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Gabarus to Glen Road, Canada

GABARUS, or GABEROUSE, a post settlement in Cape Breton co., N.S., on Gabarus Lay, an inlet Oil the Atlantic coast, 25 miles S. of Sydney. Pop. 1,717.

GAD'S HILL, a post village in Perth CO., Ont., 5 miles from Stratford. It contains 2 hotels and 3 saw mills. Pup 80

GAGETOWN, a post town of New Brunswick, capital of the co. of Queens, situated on the W. side of the River St. John, 28 miles S.E. of Fredericton. It Contains a tannery, a telegraph office, 1 hotel and 4 stores. On the borders of Grand Lake, a short distance on the other side of the river, are extensive coal mines, from which large quantities of coal are annually raised. At the mouth of the Jemseg, the outlet of the above lake, immediately opposite the town, a fort was built by the English, but, while in possession of the French, was captured by pirates, in 1076. Six miles above Gagetown is Upper Gagetown, the oldest English settlement in the province. Pop. of Gagetown (town and parish) 1,282

GAILEY, a post office in Kent co., N.B.

GAIRLOCH, Pictou co., N.S. See New Gairloch.

GALLOWAY, a settlement in Kent co., N.B., 3 miles from Kingston. Pop. 150.

GALT, an incorporated town of Ontario, co. of Waterloo, on Grand river, and on the W. G. & B. R , 25 miles N.N.W. of Hamilton. It has extensive water power privileges, and contains churches of 6 denominations, 3 branch banks, several assurance and insurance agencies, 2 printing offices issuing weekly newspapers, 2 telegraph offices, 12 hotels, about 30 stores, a brewery, several large flouring mills, and manufactories of axes, iron castings, machinery, paper, soap and candles, last, pails, woolens, wooden ware, leather, &c. A branch of the G. T. R. connects Galt and Berlin. Pop. 3,827.

GALWAY, or SILVER LAKE, a post village in Victoria co., Ont., 9 miles from Bobcaygeon. Pop. 30.

GAMELRIDGE, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., on Lake Simcoe, 5 miles from Beaverton. Pop. 90.

GANANOQUE, an incorporated village of Ontario, co. of Leeds, on the N. shore of the St. Lawrence, at the mouth of the Gananoque River, and on the G. T. R., 18 miles N.E. of Kingston, 30 miles W. of Broekville. It has unlimited water power, and contains churches of 4 denominations, 1 branch bank, several assurance and insurance agencies, 2 telegraph offices, 1 printing office, 4 hotels, a number of stores, saw and grist mills, and manufactories of woolens, iron castings, edge tools, machinery, agricultural implements, nails, leather, wooden ware, boots and shoes, &c., &c. The railway station is 2½ miles from the post office. Gananoque is a port of entry. Total value of imports for 1872, $54468; exports $49,858. Pop. 2,020.

GANNET ISLAND, on the coast of Labrador. Lat. 54° N., Ion. 56° 34 W.

GANNET ROCK, a small island G{ miles from the S.W. head of Grand Manan. Lat. 46° 32' N., Ion. 66° 52 W. On it is a lighthouse exhibiting a revolving light 66 feet above high water mark. A gun is fired to answer signals during a fog. Dangerous rocks extend 4 miles eastward of the lighthouse

GARAFRAXA, or DOUGLAS, a post village in Wellington co., Ont., on Grand river, 8 miles from Fergus. It contains a telegraph office and saw and grist mills. Pop. 250.

GARDEN HILL, a post village in Durham co., Ont., 12 miles from Port Hope. It contains a woolen factory, 2 grist mills, and 3 saw mills.

GARDEN ISLAND, a post village in Frontenac co., Out., on an island in the St Lawrence, opposite Kingston. It contains several shipyards, a flouring mill, and a telegraph office, and has regular communication with Kingston by ferry. Pop. 702.

GARDEN OF EDEN, a post village in Pictou co., N.S., 24 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 100.

GARDEN RIVER, or KETEGAUNESEEBE, a post village in the district of Algoma, Ont., 12 miles from Sault Ste. Marie. This is an Indian reserve extending 9 miles along St. Mary's river, and about the same distance into the interior, and derives its name from a stream which runs through it in a southerly direction and falls into the St. Mary. The Indians are chiefly engaged in the fishery and the chase. Garden River is a missionary station of the churches of England and Rome. It contains 2 stores. Steamers from Collingwood to Fort William call here. Pop. 400.

GARDINER MINES, a post village in Cape Breton co., N.S., on the International railway, 4 miles from Bridgeport terminus, 3 miles from Lingan Harbor. It contains 2 stores. The Gardiner mines are owned by the Gardiner Coal Company, whose chief office is in Montreal, and which is composed chiefly of residents of Montreal. Sir Hugh Allan is President, and Wm. Millar, Esq., Secretary. The seam of coal is 4-9 thick, reached by a shaft 160 feet deep. The coal is principally used for steam purposes. The mines are connected with the International Company's railway by a branch line, and the coal is shipped from Sydney Harbor. Pop. 300.

GARDNER'S CREEK, a post settlement in St. John co., N.B., on the Bay of Fundy, 20 miles from St. John. Pop. 150.

GARIA, a fishing settlement in the district of Burgeo and La Poile, .Nfld., on Garia Bay, 8 miles from Rose Blanche. Pop. 195.

GARNEAU, a post office in L'Islet co., Que., 19 miles from St. Jean Port Joli.

GARNISH, a post town and fishing settlement on the W. side oft Fortune Bay, Nfld., 20 miles from Burin. Pop. 210.

GARTHBY, a post village in Wolfe co., Que., 46 miles from Suerbrooke. Pop. 30.

GARRY ISLAND, in the Arctic Ocean, North West Territories, off the mouth of Mackenzie river, in lat. 69° 30' N., Ion. 135° W.

GASCOIGNE COVE, Queens co., P.E.I. See Flat River.

GASKIN, (Point la Hate,) a fishing settlement in the district of Placentia and St. Marys, Nfld., on the east side of St. Marys Bay, 4 miles from St. Marys. Pop. 189.

GASPÉ, a district of Quebec, comprising the counties of Gaspe and Bonaventure, is surrounded from Cap Chat to Cap des Rosiers by the waters of the River St. Lawrence ; thence to Pointe aux Macquerau by the waters of the Gulf, this point being the boundary between the two counties; thence to Point Magouacha by the Baie des Chaleurs, and thence westward to the uppermost end of the District by River Restigouche : the whole extent being about 375 miles of coast, intersected by numerous smaller rivers, bays, and harbors, and being throughout a most valuable and inexhaustible fishing coast,  more particularly so the County of Gaspé, and the Magdalen Islands, situate in the centre of the Gulf. The chief resources of the District, with respect to exportation, are the cod, salmon, mackerel, herring, and whale fisheries, and lumber ; the former principally in the county of Gaspé, and the latter principally in the county of Bonaventure. The imports, consisting of the necessaries of life in the way of provision and clothing for the total supply of nearly two thirds of the population (not being producers or manufacturers), make of this District an extensive market for the products of other parts of the Province, contributing largely to the public revenue. The trade carried on hitherto has been retained by a comparatively small number of houses (who have realized large fortunes), leaving yet room for many competitors. The population of the District, per last census, was 34,052, mostly settled along the coast, leaving immense tracts of wild lands tit for cultivation.

GASPÉ, a maritime county of Quebec, occupying the E. portion of the Gaspé Peninsula, has an area of 2,909,940 acres. Chief town, Perce. Pop. 18,729.

GASPÉ, or GASPÉ BASIN, a post town and port of entry in the co of Gaspé, Que., situated on the S. side of the entrance to the harbor formed by Gaspé Bay, 450 miles (by sea) from Quebec. It is the seat of extensive fisheries of salmon, cod, mackerel, herring, whales, miles from Picton. Pop. 60.

GASPEREAUX, a post village in Queens co., N.B., at the confluence of the Gaspereaux and Salmon Rivers, 81 miles from St. John, 3 miles from Brigg's Corners. Pop. 150.

GASPEREAUX, a post village in Kings co., N.S., on Gaspereaux River, 2½ miles from Wolfville.  It contains a grist mill and 2 stores.  This district was first settled by the French in 1604. The village of Grand Pré, the scene of Longfellows's "Evangeline," is only a few miles from Gaspereaux. Pop. 200.

GASPEREAUX STATION, a post village in Queens co., N.B., on the E. & N.A.R., 32 miles W of St. John.

GASTUS, a fishing settlement in the district of Harbor Main, Nfld. at the head of Conception Bay, 36 miles from St. John's. Pop. 150.

GAULTOIS, a flourishing settlement on port of entry on Long Island, on the W. side of Hermitage Bay, Nfld., 13 miles from Harbor Briton.  It has a good harbor with a narrow entrance and almost surrounded by high hills. Pop. 200.

GAY'S RIVER, a post village in Halifax co., N.S., situated on Coldstream Brook, a tributary of Gay's River, 6 miles from Shubenacadie. Gold is found here. Pop 350.

GAY'S RIVER ROAD, Colchester co., N.S., See Cook's Brook.

GEARY, a post Settlement in Sunbury co., N.B., 7 miles from Oromocto. Pop. 200.

GEMLEY or PLAYFAIR'S CORNERS, a post village in Addington co., Ont., 56 miles from Perth. Pop. 50.

GENEVA, a post village in Argenteuil co., Que., 3 miles from Lachute. Pop. 150.

GENOA, a post office in Argenteuil co., Que., 5 miles from Lachute.

GENTILLY, a post village in Nicolet co., Que., on the S. shore of the St. Lawrence, 11 miles from Doucet's Landing, 75 miles S.W. of Quebec.  It contains 10 stores, and has a large lumber trade. Pop. 600.

GEORGEFIELD, a village in Hants co., N.S., 12 miles from Shubenacadie. Pop. 70.

GEORGE'S COVE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Trinity, Nfld. at the western extremity of Random Sound, 25 miles from New Bonaventure. Pop. 27.

GEORGETOWN, an incorporated village in Halton co., Ont., on the River Credit, and on the G.T.R., 29 miles N.W. of Toronto.  It has valuable water power privileges and contains a telegraph office, paper mills, brewery, tannery, iron foundry, grist mill, marble works, a printing office issuing a weekly newspaper, 3 hotels, and about 20 stores, and has a large trade in lumber, grain and country produce. Pop. 1,282.

GEORGETOWN, a seaport town, capital of Kings co., P.E.I., on the peninsula between the Brudenell and Cardigan rivers, at the entrance into Cardigan Bay, on the S.E. side of the Island, 30 miles E. of Charlottetown. Lat. 46° 12' N., Ion. 62° 33' W. It possesses one of the best harbors on the Island, open nearly the whole year round, and capable of receiving vessels of the largest tonnage. It has a good trade in country produce, and contains 3 churches, (Episcopal, Roman Catholic and Presbyterian,) 8 hotels, 15 stores and a large foundry. A weekly newspaper is published in Georgetown. It has telegraph and steam communica­tion with all parts of Canada and the United States, and railway communi­cation with the chief places on the Island. Pop. 1,100.

GEORGETOWN, a small village in Hastings co., Ont., on the River Moira, at the head of Lake Stoco, 26 miles from Belleville. Pop. 180.

GEORGETOWN, Beaubarnois co., Que. See St. Louis de Gonzague.

GEORGETOWN, Colchester co., N.S. See Riversdale.

GEORGEVILLE, a post village in Stanstead co., Que., on the E. side of Lake Memphremagog, 2 miles from Knowlton. It has a telegraph office, 2 hotels and 1 store. Pop. 250.

GEORGEVILLE, Antigonish co., N.S. See Cape George (north side.)

GEORGINA, or SUTTON, a post vil­lage in York co., Ont., 26 miles from Newmarket. It contains several stores and hotels, and a telegraph office. Pop. 300.

GERMAN MILLS, a small village in Brant co , Ont., 4 miles from Harrisburg. Pop. 30.

GERMAN MILLS, a small village in Waterloo co., Ont., 3 miles from Berlin. It contains two saw mills and a grist mill. Pop. 100.

GERMANTOWN, a post settlement in Albert co., N.B., at the head of Shepody river, 9 miles from Hopewell Corner. Pop. 150.

GETSON'S POINT, a post office in Lunenburg co., N.S., 11 miles from Bridgewater.

GIANT'S LAKE, a post settlement in Guysborough co., N.S., 23 miles from Guysborough. Pop. 300.

GIBRALTAR, a post village in Grey co., Ont. on Silver Creek, 91 miles from Collingwood. The scenery sur­rounding this place is exceedingly pic­turesque. Pop. 40.

GIFFORD, Haldimand co., Out. See Bingham Road.

GILBERT COVE, a post village in Digby co., N.S., on St. Marys Bay, 15 miles from Digby. Pop. 200.

GILBERT'S MILLS, a post village In Prince Edward co., Out., 71 miles from Picton. Pop. 60.

GILBERTVILLE, Beauce co., Que. See River Gilbert.

GILFORD, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., on the N. R., 49 miles from Toronto. It has a telegraph office, 2 saw mills and 1 store. Pop. 200.

G1RVAN, a post settlement in Kent co., N.B., 6 miles from Richibucto.

GLADSTONE, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., 6 miles from Dorchester Station. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 200.

GLAMMIS, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., on Lake Huron, 18 miles from Walkerton. It contains a saw mill and a store. Pop. 80.

GLANFORD, a post office in Went-worth co., Out., 8i miles from Hamilton.

GLANMIRE, a post office in Hastings co., Ont., 23 miles from Madoc.

GLANWORTH, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont,, on the L. & P. S. R., 8 miles from London. Pop. 100.

GLASCOTT, a post office in Grey co., Ont., 14 miles from Durham

GLASCOW, a village in Waterloo, co., Ont., separated from Bridgeport by the Grand river, over which there is a bridge, 2 miles N. of Berlin. Pop. 100.

GLASGOW, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., 3 miles from Stouffville. It contains 1 store and 1 hotel. Pop. 100.

GLASGOW, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, co. of Pictou, on the East river, near its entrance into Pictou Harbor. See New Glasgow. .

GLASGOW, a small village in Peel co., Ont, on the T. G. & B. R., 26 miles from Toronto. It has a woolen mill. Pop. 30.

GLASIER, a station on the Frederic-ton Branch railway, 8 miles from Fredericton, N.B.

GLASSVILLE, a post settlement in Carleton co., N.B., 27 miles N.E. of Woodstock. Pop. 200.

GLASTONBURY, a post village in Addington co., Ont., on Beaver Creek, 40 miles from Napanee. It contains 1 store, 1 saw mill, 1 grist mill and a woolen factory. Pop. 50.

GLEN, a post settlement in Antigonish co., N.S., on Lochaber river, 57 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 250.

GLENALADALE, or BEDFORD BAY, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., 14 miles from Charlotte town. Pop. 200.

GLENALLAN, or ALLANSVILLE, a post village in Wellington co., Ont., on the Conestogo river, 9 miles from Goldstone. It contains grist and saw mills, a woolen factory, a telegraph office, and 3 or 4 stores. Pop. 400.

GLEN ALPINE, a post office in Antigonish co., N.S., 61 miles from New Glasgow.

GLENARM, a post office in Ontario co., Ont., 18 miles from Lindsay.

GLENBURNIE, a post village in Frontenac co., Ont., 6 miles from Kingston. Pop. 300.

GLENCAIRN, or HOGG'S BACK, a post village in Simcoe co., Out., 5 miles from New Lowell. Pop. 80.

GLENCOE, a flourishing post village in Middlesex co., Ont., on the G. W. R., at its junction with the Canada Air Line, 30 miles from London. It has a large trade in grain, lumber, and country produce, and contains about a dozen stores, several mills and factories, 2 telegraph offices, and a printing office issuing a weekly newspaper. Pop. 700.

GLENDOWER, a post village in Addington co., Ont., 30 miles from Kingston. Pop. 50.

GLENEDALE, a post office in Inverness co., N.S., 12 miles from Port Hastings.

GLENELG or FORKS MIDDLE 'RIVER, a post settlement in Guysborough co., N.S., 47 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 150.

GLENFINNAN, a hamlet in Queens co., P.E.I. It has 1 store.

GLENGARRY, a county in the eastern part of Ontario, having the St. Lawrence for its S.E. boundary. Area 295,894 acres. It is traversed by the Grand Trunk and Montreal and Ottawa Junction railways. Chief town, Cornwall. Pop. 20,524.

GLENGARRY, a post village in Pictou co., N.S., on Middle river, and on the I. R., 80 miles N.E. of Halifax. Pop. 150.

GLEN HURON, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 10 miles from Collingwood. It contains 1 store and a flouring mill. Pop. 100.

GLENLEVIT, a small settlement in Restigouche co., N.B., 12 miles from Campbellton. Pop. 100.

GLENLOYD, a post settlement in Megantic co., Que., 11 miles from Lyster. Pop. 125.

GLENLYON, or BALAKLAVA, a post village in Bruce co., Ont, on the W. G. & B. R., 42 miles from Elora. Pop. 150.

GLEN MAJOR, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., on the east branch of Duffin's Creek, 5 miles from Uxbridge. It contains 2 churches, 1 hotel, 1 store, 2 large saw mills, 1 flouring mill, and a sash and door factory, and has unsurpassed water power privileges. Pop. 123.

GLENMEYER, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., 15 miles from Tilsonburg. Pop. 80.

GLEN MORRIS, a post village in Brant co., Ont., on Grand River, 6 miles from Gait. It contains a woolen mill, a grist mill, and a distillery. Pop. 250.

GLEN MURRAY, a post settlement in Megantic co., Que., 12 miles from Becancour Station. Pop. 300.

GLEN NEVIS, a post village in Glengarry co., Ont., 15½ miles from Coteau Station. It contains 1 saw mill and 1 store. Pop. 100.

GLEN ROAD, a post settlement in Antigonish co., N.S., 42 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 150.

Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873


Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America

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