I. R., 44
miles from Halifax. It has a telegraph office, 3 stores, 3 saw mills, and an
hotel. The railway station is three miles distant. Pop 250.
LOWER TURTLE CREEK, a post settlement in Albert co., N.B., 14 miles from
Salisbury. Pop. 100.
LOWER WAKEFIELD, a post settlement in Carleton co., N.B., 4i miles from
Woodstock. Pop. 200.
LOWER WARD ST. MARGUERITE'S BAY, a post village in Halifax co., N.S., 25 miles
from Halifax. Pop. 130.
LOWER WOOD'S HARBOR, a post settlement in Shelburne co., N.S., 16 miles from
LOWER WOODSTOCK, a post village and settlement in Carleton co., N.B., 7 miles
from Woodstock. It contains a store and 2 saw mills. Pop. 500.
LOW POINT, a post settlement in Richmond co , N.S., on the Strait of Canso, 7
miles from Port Hastings. Pop 200.
LOW POINT, a small fishing settlement in the district of Bay de Verds, Nfld., 33
miles from Carbonear. Pop. 60.
LOW POINT SHORE, or VICTORIA MIXES, a post village and coal district in Cape
Breton co. N S , at the entrance of Sydney Harbor (south side), 9 miles from
Sydney. The Victoria coal mines are located here. A large quantity of coal is annually
raised and transported 4 miles by railway to a wharf at South Bay, where it is
shipped on board vessels. There is a lighthouse on Low Point, showing a fixed
light 70 feet above the level of the sea. Pop. 350.
LOWVILLE, a post village in Halton co., Ont., on Twelve Mile Creek, 9 miles from
Wellington Square. It contains a telegraph office, an iron foundry, a
flouring mill, and several stores. Pop. 150.
LOYALIST ROAD, a station on the Prince Edward Island railway, in Queens co.
LUCAN, a flourishing post village in Middlesex co., Ont., on the G. T. R., 14
miles W. of London. It contains 2 telegraph offices, 2 foundries, flour,
carding and planing mills, an ashery, a cheese factory, about 20 stores, 6
hotels, &c, and has an extensive export trade in grain and cattle. A weekly
newspaper is published in Lucan. Pop. 1,000.
LUCERNE, a post office in Ottawa co., Que., 34 miles from Ottawa.
LUCKNOW, a thriving post village in Bruce co., Ont., on the' W. G. & B. R.,
(South extension,) and on Nine Mile river, 16 miles from Kincardine. It contains
a telegraph office, about 15 stores, 2 hotels, a cloth factory, carding and
fulling mill, 2 sawmills, and a grist mill. Pop. 800.
LUDLOW, a post settlement in Northumberland co., N.B., on the south west branch
of the Miramichi, 51 miles from Fredericton. Pop. 100.
LUMLEY, a post village in Huron co., Ont., on the River aux Sanble, 13 miles
from Seaforth. Pop. 200.
LUNDY'S LANE, near Drummondville, Ont., the scene of an engagement in 1814 between the British and American troops, in which the latter were defeated.
LUNENBURG, a county of Nova Scotia, situate between the counties of Queens on
the W. and Halifax and Hants on the E., and bordered on the N. by Kings and
Annapolis, and on the S. by the Atlantic Ocean. Area 714,500 acres. The soil is
good and climate very fine. The inhabitants, of German extraction, are engaged
in farming and fishing. The scenery in Mahone Bay, on this coast, is not
sur-passed by that in the Bay of Naples. Capital, Lunenburg. Pop. 23,834.
LUNENBURG, a post village in Stormont co., Ont., 4 miles from Dickinson's
Landing. It contains 5 stores and an iron foundry. Pop. 250.
LUNENBURG, or MALAGUASH, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, capital of Lunenburg
co., on a fine bay of its own name opening into the Atlantic Ocean, 63 miles
W.S.W. of Halifax The harbor affords good anchorage, and at its entrance are two
lighthouses, one showing a fixed light, the second showing two lights, one
revolving and 30 feet above the other. Lunenburg owns a large fleet of fishing
vessels, and every season they, to the number of 50 or 100, are fitted out for
the fishery on the coast of Labrador. A large trade is done at this place with
the West Indies. The town contains, besides the county buildings, about 15
stores, 3 hotels, a telegraph office, several mills and shipyards, &c. There
are gold mines in the vicinity. The number of arrivals for 1872 was 132 (tons
13,481,) and the clearances 191 (tons 25,645). Total value of imports $111,209;
exports $350, 114. Pop. 1,500.
LUNENBURG PENINSULA, a farming settlement contiguous to the above town. Pop.
LURGAN, or ALMA, (also called PINE RIVER,) a post village in Bruce co., Ont., 22
miles from Goderich, 10 miles from Kincardine. Pop. 100.
LUTZ MOUNTAIN, a post settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., in miles from
Moncton. It contains 2 saw mills Pop. 300.
LUTHER, a post village in Wellington co., Ont., on Grand River, and on
the T. G. & B. R., 61 miles from Toronto. It contains 3 saw mills, a woolen
mill, 2 stores, 1 hotel, and a telegraph office. Pop. 60.
LUTON, or CENTREVILLE, a post village in Elgin co., Out., 4½ miles from Aylmer.
It contains a store and a grist and saw mill Pop 70.
LYLE'S BRIDGE, Shelburne co , N.S. See Port Clyde.
LYN, a flourishing post village in Leeds co., Out., on Coleman's Creek, and on
the G. T. R., 129 miles from Montreal. It contains manufactories of woolens,
rubber combs, lasts and pegs, carriages, leather, hubs and spokes, boots and
shoes, iron castings, &c, also 2 telegraph offices, 6 or 7 stores, 3 hotels, and
several mills. Pop. 750.
LYNDEN, a thriving post village in Wentworth co., Ont., on the G. W. R., 16
miles from Hamilton. It contains a telegraph office, a pottery 1 woolen
factory, a brickfield, several saw and grist mills, 4 stores and 2 hotels Pop.
LYNDHURST, a post village in Leeds co., Ont., on the Gananoque river, 5 miles
from Morton. It contains a telegraph office, saw, grist, shingle and woolen
mills, and 3 stores. Pop. 200.
LYNEDOCH, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., on Big Creek, 11 miles from Simcoe. It contains 2 stores, 2 hotels, 2 churches, and a flouring mill. In the
vicinity are strong sulphur springs. Pop. 200.
LYNNFIELD, a post settlement in Charlotte co., N.B., 22 miles from St. Stephen.
Pop. 200.
LYNNVILLE, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., 6j miles from Simcoe. It
contains a saw mill and 2 stores. Pop. 90.
LYONS, a post village in Elgin co., Ont., 12 miles from Dorchester station. It
contains 3 stores. Pop. 130.
LYON'S BROOK, a hamlet in Pictou co., N. S. It contains a store, a shipyard, a
tannery, and a saw mill.
LYSTER, or ST. ANASTASIE DE NELSON, a post village in Megantic co., Que., on the
River Becancour, and on the G.T.R., 28 miles W. of Quebec. It contains a
telegraph office, 3 stores and 2 saw mills. Chief trade, lumber. The station is
14 miles from the village. Pop. 200.
LYTTLETON, a post office in Northumberland co., N.B., 17 miles from Newcastle.
LYTTON, a post town of British Columbia, district of Yale, situated on the
Fraser river, about 162 miles from its mouth, at the junction of the Thompson
River, and on the main wagon road to the Cariboo mines, 57 miles from Yale. It
contains a court house, an Episcopal church, telegraph and express offices, 2
hotels, and 5 stores. White population about 50. Indian population about 200,
within a radius of 2 miles. The Indians are very industrious and peaceable.
Their chief employment is gold mining and packing supplies to and from the interior with
their own horses, of which they have large numbers. With few exceptions
they all attend the Episcopal church.
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America,
Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873
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