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Elgin Road to Exploits River, Canada

ELGIN ROAD, a station on the G.T.R. in L'Islet co., Que., 75 miles east of Quebec.

ELMVILLE, a post village in Huron co., Ont., 22 miles from St. Mary's. Pop. 100.

ELIZABETHVILLE, a post village in Durham co., Ont., 15 miles from Port Hope, It contains a saw mill and 2 cheese factories. Pop. 150.

ELLENGOWAN, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., 10 miles from Walkerton. Pop. 100.

ELLERSHAUSEN, a post village in Hants co., N.S., on the I.R., 36 miles from Halifax.  It contains an hotel, 4 stores and a furniture factory. Pop. 300.

ELLERSLIE, a post village in Prince co., P.E.I., 4½ miles from Alberton.  It has a saw, carding and shingle mills and shipyards. Pop. 150

ELLESMERE, a post village in York co., Ont., 2½ miles from Agincourt.  It has 2 stores and 1 sawmill. Pop. 40.

ELLIOTT, a post settlement in Lanark co., Ont., 10 miles from Perth. Pop. 80.

ELLIOTT'S MILLS, a small village in Durham co., Ont., 18 miles from Port Hope. Pop. 50.

ELMBARK, a post village in Peel co., Ont., 2½ miles from Malton.  It contains 2 churches, 1 store, 1 wagon and 1 blacksmith shop. Pop. 70

ELM GROVE, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., on the Nottawasaga River, 16 miles from Gilford. Pop. 100.

ELMIRA, or WEST WOOLWICH, a thriving post village in Waterloo co., Ont., 12 miles from Berlin. It contains several stores, hotels, mills, and factories, an iron foundry, a printing office from which a weekly German newspaper is issued, and a telegraph office. Pop. 800.

ELMSDALE, a post village in Hants co., N S., near the confluence of Nine Mile River with the Shubenacadie, and on the I. R., 30 miles from Halifax. It contains a carriage factory and 2 stores. The river here is noted for its fine salmon and trout fishery. Pop. 200.

ELMSVILLE, or ST. PAULS, a post village in Pictou co., N.S , on the east branch of East river, 20 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 120.

ELM TREE, a settlement in Gloucester co., N.B., on the I. R., 14 miles from Bathurst. Pop. 150.

ELMVALE, Pictou co., N.S. See Middle River.

ELMVALE. a post village in Simcoe co.. Ont., 20 miles from Barrie. Pop. 150.

ELMWOOD, a post office in Bruce CO., Out., 14 miles from Walkerton

ELORA, an incorporated village in Wellington co., Out,, at the confluence of the Grand and Irvine rivers, and on the W. G. & B. R. , 1 4 miles from Guelph. It possesses unlimited water power, and contains a branch bank, 2 telegraph offices, several insurance agencies, churches, and hotels, grist and planing mills, two distilleries, a brewery, an extensive foundry, a brickfield, woolen, chair, sash, door and barrel factories, a number of stores, and a large trade in cattle, grain and flour. Two weekly newspapers are published in Flora. The surrounding scenery is very beautiful, giving the village, a romantic appearance. Pop. 1,498.

ELPHIN, a post village in Lanark co., Ont., 30 miles from Perth. Pop. 30.

ELSINORE, a post village in Bruce co., Out., 17 miles from Owen Sound. Pop. 50.

EMBRO, or PALMERSTON DEPOT, an incorporated village in Oxford co., Out., on the bank of the River Thames, 6 miles from Beachville, 98 miles S.W. of Toronto. It contains several stores, two grist mills, a saw mill, a flax mill, a woolen factory, a cheese factory, 2 printing offices issuing weekly newspapers, and a telegraph office. Pop. 484.

EMBRUN, a post village in Russell co., Out., on the River Castor, 25 miles from Ottawa. Pop. 100.

EMERALD, a post village in Lennox co., Ont ., 2½ miles from Bath, 18 miles from Kingston. Pop. 100.

EMERSON, a post village in Brome co., Que., on the S. E. R., 11 miles from Richford, Vt., 64 miles from Montreal. It contains 1 store, a cheese factory, and an hotel.

EMIGRANT ROAD, a post settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., 13 miles from Baie Verte. Pop. 100.

EMIGRANT SETTLEMENT, a post settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., 10 miles from Baie Verte. Pop. 200.

ENFIELD, a post village in Durham co., Ont., 12 miles from Oshawa, Pop. 80.

ENFIELD, a post village in Hants co., N.S., oil the I. R., 28 miles from Halifax. This district contains productive gold mines. Quartz mills are in operation 3 miles from the station. Pop. 150.

ENGLISH COVE, a small fishing settlement on the north side of Conception Bay, Nfld., 3 miles from Brigus. Pop. 80.

ENGLISH CORNER, or HAMMOND PLAIN, a post settlement in Halifax co., N.S., 9 miles from Bedford. Pop. 35.

ENGLISH HARBOR, a fishing station on the French shore, Nfld., at the entrance of Canada Bay, 45 miles from La Scie. Pop. 68.

ENGLISH HARBOR, a fishing settlement on the north side of Trinity Bay, Nfld., 7 miles from Trinity. Pop. 350.

ENGLISH HARBOR, a small fishing settlement in the district of Bonavista, Nfld., on Green's Pond Island, 1 mile from Green's Pond. Pop. 78.

ENGLISH HARBOR EAST, a small fishing settlement on the north side of Fortune Bay, Nfld., 54 miles from Harbor Briton. Pop. 100.

ENGLISH HARBOR WEST, a post town and port of entry in the district of Fortune Bay, Nfld., 4 miles from Belleorem. It is the seat of a large herring and cod fishery. Pop. 210.

ENGLISH SETTLEMENT, a post settlement in Queens co., N.B., 13 miles from Apohaqui. Pop. 200.

ENGLISH TOWN, or ST. ANN, a seaport of Victoria co., N.S., on St. Ann's Bay, 19 miles from Baddeck. Pop. 524.

ENNISKILLEN, Grey co., Ont. See Varney.

EXNISKILLEN, or CHARLESVILLE, a post village in Durham co., Out., 8 miles N.W. of Bowmanville. It contains several stores and hotels, and a telegraph office. Pop. 250.

ENNISKILLEN, a post village in Queens co., N.B., on the E. &. N. A. R., 34 miles from St. John. It contains a telegraph office, and several saw mills, and has a large lumber trade. Pop. 150.

ENNISMORE, a post village in Peterborough co., Ont., 10 miles from Peterborough. It contains shingle and stave factories, and a saw mill. Pop. 190.

ENNISVILLE, Lanark co., Ont. See Innisville.

ENNOTVILLE, Wellington co., Ont. See Barnett.

ENTERPRISE, a post village in Addington co., Ont., on Jackson's Creek, 10 miles from Centreville. It contains a telegraph office, a saw mill, a cheese factory, and several stores. Pop. 250.

EPPING, a post office in Grey co., Ont., 10 miles from Meaford.

EPSOM, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., 7 miles from Uxbridge. Pop. 80.

ERAMOSA, a post village in Wellington co., Ont., 5 miles from Guelph. Pop. 100.

ERB SETTLEMENT, a small settlement in Kings co., N.B., 4 miles from Apohaqui. Pop. 50.

ERBSVILLE, a post office in Waterloo co., Ont., 7 miles from Berlin.

ERIE, a post village in Haldimand co., Ont., 5 miles from Jarvis. Pop. 80.

ERIN, a flourishing post village in Wellington co., Ont., on a branch of the River Credit, 20 miles from Guelph. It contains a woolen factory, saw, grist and lath mills, stave and potash factories, tannery, lime and freestone quarries, a drill shed, a telegraph office, and several stores and hotels. Pop. 600.

ERINSVILLE, a post village in Addington co., Ont., on Salmon river, 24 miles from Napanee. Pop. 70.

ERINVILLE, a post village in Guysborough co., N.S., 18 miles from Guysborough. Pen. 100.

ERNESTOWN STATION, a post village in Lennox co., Ont., on the G.T.R., 15 miles from Kingston. It contains a woolen factory and a telegraph office. Pop. 150.

ERROL, a post village in Lambton co., Ont., 2 miles from Camlachie, Pop. 100.

ESCOTT, a post village In Leeds co., Ont., 5 miles from Mallorytown. Copper ore is found in the vicinity. It contains 2 saw mills and 2 cheese factories. Pop. 200.

ESCUMINAC, a post office in Northumberland co., N.B., 38 miles from Chatham.

ESCUMINAC, or ABOYNE, a post village in Bonaventure co., Que., on the Baie des Chaleurs, 5 miles from Dal-housie, N.B. Pop. 50.

ESKASONI, Cape Breton co., N.S., See Channel Islands.

ESPERANCE, Wolfe co., Que. See North Ham.

ESQUESING or STEWART TOWN, a post village in Halton co., Ont , 1½ miles from Georgetown. It contains flouring, saw and shingle mills. Pop. 250

ESQUIMALT, a seaport of British Columbia, on Vancouver Island, on the Strait of San Juan de Fuca, 05 miles from its entrance, and 3 miles from Victoria. The harbor of Esquimalt is very extensive, capable of receiving vessels of the largest class, and des-tined apparently 10 be, in connection with the Canada Pacific Railway, the future entrepot of a national commerce, the extent of which is not easy to foresee. Esquimalt is the station of Her Majesty's ships on this portion of the Pacific coast. Here are a naval-yard, an hospital, and other necessary buildings for the requirements of the squadron. A graving dock is in contemplation capable of admitting ships of the largest class; tenders for its construction have been invited by the Provincial Government. An excellent macadamized road connects Esquimalt and Victoria.

ESQUIMAUX, an island and harbor in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, on the N. or Labrador coast. Lat. 54° 35 N.; Ion. 50°21 W. The island is 2¼ miles long, and 1¾ miles broad, and about 250 feet in height on the N. side. The harbor is between the N. side of the island and the mainland.

ESQUIMAUX POINT, a post village in Saguenay co., Que., on the north shore of the St Lawrence, 163 miles from Gaspe Basin A large trade is done here in the fisheries. Pop. 862.

ESSEX, a peninsular county of Ontario, is situated between Lakes St. Clair and Huron, comprising an area of 150,394 acres. .It is traversed by the Great Western and Canada Southern railways, which have their terminus respectively at Windsor and Amherstburg, in this county, Capital, Sandwich. Pop. 32,697.

ESSEX CENTRE a post village in Essex co., Out.

ETANG DU NORD, a thriving post village at the western extremity of; Grindstone Island, one of the Magdalen group, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 120 miles from Gaspe Basin.

ETHEL, a post village iii Huron co., Ont., on the W. G. & B. R., (South ex-tension,) 22 miles from Palmerston. It contains a grist mill, a saw mill, and a pottery. Pop. 80.

ETOBICOKE, or LAMBTON, a post village in York co., Ont., 7½ miles from Toronto. Pop. 50.

EUGENIA, a post village in Grey co., Ont., romantically situated on Beaver river, 5 miles N. of Flesherton. In the course of a mile the Beaver river falls 334 feet, culminating at this village in a magnificent fall .of 70 feet. It gives unlimited water power. Eugenia contains a woolen factory, a grist mill, and 2 saw mills. Pop. 100.

EUPHRASIA, Grey co.. Ont. See Heathcote.

EVANGELINE, or St. HERMENEGELDE, a post village in Stanstead co., Que., 6 miles from Coaticook. Pop. 200.

EVELYN, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., 5 miles from Thorndale. Pop. 150.

EVERETT, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 10 miles from Angus. Pop. 100.

EVERSLEY, or TINLINE'S CORNERS, a post village in York co., Out., 3 miles from King. Pop. 150.

EVERTON, a thriving post village in Wellington co., Ont., on a branch of the Grand river, 10 miles from Guelph. It contains Hour and saw mills, tannery, potash factory, stave factory, and a telegraph office. Pop. 250.

EXETER, or FRANCISTOWN, a thriving post village in Huron co., Ont., on the River Aux Sable, 22 miles from Clinton. It contains a woolen factory, a cheese factory, a melodeon factory, several mills, and a telegraph office, and has a large trade in grain, flour and country produce. Pop. 1,000.

EXPLOITS BURNT ISLAND, a large fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo, Nfld., 12 miles from the mouth of Exploits river, 14 miles from Twillingate. Pop. 530.

EXPLOITS RIVER, a fishing settlement on the River Exploits, Nfld., 24 miles from Twillingate. Pop. 60.

Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America, Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873


Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America

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