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Foreston to Fury Point, Canada
FORESTON, a post settlement in Carleton co., N.B., 14 miles from
Florenceville. Pop. 100.
FORESTVILLE, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., 14 miles from
Simcoe. It contains a carding mill, a saw mill, and 2 stores. Pop.
FORFAR, a post village in Leeds co., Ont., 32 miles from Brockville.
Pop. 100.
FORKED HEAD, a headland of Cape Breton, on the S.E. coast between
Fourchu Harbor and Portland Cove.
FORKS, a post settlement in Queens co., N.B., 25 miles from
Petitcodiac. Pop. 100.
FORKS (Baddeck), a post office in Victoria co., N.S., 8 miles from
FORKS, (Cain's River) a small settlement in Northumberland CO.,
N.B., 30 miles from Newcastle. Pop. 30.
FORKS (Middle River), Guysborough co., N.S. See Glenelg.
FORMOSA, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., 8 miles from Walkerton.
It contains a woolen factory, a brewery, saw and gristrnill,3 hotels
and 2 stores. Pop. 150.
FORRISTALL'S or AULD'S COVE, a post settlement in Guysborough co.,
N.S., on the Strait of Canso, 4 miles from Port Mulgrave, and
opposite Port Hastings. Pop. 150.
FORT AUGUSTUS, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., 16 miles from
Charlottetown. It contains a carding mill, grist and saw mill, 2
stores and a shipyard. Pop. 150.
FORT CHIPPEWYAN and FORT WEDDERBURN, two forts of the North West
Territories, at the W extremity of Lake Athabasca.
FORT CONFIDENCE, a fort in the North West Territories, at the N.
extremity of the Great Bear Lake.
FORT COULONGE, a post village in Pontiac co., Que., at the
confluence of the River Coulonge with the Ottawa, 23 miles from
Portage du Fort. It contains a saw mill, a store, a telegraph
office, and 4 taverns, and has a large lumber trade. Pop. 100.
FORT ENTERPRISE, a fort of the North West Territories, about 150 miles N. of
the Great Slave Lake.
FORT ERIE, a flourishing post village of Welland co., Out., on Lake Erie, at its
outlet into the Niagara river, and on the Grand Trunk, Great Western and Canada
Southern railways, opposite Buffalo, N.Y. The International railway bridge will,
when completed, connect Fort Erie with Buffalo. Fort Erie is a port of entry,
has an American consulate, and contains several churches, about a dozen stores,
and 2 hotels. Total value of imports for 1872, $203,260; exports $1,665,166.
Pop. 835.
FORT FAIRFIELD, a post office in Victoria co., N.B., on the Aroostook river, 7
miles from Andover. and immediately opposite a fort of the same name in the
State of Maine. The latter contains a barracks, and is chiefly interesting from
its having been a military post during the difficulties between Great Britain
and the United States in 1839.
FORT FRANKLIN, a fort in the North West Territories, near Star Lake, hit, 65 12
N., Ion. 1231.TW., with a mean annual temperature of 17° Fahrenheit.
FORT GARRY, the capital of Manitoba. See Wianipeg.
FORT ISLE AUX NOIX, or FORT LENNOX, on an island in the river Richelieu, near
the southern boundary of Quebec, was fortified by the French, in 1759 and by
Schuyler in 1775. It is a strung fortress, bat unoccupied.
FORT LAWRENCE, a seaport of Nova Scotia, co. of Cumberland, on an arm of
Cumberland Bay, about 133 miles W. by N. of Halifax. See Amherst.
FORT LENNOX, St. Johns co., Que. See Fort Isle anx Noix.
FORT NIAGARA, an an ti revolutionary fortress at the mouth of the Niagara river
(Canada side), built by the French in 1727. See Niagara.
FORT OKONAGON, a fort belonging to the Hudson Bay Company, in British Columbia,
on the E. bank of the Okonagon river, a few miles above its junction with the
FORT PITT, a fortification on the Saskatchewan river, North West Territories.
Lat. 51° 30' N, Ion. 108° W.
FORT SOREL, on the present site of the town of Sorel, Que. In July, 1666, M.
Sorel, who commanded five companies of the Carignan regiment, forming part of a
great military expedition undertaken by the Marquis de Tracey, Viceroy of
Canada, to invade the Iroquois country, built a fort at the mouth of the
Richelieu river, then known as the Iroquois river. He named the fort St. Louis,
which was subsequently changed to Sorel, and afterwards to William Henry. See
FORTUNE, a fishing settlement on the French shore, Nfld., 113 miles from Tilt
Cove. It has a fine harbor. Pop. 51.
FORTUNE BAY, a post town and port of entry of Newfoundland, at the entrance to
Fortune Bay, 57 miles from Burin. It has a considerable trade with the Miquelon
Islands. Pop. 805.
FORTUNE HARBOR, a fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo,
Nfld., on Bay of Exploits, 28 miles from Twillingate. Pop. 230.
FORT WEDDERBURN. See Fort Chippewyan.
FORT WILLIAM, a post village in Pontiac co., Que., on the River Ottawa, 20 miles
above Renfrew, chiefly inhabited by Indians. It was formerly a fort of the
Hudson's Bay Company. Upper Ottawa steamers call regularly. Pop. 125.
FORT WILLIAM, or PRINCE ARTHUR'S LANDING, a post village in the district of
Thunder Bay, Ont, on the Kaministiquia River, about a mile from its discharge
into Thunder Bay at the head of Lake Superior, 750 miles from Collingwood. Lat.
48° 23' 33" N, Ion. 89° 20' W. The country
around it, to a considerable distance, is level, rising gradually from the lake
shore till it mingles with the highlands, at a distance of 4 or 5 miles from the
lake. The fort was erected by the Hudson's Bay Company in 1803. The village
contains 8 stores, 2 hotels and 1 church. It is a landing of the Lake Superior
steamers, and at the beginning of the route through Canadian territory to the
Red River country. Rich silver mines are worked in the vicinity. Pop. 503.
FOXLOW, a small fishing settlement on Placentia Bay, Nfld. Pop. 35.
FOSTER'S, or FALKLAND, a post settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S., 41 miles from
Kentville. Pop. 100.
FOSTER'S COVE, a post settlement in Victoria co., N.B., 27 miles from Andover.
Pop. 150.
FOURCHU, a seaport on the S.E. coast of Nova Scotia, co. of Richmond, 40 miles
from St. Peters, 100 miles from New Glasgow. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 200.
FOUR MILE BROOK, a small settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 12 miles from West
River. Pop. 60.
FOUR MILE HOUSE, a station on the I. R., 4 miles from Halifax.
FOURNIER, a post village in Prescott co., Ont., on Paxton's Creek, 18 miles from
L'Orignal. It contains 2 stores and a flouring mill. Pop. 70.
FOXBORO, a post village in Hastings CO., Out., 7 miles from Belleville. It
contains 2 stores, 2 hotels, 1 saw mill, 1 grist mill and a cheese factory. Pop.
FOX COVE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Burin, Nfld., on the
west side of Placentia Bay, 2 miles from Burin. Pod. 105.
FOX COVE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Fortune Bay, Nfld., 44
miles from Burin. Pop. 40.
FOX CREEK, a post settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., on the Petitcodiac river,
6i miles from Moncton. Pop. 500.
FOX HARBOR, a post village in Cumberland co., N.S., on Northumberland Strait, 30
miles from Thomson, 10 miles from Wallace. Pop. 150.
FOX HARBOR, a small fishing settlement on the east side of Placentia Bay, Nfld.,
9 miles from Placentia. Pop. 60.
FOX ISLAND, a small island in Bay of Despair, Nfld., 17 miles from Harbor
FOX ISLAND, a small island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, near the N.E. extremity
of the Saguenay coast.
FOX ISLAND HARBOR, a small fishing settlement in the district of Burgeo and La
Poile, Nfld., 14 miles from Burgeo. Pop. 67.
FOX RIVER, a flourishing post village in Gaspe co , Que., on the S. shore of the
Gulf of St. Lawrence, at the mouth of Great Fox river, 18 miles from Grande
Grève. It contains a court house, a church, a telegraph office, and 9 or 10
stores. Its harbor is well sheltered, and affords good accommodation for vessels
of light draught. Its inhabitants are largely engaged in the cod and mackerel
fisheries. Pop. 500.
FOX RIVER, a small village in Cumberland co., N.S., 3 miles from Port Greville,
31 miles from Athol. It contains a store. Pop. 100.
FOX ROOST, a small fishing settlement in the district of Burgeo and La Poile,
Nfld., 6 miles from Channel. Pop. 65.
FOX TRAP, a fishing settlement in the district on Harbor Main, Nfld., on the
south shore of Conception Bay, 16 miles from St. John's. Pop. 210.
FRAMBOISE, a post settlement in Richmond co., N.S., 53 miles from Port
Hawkesbury. Pop. 300.
FRAMPTON, a small village in Middlesex co., Ont., on the River Thames, 1 mile
from Dorchester Station. It has good water power. Pop. 100.
FRAMPTON, or ST. EDOUARD, a thriving post village in Dorchester co., Que., 36
miles S. of Quebec. It contains 6 stores, and grist, saw and carding mills, and
has an extensive trade in grain, cattle and country produce. Pop. of parish
FRANCESTON, Huron co., Ont. See Hay.
FRANCISTOWN, Huron co., Ont. See Exeter.
FRANCOIS, a small fishing settlement in the district of Burgeo and La Poile,
Mid., 59 miles from Burgeo. Pop. 70.
FRANKFORD, or COLE'S CREEK, a flourishing post village in Hastings co., Ont., on
the River Trent, 8 miles from Trenton. It has good water power privileges from
Cole's Creek, 'which at this point empties into the Trent, and contains 2 saw
mills, 1 flouring mill, 1 distillery, 3 churches. 8 or 9 stores, and a telegraph
office, and has manufactories of iron castings, mill machinery, wool-lens,
leather, paper, wooden ware, &c. Pop. 900.
FRANK HILL, a post office in Victoria co., Ont, 16 miles from Peterborough.
FRANKLAND, Arthabaska co., Que. See Warwick.
FRANKLIN, a post village in Durham co., Ont., on the M.R., 28 miles from Port
Hope It contains a telegraph office, 2 stores, 1 saw mill, and 1 shingle mill.
Pop. 100.
FRANKLIN, or FRANKLIN CENTRE, (also called MANNINGVILLE,) a post village in
Huntingdon co., Que., 16 miles from Hemmingford. It contains 4 stores. Pop. 300.
FRANKTOWN, a post village in Lanark co., Ont., on Goodwood Creek, and on the B.
& O. R, 37 miles from Brockville. It contains 2 hotels and 3 stores. The station
is l{ miles from the village. Pop. 200.
FRANKVILLE, a post village in Leeds co., Ont., 11 miles from Irish Creek. It
contains 2 hotels and 3 stores. Pop. 200.
FRASER'S GRANT, a post settlement in Antigonish co., N.S., 15 miles from
Antigonish Pop. 50.
FRASER'S MILLS, a post village in Pictou co., N.S., on the east branch of East
river, 17 miles from Pictou. It contains a grist mill and a tannery. Pop. 250.
FRASER'S MILLS, Antigonish co., N.S. See Middle Settlement of South River.
FRASERVILLE, a station on the M. R., in Durham co., Out., 24 miles from Port
FRASERVILLE, Temiscouata co., Que. See Riviere du Loup en has.
FRASERVILLE, Wellington co., Out. See Crieff.
FREDERICKSBURG, Lennox co., Ont. See Conway.
FREDERICKSBURG. Norfolk co., Ont. See Delhi.
FREDERICTON, a city and port of entry of New Brunswick, capital of the province
and of the co. of York, is beautifully situated on a point of land on the west
side of the River St. John, GO miles in a direct line N.N.W. of St. John. Lat.
45' 55 N., Ion. 45° 31 30" W. It has five streets, nearly a mile in length,
prettily lined with trees, running parallel with the river. These are crossed by
about a dozen others at right angles. The public buildings comprise the
Parliament Buildings, the Government House, City Hall, Court House, Exhibition
Building and Rink, Barracks, and University. The Parliament Buildings are built
of wood, and are situated at the lower end of the town. They contain the House
of Assembly and Legislative Council rooms; the Legislative Library with over
10,000 volumes, comprising many rare and valuable books; the room in which the
Supreme Court (in banc) hold their sittings, and the Law Library. The Government
House, at the upper extremity of the town, is a large stone mansion facing the
river, surrounded by tastefully laid off grounds and shrubberies. The University
is admirably situated upon the rising ground at the rear of the city. As a seat
of learning it ranks high in the province. Fredericton is the seat of a Church
of England Bishop. The Cathedral, a handsome edifice, is situated at the lower
end of the town. The other churches belong to the Roman Catholics,
Presbyterians, Wesleyan Methodists and Baptists. The St. John river, which is
here $ of a mile wide, is navigable to this point, 84 miles from the Bay of
Fundy, for sea-going vessels of 120 ton?;. Small steamers ascend 65 miles
further to Woodstock, and during high water to the Grand Falls,75 miles above
Woodstock. Fredericton is an incorporated city. Its affairs are managed by a
Mayor and Corporation. Its streets are lighted with gas. It has one bank and a
bank agency, one semi-weekly and four week-ly newspapers, a reading room, a
tele-graph office, several life assurance and tire insurance agencies, and
hotels, a number of first class stores, and manufactories of iron castings, mill
machinery, leather, boots and shoes, wooden Mare, &c. It is the chief terminus
of the Fredericton and the New Brunswick railways. The former connects with the
European and North American railway at Fredericton Junction, and the latter is
in course of construction to Riviere du Loup. The number of arrivals for 1872
was 130 (tons 10, 705), and the clearances 126 (tons 9,701.) Total value of
imports $248,054 ; exports $96,447.
Fredericton was originally called St. Ann's. It was founded by Sir Guy Carleton
in 1786, shortly after the erection of New Brunswick into a separate province.
Pop. 6,006.
FREDERICTON JUNCTION, (Blissville,) a post village in Sunbury co., N.B., at the
junction of the Fredericton and European and North American railways, 22 miles
from Fredericton, 45 miles from St. John. It contains 1 hotel and 2 stores. Pop.
FREDERICTON ROAD, a post settlement in Westmorland co , N.B., 8 miles from
Salisbury. Pop. 100.
FREDERICKTOWN, a seaport town of Nova Scotia, co. of Cumberland, at the head of
Wallace Bay, on a small estuary. 42 miles N. of Truro. See Wallace.
FREELTON, a post village in Wentworth co., Out., 12 miles from Hamilton. It
contains 3 stores, and 2 saw and grist mills. Pop. 150.
FREEPORT, a hamlet in Missisquoi co , Que. It has a saw mill.
FREEPORT, a post village in Waterloo., Out., on the Grand river, 4 miles from
Berlin. Pop. 100.
FREEPORT, Digby co., N.S. See Long Island.
FREETOWN, a post village in Prince CO., P.E.I. , on the Prince Edward Island
railway, 10 miles from Summerside. Pop. 150.
FREIBURG, a post village in Water-loo co., Out., 4i| miles from Breslau. It
contains 1 store and 4 hotels. Pop. 100.
FRELIGHSBURG, a flourishing pest village of Quebec, capital of the county of
Missisquoi, situated on Pike river, 10 miles from St. Armand. It contains a
telegraph office, 3 hotels, 6 stores, a printing office, a tannery and several
mills and factories. Frelighsburg is a port of entry. Total value of imports for
1872,37,958; exports $58,966. Pop. 621.
FRENCH CREEK, a post village in the district of Kootenay, B.C., 390 miles
from New Westminster.
FRENCHMAN'S BAY, a village in Ontario co., Ont., on Lake Ontario, and on the G.
T. R., 21 miles from Toronto. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 100.
FRENCHMAN'S COVE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Burin, Nfld., 3
miles from Garnish. Pop. 72.
FRENCHFORT COVE, a small settlement in Northumberland co., N.B., 1 mile from
Newcastle. Pop. 30.
FRENCH LAKE, or LAKEVILLE CORNER, a post settlement in Sunbury co., N.B., on
French Lake, 3 miles from Upper Sheffield. It contains 1 church, 3 stores, 1 saw
mill, 1 grist mill, 1 tannery, 1 shoe factory, &c. Pop. 150.
FRENCH RIVER, a post village in Pictou co , N.S., 15 miles from New Glasgow. It
contains saw and grist mills. Pop. 200.
FRENCH VALE, a post office in Cape Breton co., N.S., 15 miles from Sydney.
FRENCH VILLAGE, a post office in Drummond co., Que., 13 miles from Richmond
FRENCH VILLAGE, a post settlement in Kings co., N.B., 8 miles from Hampton. Pop.
FRENCH VILLAGE, Northumberland co., N B. See Hardwicke.
FRENCH VILLAGE, Prince co., P.E.I. See Alexandria.
FRIEDSBURG, Huron co., Ont. See Sarepta.
FRIZELL'S MILLS, Hastings co., Ont. See Water Mills.
FROGMORE, a post village in Peel co., Ont., on the River Credit, 7 miles from
Port Credit. Pop. 150.
FROME, a post village in Elgin co., Ont., 7 miles from St. Thomas. Pop. 30.
FROOMFIELD. a hamlet in Lambton co., 0nt. 3 on the River St. Clair, 5 miles from
Sarnia. It has a store and saw mill.
FRESHWATER, a fishing settlement; on the north side of Conception Bay, Nfld., 2
miles from Carbonear. Pop. 390.
FRESHWATER BAY, a fishing settlement on a very picturesque inlet on the west
side of Bonavista Bay, Nfld , 23 miles from Salvage. Pop. 55.
FRESHWATER BAY, a small fishing settlement in the district of St.
John's, Nfld., 5 miles from St. John's. Pop. 46.
FRESHWATER, a small fishing settlement in the district of Placentia and St.
Mary's, Nfld., 1 mile from Placentia. Pop. 22.
FRONTENAC, a county of Ontario, bordering upon Lake Ontario, near its outlet.
Area 206,740 acres. It is traversed from E. to W. by the Grand Trunk railway,
and from S. to N. by the Kingston and Pembroke railway, and interspersed by
numerous small lakes and rivers. The Rideau Canal connects Kingston, the capital
of this county, with Ottawa. Pop. 28,717.
FROST VILLAGE, a post village in Shefford co., Que., 2 miles from Water-loo. It
contains 2 stores, a tannery and a grist mill. Pop. 150.
FRY'S CORNERS, Haldimand co., Ont. See South Cayuga.
FULFORD, a post village in Brome co., Que., 4 miles from Waterloo. It contains a
tannery, saw and grist mill, and 1 store. Pop. 250.
FULLARTON, a post village in Perth co., Out., on the River Thames, 6 miles from
Mitchell. It contains a cheese factory, 1 hotel and 2 stores. Pop. 150.
FULLARTON'S MARSH, a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., 7 miles from
Charlottetown. Pop. 150.
FULTON, a post village in Lincoln co., Ont., 7 miles from Winona. Pop. 150.
FURBEY'S COVE, a small fishing settlement on the E. side of Hermitage Bay, Nfld
, 3 miles from Hermitage Cove. Pop. 50.
FURY POINT, in the North West Territories, Prince Regent's Inlet, on the W. side
of North Somerset, in lat. 72° 40 30' N.,
Ion. 91° 55' W. Here Sir James Ross wintered in 1822-23.
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America,
Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873
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