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Cardigan to Charrington, Canada
CARDIGAN, a post village in Kings co., P.E.I., 22 miles from Charlottetown. It
contains several mills, stores and shipyards. Pop. 150.
CARDIGAN SETTLEMENT, York co., N.B. See Hampton.
CARD WELL, a county in the central part of Ontario; area 243,621 acres. It is
drained by the Credit River, and traversed by the Toronto, Grey and Bruce
railway. Pop. 16,500.
CARIBOO, a settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 4 miles from Pictou. Pop. 300.
CARIBOO COVE, a post village in Richmond co., N.S., 7 miles from Port
Hawkesbury. It contains 2 stores.
CARIBOO ISLAND, a fishing settlement on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, co.
of Saguenay, Que., 80 miles from Bersimis. Pop. 50.
CARIBOO ISLAND, an island off the N.E. coast of Nova Scotia, near the entrance
to Pictou harbor, 5 miles from Pictou. Lat. 45° 44' N., Lon. 62° 3 46' W.
CARIBOO POINT, a prominent peninsula on the N. shore of Lake Huron, famed on
account of the hieroglyphics which have been painted upon its brows in years
gone by, by an Indian race now supposed to be extinct. In the vicinity are found
large and beautiful agates.
CARIBOO RIVER, a small settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 6 miles from Pictou. Pop.
CARILLON, a pretty post village in Argenteuil co., Que., situated on the Ottawa
river, at the mouth of the Grenville canal, 51 miles from Montreal. It is a port
of landing of the Ottawa steamers and the S.E. terminus of the C. & G. R. and
has 2 telegraph agencies and several stores. Pop. 500.
CARLETON, a county in the eastern part of Ontario, has an area of 415,921 acres.
It is traversed by a railroad extending from Prescott, on the St. Lawrence, to
Ottawa, the capital of the Dominion, on the Ottawa, and by the Canada Central
railway. Capital, Ottawa. Pop. 43,284.
CARLETON, a county in the western part of New Brunswick, bounded on the W. by
the River St. John. It contains deposits of iron ore, and is intersected by the
New Brunswick and Canada railway. Area 772,000 acres. Capital, Woodstock. Pop.
CARLETON, a post village and settlement in Yarmouth co., N.S., 16 miles from
Yarmouth. Pop. 778.
CARLETON, a post village in Bonaventure co., Que., situated at the foot of the
Tracadieche Mountains, on the south shore of the Baie des Chaleurs, 36 miles
from Campbellton, and 5 miles from Dalhousie, N.B. It was first settled by
Acadians from Tracadie, who called the place Tracadieche. It is one of the most
attractive settlements on the coast. The mountains rise almost perpendicularly
at about a mile from the shore to a height of 1,400 feet. There is an excellent
bay opposite the village which affords a safe refuge for shipping from easterly
and northerly gales. It is a great herring fishery, and has a branch bank, a
telegraph office, and four mercantile establishments. The Quebec and Gulf Ports
steamers call regularly. Pop. 500.
CARLETON, a post village in Prince co., P.E.I., 33 miles from Charlottetown.
Pop. 200.
CARLETON, a thriving suburb of the city of St. John, N.B., situated on the
western side of the harbor, immediately opposite the city. It has a number of
steam saw mills, one large foundry, many fine residences, a public hall capable
of accommodating 1,600 persons, 7 churches, schools, &c. A large portion of its
inhabitants are engaged in the fisheries. From Carleton heights a beautiful view
is to be had of the city of St. John, the Suspension Bridge, Lunatic Asylum,
Partridge bland, and, on a clear day, the shores of Nova Scotia. A steam ferry
maintains communication with the city every fifteen minutes. Carleton is the
eastern terminus of the European and North American railway.
CARLETON, a village in Shelburne co., N.S., 9 miles from Shelburne. Pop. 1,044.
CARLETON PLACE, an incorporated town in Lanark co., Ont., situated on the
Mississippi river, 21 miles from Perth and 28 miles from Ottawa. It has
unlimited water power privileges, and contains several saw mills, a shingle
mill, a woolen factory, a number of stores, 4 churches, a telegraph office, aid
a printing office from which a weekly news-paper is issued. Carleton Place is
the junction of the Brockville and Ottawa and Canada Central railways. Steamers
ply between here and several places on the Mississippi river. Pop. 1,205.
CARLETON POINT, a post village in Prince co, P.E.I., 35 miles N.W. of
Charlottetown. Pop. 80.
CARLINGFORD, a post village in Perth co., Ont., 8 miles from Sebringville. It
contains saw and gristmills. Pop. 100.
CARLISLE, a post village in Wentworth co., Ont., 13 miles from Hamilton. It
contains an iron foundry. Pop. 100.
CARLISLE, Middlesex co., Ont. See Falkirk.
CARLOW, a post settlement in Carleton co., N.B., 40 miles from Woodstock. Pop.
CARLOW, a post settlement in Sunbury co., N.B., 8 miles from Fredericton. Pop.
CARLOW, or SMITH'S HILL, a post village in Huron co., Ont., 7 miles from
Goderich. Pop. 100.
CARLSRUHE, or KARLSRUHE, ("Charles's Rest,") a post village in Bruce co., Ont.,
10 miles from Walkerton. Pop. 150.
CARLTON, a small village in York co., Ont., on Black Creek, with a station on
the G. T. R., 5 miles from Toronto. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 150.
CARLUKE, a post village in Wentworth co., Ont., 14 miles from Hamilton. It
contains a sawmill, a gristmill,
CARMUNNOCK, a hamlet in Perth co., Ont. It contains 2 sawmills.
CARNARVON, a post village in Peterborough co., Ont., 41 mile's from Bobcaygeon.
Pop. 100.
CARNEGIE, a post office in Bruce co., Ont., 7 miles from Paisley.
CARP, a post village in Carleton co., Ont., 22 miles from Ottawa. It has a
telegraph office. Pop. 150.
CARRATRACA SPRINGS, a village in Prescott co., Ont., situated near the South
Nation river, 5 miles from Brown's wharf, on the River Ottawa. It is noted for
its mineral springs, whose waters are highly recommended for their medicinal
qualities. The annual consumption of Carratraca water exceeds 100,000 gallons.
Pop. 50.
CARROLL'S CORNERS, a post settlement in Halifax co., N.S., 3½ miles from
Shubenacadie. Pop. 120.
CARRONBROOK, a thriving post village in Perth co., Ont., on the G. T. R., 17
miles from Stratford. It has saw and planing mills, 1 stave factory, 1 soap and
candle factory, 1 pottery, 1 sash factory, a telegraph office, and several
stores. Salt wells in the vicinity are worked successfully. A weekly newspaper
is published here. Pop. 1,000.
CARRVILLE, a post village in York co., Ont., on a branch of the Don River, 3
miles from Richmond Hill. It has saw and gristmills. Pop. 100.
CARRYING PLACE, a village in Prince Edward co., Ont., situated at the head of
the Bay of Quinte, 5 miles from Trent. See Murray.
CARDSDAIL, a small village in Annapolis co., N.S., on the north side of
Annapolis River, 10 miles from Annapolis. Pop. 60.
CARSONBY, a post village in Carleton co., Ont., 8 miles from Osgoode. Pop. 175.
CARSONVILLE, a post village in Kings co., N.B., 13 miles from Apohaqui. Pop 150.
CARTHAGE, a post village in Perth co., Ont., 26 miles from Stratford. It
contains a saw and gristmill. Pop. 70.
CARTWRIGHT or TOOLEY'S CORNERS, also called Williamsburg, a post village in
Northumberland co., Ont., 15 miles from Bowmanville. Pop. 200.
CASCADE MOUNTAINS, a range of mountains on the coast of British Columbia, is the
northward extension of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The highest points do not
exceed 7,000 feet. All the waters of this range are received by the Fraser
CASCADES, a post office in Ottawa co., Que., 17 miles from Ottawa
CASCUMPEQUE, Prince co., P.E.I. See Alexandria
CASE SETTLEMENT, a post settlement in Kings co., N.B., 4 miles from Norton. Pop.
CASHELL or CROSBY'S CORNERS, a post village in York co., Ont., 8 miles from
Richmond Hill. Pop. 100.
CASHMERE, or CANTON, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., on the River Thames,
4 miles from Bothwell. It contains 2 gristmills, a saw mill, and a carding mill.
Pop. 100.
CASSELL, a small village in Oxford co., Ont., 7 miles from Bright. It contains a
sawmill. Pop. 30.
CASSELMAN, a post village in Russell co., Oat., 27 miles from Dickinson's
Landing. It contains a sawmill. Pop. 30.
CASTILE, a post village in Renfrew co., Ont., 42 miles from Renfrew. Pop. 50.
CASTLEBAR, or TINGWICK, a post village in Richmond co., Que., 3½ miles from
Danville. Pop. 150.
CASTLE COYE, a small fishing settlement in the district of Bonavista, Nfld, 7½
miles from King's Cove. Pop. 70.
CASTLEFORD, a station on the Brockville and Ottawa railway, in Renfrew co., Ont.
See Bonnechere Point.
CASTLEMORE, a post village in Peel co., Ont., 11 miles from Weston. Pop. 200.
CASTLE RAY, a hamlet in Colchester co., N.S., 12 miles from Thomson.
CASTLETON, a thriving post village in Northumberland co. Ont., 6 miles from
Colborne. It contains a carriage factory, a shingle factory, a brickfield,
several mills, a telegraph office, and a number of stores. Pop. 400.
CASTOR, an island at the N.W. end of Lake St. Peter, at the mouth of the River
Bayonne, Que.
CASTOR, Russell co., Ont. See Russell.
CATALINA, a post town and port of entry on the north side of Trinity Bay, Nfld.,
GO miles from St. John's. It has a good harbor, with a lighthouse on an island
at its entrance. The only noteworthy object in the town is a fine English
church, built of wood. Pop. 1,300
CATALONE, a post settlement in Cape Breton co., N.S., on Mira Bay, 18 miles from
Sydney. Pop. 130.
CATARACT, or CHURCH'S FALLS, a post village in Cardwell co., Ont., situated in a
deep valley on the S.W. side of Caledon Hill, 3½, miles from Alton. The River
Credit runs through the village affording good water power. It contains 2 woolen
mills, 1 saw mill, 1 gristmill, 3 breweries, 1 flax mill, and a telegraph
office. Pop. 200.
CATARAQUE, or WATERLOO, a post village in Frontenac co., Ont., 2 miles from
Kingston. Pop. 300.
CAT COVE, a fishing settlement on the French shore, Nfld., on the north side of
White Bay, 40 miles from La Scie. Pop. 9.
CAT COVE, a small fishing settlement on the north side of Trinity Bay, Nfld, 15
miles from Trinity. Pop. 34.
CAT HARBOR, a small fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate and Fogo,
Nfld., 15 miles from Green's Pond. Pop. 200.
CATHCART' or SYDENIT AM, a post village in Brant co., Ont., 6 miles from
Princeton. Pop. 100.
CAT ISLAND, a small island in Lake Huron, lying between the Isle of Cove and
horse Hand.
CAT POINT, a fishing, settlement in Shelburne co., N.S., on the seacoast, 12
miles from Barrington. Pop. 200.
CAT'S COVE, or NEW CONCEPTION, a large settlement at the head of Conception Ray,
district of Harbor Main, Nfld., 39 miles from St. John's. The surrounding
scenery is bold and beautiful. Pop. 619.
CAUGHNAWAGA, or SAULT ST. LOUIS, a post village in Laprairie co., Que., situated
on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, opposite the village of Lachine, with a
station on the G. T. R. (Province line division), 10 miles from Montreal, and 15
miles from Beauharnois. It is entirely inhabited by Indians of the Iroquois
tribe, and the civil laws of the locality are administered by a council of seven
chiefs. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 1,650.
CAUSAPSCUL, a post office in Rimouski co., Que., on the I. R., 61 miles from
St.. Flavie. It has a telegraph office.
CAVAN, a post village in Durham co., Ont., 5 miles from Millbrook. It contains 1
church, 1 carding mill, 1 tannery, and several stores. Pop. 100.
CAVENDISH a post village in Queens co., P.E.I., 24 miles N.W. of Charlottetown.
Pop. 200.
CAWDOR, a post village in Addington co., Ont., 34 miles N.E. of Napanee. Pop.
CANTON, St Maurice co., Que. See St. Elie.
CAYUGA, the chief town of the co. of Haldimand, Ont., is situated on Grand
river, and on the G. W. (Canada Air Line) aid C. S. R's, 6 miles from Canfield,
25 miles S. of Hamilton. It contains, besides the county buildings, a number of
stores and hotels, a telegraph office, and two printing offices from which
weekly newspapers are issued. It has a large export trade in square and round
timber, sawn lumber and grain Pop. 803.
CAYUGA HEIGHTS, Brant co., Ont. See Cainsville.
CAZAVILLE, a post village in Huntingdon co., Que., 6 miles from St. Anicet, Pop,
CEDAR DALE, a village in Ontario co., Ont., on the G. T. R., 3 miles from
Oshawa. It contains a large scythe, hoe and fork factory. Pop. 250.
CEDAR GROVE, a post village in York co., Ont., on the Range river, 4 miles from
Markham. It contains 3 saw mills, 1 grist mill and 2 cheese factories. Pop. 150.
CEDAR HALL, a post village in Rimouski co., Que., 35 miles from St. Flavie.
CEDAR HILL, a post office in Lanark co., Ont., 4 miles from Pakenham.
CEDAR LAKE, a post village in Digby co. N.S., 14 miles N. of Yarmouth. Pop. 150.
CEDAR LAKE, Addington co., Ont. See Denbigh.
CEDARS, a post village in Vaudreuil co., Que., on the River St. Lawrence, with a
station on the G. T. R., 29 miles S.W. of Montreal. It contains 5 stores and 2
hotels. The Cedar Rapids, the passing through which is very exciting, are nearly
opposite the village. Pop. 300.
CEDARVILLE, a post village in Grey co., Ont., 10 miles from Mount Forest. It
contains 1 sawmill, and an ashery. Pop. 50.
CENTRAL BEDEQUE, a small village in Prince co., P.E.I., 9 miles from Summerside.
Pop. 125.
CENTRAL BLISSVILLE, a post settlement in Sunbury co., N.B., 3 miles from
Blissville. Pop. 150.
CENTRAL CAMBRIDGE, a post village in Queens co., N.B., 20 miles N.W. of Norton.
Pop. 80.
CENTRAL CHEBOGUE, a post village in Yarmouth co., N.S., 2½ miles from Yarmouth.
Pop. 400.
CENTRALIA, or DEVON, a post village in Huron co., Ont., 10 miles from Lucan.
Pop. 150.
CENTRAL KINGSCLE AR, a post settlement in York co., N.B., on the south side of
the St. John river, 11 miles above Fredericton ton. Pop. 150.
CENTRAL NORTON, a post settlement in Kings co., N.B., 4 miles from Ossekeag.
Pop. 100.
CENTRAL ONSLOW, a post village in Colchester co., N.S., on Cobequid Bay, 3 miles
from Truro. Pop. 200.
CENTRE, a hamlet in Cumberland co., N.S, ½ mile from Athol.
CENTRE AUGUSTA, a post village in Grenville co., Ont., 12 miles from Prescott.
Pop. 100.
CENTRE HILL, an isolated peak near Bay Bulls Arm, Trinity Bay, Nfld., viewing it
from whence it has a very imposing appearance. It has upwards of 1,000 feet
elevation, and from the summit an extensive view is had of the whole of
Placentia and Trinity Bays, as well as some of the highlands about Conception,
Bouavista and Fortune Bays.
CENTRE RANGE, a settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S on the seacoast, 5 miles from
Lunenburg. Pop. 300.
CENTRETON, a post village in Northumberland co., Ont, 8 miles from Grafton. Pop.
CENTRE VILLAGE, a post village in Westmorland co., N.B., 13 miles from
Sackville. Pop. 100.
CENTREVILLE, a hamlet in Norfolk co., Ont. It has 1 store.
CENTREVILLE, a post village in Addington co., Ont., on Whelan's Creek, 17 miles
Co., Napanee. It has a telegraph office and several stores. Pop. 300.
CENTREVILLE, a post village in
Albert co., N.B., on the Petitcodiac River, 141 miles below Moncton. Pop. 200.
CENTREVILLE, a post village and settlement in Carleton co., N.13., 20 miles from
Woodstock. Pop. 600.
CENTREVILLE, a post village in Kings co., N.S., 4 miles from Kentville. Pop.
CENTREVILLE, a small village in Oxford co., Ont., on a branch of the River
Thames, 2 miles from Ingersoll. It has good waterpower privileges. Pop. 150.
CENTREVILLE, a small village in Peel co., Ont., 3 miles from Charleston. It
contains a carding mill and a gristmill. Pop. 50.
CENTREVILLE, or TROUT COVE, a post village in Digby co., N S., on Digby Neck, 14
miles S.W. of Digby. Pop. 200.
CENTREVILLE, Elgin co., Ont. See Luton.
CENTREVILLE, Lunenburg co., N.S. See New Germany.
CENTREVILLE, Northumberland co., Ont. See Norham.
CENTREVILLE, Peterborough co., Ont. See South Monaghan.
CENTREVILLE, Prince co., P.E.I. See Bedeque.
CHAMBERLAIN, a small fishing settlement on the south shore of Conception Bay,
Nfld., 2 miles from Topsail. Pop. 80.
CHAMBLY, a county of the province of Quebec, bounded on the west by the St.
Lawrence, and on the southeast by the Richelieu River, has an area of 101,529
acres. The chief products are oats, hay, flax, wool and tobacco. Capital,
Longueuil. Pop. 10,498.
CHAMBLY BASIN, a flourishing post village in Chambly co., Que., pleasantly
situated on the Richelieu river, between the west side of the St. Johns canal
and Montreal river (a small stream), and on the Montreal, Chambly and Sorel
railway; I mile from Chambly Canton, 13 miles from St. Hilaire, and 15 miles
from Montreal. It possesses extensive waterpower, and contains a large hospital,
under the direction of the Grey Nuns, a good college, and a number of stores.
Pop. 770.
CIIAMBLY CANTON, a thriving post village in Chambly co., Que., pleasantly
situated on the west side of the Richelieu river, (which here expands into a
beautiful lake,) between the rapids and the east side of St. Johns canal, 1 mile
from Chambly Basin, and 16 miles from Montreal. It contains saw, grist, paper,
carding and woolen mills, and a telegraph office, and possesses unlimited
waterpower. This place was named after Mons de Chambly, who erected a fort here
in 1711. The fort has some resemblance to an ancient castle. As many as 6,000
troops have been encamped on the plain near it. Pop. 600.
CHAMBORD, a post office in Chicoutimi co., Que., 87 miles from Chicoutimi.
CHAMCOOK, a post village in Charlotte co., N.B., on the N. B.C. R., 5 miles from
St. Andrews. Pop. 150.
CHAMPLAIN, a county in the northwest part of the province of Quebec, bordering
on the River St. Lawrence, has an area of 2,887,823 acres. It is traversed by
the St. Maurice River, and contains numerous small rivers and lakes. Capital,
Batiscan. Pop. 21,643.
CHAMPLAIN, a post village in the above county, situated on the River St.
Lawrence, 75 miles S.W. of Quebec. It contains a church, a convent, 5 stores, a
telegraph office, a lighthouse, and several mills. Pop. 400.
CHANCE COVE, a small fishing settlement on the Isthmus of Avalon, district of
Trinity Bay, Nfld., 12 miles from New Harbor. Pop. 98.
CIIANCE HARBOR, a post settlement in St. John co., N.B., 21½ miles from St.
John. Pop. 150.
CHANCE HARBOR, a settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 5 miles from Pictou. Pop. 50.
CHANDOS, a post village in Peterborough co., Ont., 43 miles from Peterborough.
It contains two stores. The lakes in the neighborhood abound with salmon trout,
and the forests with deer.
CHANGE ISLANDS, a group of islands in the district of Twillingate and Fogo,
Nfld., 8 miles from Fogo. Pop. 520.
CHANNEL, or PORT ALTX BASQUES, a post town and port of entry in the district of
Burgeo and La Poile, Nfld., 300 miles from St. John's. It is the most westerly
settlement of importance on the island, and the last station on the western
steamer's route. It has a telegraph office and several stores. The inhabitants
are engaged in the cod fishery all the year round. Pop. 584.
CHANNEL ISLANDS, or ESKASONI, a post office in Cape Breton co., N.S. 15 miles
from Sydney.
CHANTELLE, a post office in Montcalm co., Que., 17 miles from Rawdon.
CHANTRY, a post village in Leeds co., Ont., 31 miles from Brockville. It
contains 2 stores.
CHANTRY ISLAND, a small rocky island on the E. coast of Lake Huron, about 1 mile
off Saugeen. Lat. 44° 29' 80' N., lon. 81° 23' 20' W. On it is a lighthouse.
CHAPEAU or ALLUME TTE ISLAND, a post village in Pontiac co., Que., situated on
Allumette Island, in the Ottawa river 6 miles from Pembroke. It takes its name
from a rock in the rapids near by resembling a hat (chapeau.) It has a telegraph
office and several stores. Steamers ply between here and Bryson, Pop. 250.
CHAPEL'S COVE, a fishing settlement on the north side of Conception Bay, Nfld.,
3 miles from Holyrood. Pop. 495.
CHAPLAIN ISLAND ROAD, a post settlement in Northumberland Co, N.B., 8 miles from
Newcastle. Pop. 175.
CHAPMAN, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., on the River Moira, 20 miles from
Belleville. It contains 1 store, 1 saw mill and a cheese box factory. Pop. 40.
CHAPMAN, a post village in Westmorland co., N.B. on the Little Shemogue river,
20 miles from Shediac. It contains 2 churches 1 store, 5 saw mills and 2
gristmills. Pop. 400.
CHARING CROSS, or COOK'S CORNERS, a post village in Kent co., Ont., on the C. S.
R., 54 miles from Amherstburg. Pop. 150.
CHARLESBOURG, the chief town of the county of Quebec, situated in rear of
Beauport, 4 miles from Quebec. It has an extensive lumber and general trade, and
contains a church and convent. Pop. 800.
CHARLES BROOK, a fishing station on the French shore, Nfld., at the head of
White Bay. 60 miles from La Scie. Pop. 49.
CHARLESTON, a post village in Leeds co., Ont., on Charleston Lake, 18 miles from
Brockville. It contains a gristmill and 2 saw mills. Pop. 80.
CHARLESTON, a small village in Queens co., N.S., on Port Medway river, 12 miles
from Liverpool. Pop. 150.
CHARLESTON, or CALEDON, a post village in Cardwell co., Ont., on the T. G. & B.
R., 41 miles from Toronto. It contains 5 stores, 3 hotels, 1 gristmill, 1
brewery, a telegraph office, and 2 churches. Pop. 300.
CHARLESTON or DICKENS, a post settlement in Carleton co., N.B.15 miles from
Woodstock. Pop. 150.
CHARLESTON, Stanstead co., Que. See Hatley.
CHARLES ISLAND, an island in Hudson's Strait; lat. (E. point) 62° 44' N., lon.
74° 18' W.
CHARLES ISLAND, an island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, near its northern coast.
Lat. 50° 12" N., lon. 63° 15" W. It is 3 miles long and 1½ miles broad. On its
north side it has a safe though confined harbor.
CHARLESVILLE or AULTSVILLE, a post village in Stormont co., Ont., on the River
St. Lawrence, 90 miles N.E. of Kingston. It contains 7 stores, 2 potteries, a
potash factory, and several saw and gristmills. Pop. 300. See Aultsville.
CIIARLESVILLE, Durham. co., Ont. See Enniskillen
CHARLESVILLE, Durham co., Ont. See Haydon.
CHARLEVILLE, or AUGUSTA TOWN HALL, a post village in Grenville co., Ont., on the
South Nation river, 7 miles from on' Prescott. Pop. 200.
CARLEVOIX, a county in the N.E. part of Quebec, having the St. Lawrence for its
S. boundary. Area 1,253,860 acres. Capital, St. Paul's Bay. Pop. 15,611.
CHARLO'S COVE, a post village in Guysborough co., N.S., 40 miles S. of
Guysborough. Pop. 100.
CHATBORO', a post office in Argenteuil co., Que., 3 miles from Cushing. Pop.
CHARLOTTE, a maritime county in the S.W. part of New Brunswick, bounded on the
south by the Bay of Fundy and Passamaquoddy Bay, and on the west and south-west
by Maine, from which it is separated by the St. Croix river. Numerous
indentations mark the coast, off which are the Grand Manan, Campo Bello, and
Deer Island, belonging to this county. The soil is fertile, but the greater part
of the county is still covered with forests. The chief industry of the
inhabitants is directed to commerce, ship building, lumbering, and the
fisheries. The county is traversed by the New Brunswick and Canada railway.
Capital, St. Andrews. Area 247,000 acres. Pop. 25,892.
CHARLOTTE ISLAND. See Queen Charlotte's Islands.
CHARLOTTETOWN, the capital of Prince Edward Island, and of Queens co., is well
situated on the Hillsborough River, near the southern coast. Lat. 46° 15' N.,
lon. 63° W. It is well built on a gently rising ground. The principal edifices
are the government buildings, post office, court house, market, public hall,
athenaeum, exchange, drill shed, Prince of Wales, St. Dunstan's and Methodist
colleges, Normal school, convent, lunatic asylum, gaol, and 9 churches-Church of
England (2), Roman Catholic Cathedral, Church of Scotland, Presbyterian (2,)
Wesleyan Methodist, Baptist and Bible Christian. 1 semi-monthly, 1 semiweekly
and 7 weekly newspapers are published in Charlottetown. The town contains,
besides what is above enumerated, 3 banks, a savings bank, a woolen factory,
iron foundry, ship building yards, &c. The streets, which are lighted with gas,
are wide and well laid out. A railway is in course of construction which will
connect the capital with the principal towns and villages on the Island. Pop.
CHARLOTTEVILLE CENTRE, Norfolk co., Ont. See Walsh.
CHARLTON, an island in James Bay. North West Territories. Lat. 52° N., lon. 79°
50' W.
CHARRINGTON, a post village in Compton co., Que., on the Clifton River, 14 miles
from Sherbrooke. It contains 2 churches, 1 store, 1 saw mill and 1 gristmill.
Pop. 75.
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America,
Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873
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