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Blackberry Mountain to Bristol, Canada
BLACKBERRY MOUNTAIN, a considerable elevation on the
right bank of Lake Massawippi, in Stanstead co., Que It is a great
resort during the season for parties blackberry picking, that fruit
growing here very abundantly.
BLACK BROOK, a post settlement in Northumberland co., N.B., 8 miles
from Chatham. Pop. 300.
BLACK BROOK, (St Mary's,) a hamlet in Pictou co., N.S. It contains 2
BLACK BUSH, a post village in Kings co., P.E.I., 50 miles from
Charlottetown. Pop. 100.
BLACK CAPE, a telegraph station in Bonaventure co., Que. See Caplin.
BLACK CREEK, a post village in Welland co , Ont., at the mouth of
the Black Creek, with a station on the E.& K. B., 7 miles from Fort
Erie. Pop. 150.
BLACK CREEK, Perth co., Ont. See Sebringville.
BLACK HEAD, a fishing settlement in the district of St. John's,
Nfld., 4 mile3 from St. John's. Pop. 200.
BLACK HEAD, a fishing settlement on the N. side of Conception Bay,
Nfld., 14 miles from Carbonear. Pop. 250
BLACK HEAD COVE, a small fishing station in the district of
Twillingate and Fogo, Nfld., 14 miles from Fogo. Pop 6.
BLACK HEATH, or ANDERSONS CORNERS, a post village in Haldmand co.,
Ont., 13 miles from Cayuga. It contains 1 store.
BLACK HORSE CORNERS, Bruce co., Ont. See Kinloss.
BLACK ISLAND, an island at the entrance to Exploits Bay, Nfld., 15
miles from Twillingate.
BLACK ISLAND, a fishing settlement in the district of Twillingate
and Fogo, Nfld., 10 miles from Twillingate. Pop. 150.
BLACKLANDS, a post village and settlement in Restigouche co., N B.,
on the 1. R., 10 miles from Dalhousie. It has a telegraph office.
Pop. 250.
BLACKLANDS, or MERELAND, a post settlement in Antigonish co., N.S.,
5 miles from Tracadie. Pop. 300.
BLACKLEY'S CORNERS, Oxford co., Ont. See Burnville.
BLACK POINT, a fishing settlement in Shelburne co , N S , on a point
of land projecting into the Atlantic Occam 20 miles from Shelburne.
Fishing from the shore in boats, and vessel fishing on the Banks of
Newfoundland, are the chief occupation of the inhabitants. Black
Point is about 2½ miles in length from North to South, and about a
half mile in breadth from East to West. Round Bay is on the E., and
North East harbor on the W. The principal part of the land is
covered with dense thickets of small spruce, firs, &c, and the soil
is boggy and turfy. Some islands in the ocean, a mile to the south,
give beauty to the prospect, or view. Pop. 250.
BLACK POINT, a post settlement in Halifax co., NS, 10 miles from
Halifax. Pop. 150.
BLACK POINT, a post settlement in Restigouche co., N B., on the I.
R., 15 miles from Dalhousie. Pop. 150.
BLACK RIVER, a post settlement in Northumberland co., N.B., 8 miles
from Chatham. Pop. 100.
BLACK RIVER, a post village in St, John co., N.B., on the Bay of
Fundy, 17 miles from St. John. Shipbuilding is engaged in here. Pop.
BLACK RIVER, a post village in Antgonish co., N.S, 50 miles S.E. of
New Glasgow. Pop. 100.
BLACK RIVER, a settlement in Kent co , N.B., 2 miles from Buctouche.
Pop 300.
BLACK RIVER, a small settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 15 miles from
Pictou. Pop. 60.
BLACK RIVER, a small village in Charlevoix co., Que., on the north
shore of the St. Lawrence, 23 miles from Rivière du Loup en bus.
BLACK RIVER, a telegraph station at the head of Placentia Bay,
Nfld., 40 miles from Little Placentia.
BLACK RIVER, Richmond co., N.S., See Rear of Black River.
BLACK RIVER BRIDGE, a post office in Northumberland co., N.B., 12
miles from Chatham.
Lotbinière co., Que., on the G T R., 21 miles from Quebec. It
contains a telegraph office and several stores. Pop. 300.
BLACK ROCK, a post village in Cumberland co., N.S., 7 miles from
Parrsborough. Pop 150
BLACK'S HARBOR, a small settlement in Charlotte co., N.B., on Mace's
Bay, an arm of the Bay of Fundy, 12½ miles from St George. Pop. 100.
BLACKVILLE, a post settlement in Northumberland co., N.B., 31 miles
from Chatham. Pop 450.
BLAIR, a post village in Waterloo co., Ont., 2 miles from Preston.
It contains a woolen factory and a sawmill. Pop. 100.
BLAIRTON, a post village in Peterborough co., Ont., on Marmora Lake,
35 miles from Peterborough. Productive iron mines are worked in the
vicinity. It contains a telegraph office and 6 stores. Pop. 350.
BLANCHARD'S ROAD, a post settlement in Pictou co., N.S., on
Sutherland's River, 12 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 100.
BLANCHE, a village in Shelburne co., N.S., on the sea coast, 18
miles from Shelburne. Pop. 100.
BLANDFORD, or ST. LOUIS DE BLANDFORD, a post village in Arthabaska
co., Que., on the Becancour river, 8 miles from Stanfold. It
contains several saw and gristmills, and has a large lumber trade.
Pop. 150.
BLANDFORD, a post village in Lunenburg co., N.S., 44 miles west of
Halifax Pop 100.
BLANEY RIDGE, a post settlement in York co., N.B., 37 miles from
Fredericton. Pop. 125.
BLANTYRE, a post office in Grey co., Ont., 12 miles from Meatord.
BLENHEIM, Kent co., Ont. See Rondeau.
BLES3INGTON, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., 7 miles from
Shannonville. Pop. 250.
BLIND BAY, a small settlement in Halifax co., N.S., on the seacoast,
21 miles from Halifax. Pop. 50.
BLISSFIELD, a post settlement in Northumberland co., N. B., 60 miles
from Fredericton. Pop. 150.
BLISSVILLE, or FREDERICTON JUNCTION, a post village in Sunbury co.,
N B., on the Oromocto river, at the junction of the European and
North American (consolidated) and Fredericton Branch railways, 43¾
miles from St. John, 22 miles from Fredericton. It contains saw and
gristmills, a telegraph office, several stores and hotels, and a
fine station and workshops. Pop 300.
BLISSVILLE, or SOUTH BRANCH OROMOCTO, a post village in Sunbury
county, N.B. on the south branch of the Oromncto River, an important
tributary to the St. John, with a station on the E. & N A. R., 42
miles from St. John. It has a telegraph office, and a large lumber
trade Pop. 200
BLOCK HOUSE, a village in Lunen-burg co., N.S., 8 miles from
Lunenburg. Pop. 200.
BLOOMFIELD, Peterborough co., Ont. See South Monaghan.
BLOOMFIELD, a post village m Prince Edward co., Ont., on Great Sandy
Bay, 42 miles S.W. of Kingston, and 5 miles from Picton. It has a
tannery, a carding mill, several saw and grist mill-, a telegraph
office, and about 400 inhabitants.
BLOOMFIELD, a post settlement la Carleton co., N.B., 15 miles from
Woodstock. Pop. 300.
BLOOMFIELD, a post village in Kings co., N.B., on the I. R., 27
miles from St. John. Pop. 200.
BLOOMFIELD, a small settlement in Digby co., N.S., 7 miles from
Digby. Pop. 50.
BLOOMINGDALE, a post village in Waterloo co., Ont., 5 miles from
Berlin. Pop. 100.
BLOOMINGTON, a post village in York co., Ont., 4 miles from
BLOOMSBERRY, a small settlement in St. John co., N.B., 13 miles from
St. John. Pop. 100.
BLOOMSBURG, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., on Black Creek, 5
mile3 from Simcoe, 20 miles from Brantford. Steamers run between
here and Port Ryerse, on Lake Erie. Pop. 100.
BLOW ME DOWN, a small fishing settlement on the north side of
Conception Bay, Nfld., 3 miles from Pori de Grave. Pop. 60.
BLUEBERRY a settlement in Queens co., N.S., 9 miles from Liverpool.
Pop. 300.
BLUEBERRY HILLS, in Chicoutimi co., Que., are between Commissioners
Lake and Bouchette Lake.
BLUE MOUNTAIN, a post settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 14 miles from
New Glasgow. It contains a gristmill and 2 stores. Pop. 150.
BLUE PINION, a small fishing settle-runt on the west side of Fortune
Bay, Nfld., 5 miles from Belleorem. Pop. 16.
BLUE ROCKS, a settlement in Lunenburg co., N.S., on the sea coast, 4
miles from Lunenburg; It derives its name from some remarkable rocks
in the vicinity, Top. 209.
BLUE'S MILLS, a post settlement in Inverness co., N.S., 25 miles
from Port Hastings Pop. 70.
BLUEVALE, a thriving post village in Huron co Ont., on Maitland
River and on the W. G. & B. R., (south extension) 34 miles from
Palmerston, 16 miles from Lucknow. It contains several stores and
hotels, 3 churches, a telegraph Office, and saw, grist, carding and
shingle mills. Pop. 300.
BLYTH a flourishing post village in Huron co., Ont., 10¼ miles from
Clinton. It contains a telegraph office, several stores and hotels,
grist, saw, shingle and planing mills, woolen, carding and cabinet
factories, and a brickfield. Pop. 700.
BLYTIIESWOOD, a post village in Essex co., Ont., 14 miles from
Stoney Point. Pop. 50.
BOBCA YGEON, an incorporated village in Victoria co., Ont., situated
on an island between Sturgeon and Pigeon Lakes, 18 miles from
Lindsay. A canal passes through the village connecting the above
lakes, and giving uninterrupted water communication for 75 miles.
Bobcaygeon is an important lumber depot, no less than 20,000,000
feet passing through it annually. It contains a number of stores,
several hotels, saw and planing mills, a telegraph office, and a
printing office issuing a weekly newspaper. Steamers run regularly
between here and Lindsay, Peterborough, Bridgenorth, Coboconk and
Fenelon Falls. Pop. 1,000.
BOCABEC, a post settlement in Charlotte co., N.B., on the Bocabec
River, 3 miles from Chamcook. Pop. 240.
BOGART, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., on Clare River, near
Lake Stoco, 28 miles from Belleville. Pop. 100.
BOIESTOWN, a post village in Northumberland co., N.B., on the S.W.
branch of the Miramichi River, 38 miles N. of Fredericton. It
contains a flouring mill and a good hotel, and is a favorite resort
of the angler, the river here being noted for its tine trout and
salmon fishing. Pop. 250.
BOIS BLANC ISLAND, a long narrow island in the Detroit river,
opposite Amherstburgh, Ont. On its S. point is a lighthouse.
BOISDALE, or BEAVER COVE, a post village in Cape Breton co., N S.,
on Little Bras d'Or lake, 26 miles from Sydney. It contains 1 store,
3 saw mills and 1 gristmill. Pop. 500.
BOISDALE CHAPEL, a post office in Cape Breton co., N.S.
BOIJNGBROKE, a post office in Lanark CO., Ont., 20 miles from Perth.
BOLSOVER, Victoria co., Ont. See Balsover.
BOLTON, a thriving post village in Cardwell co., Ont., on the Humber
river, with a station on the T. G. &. B. R., 25 miles from Toronto.
It contains 2 telegraph offices, a printing office, and several
stores and mills, and has a considerable trade in four and grain.
The post office is called Albion. Pop. 1,000.
BOLTOX CENTRE, or KIMBOLTQN, a post village in Brome co., Que., on
the Missisquoi River, 14 miles from Waterloo. It contains 1 sawmill,
1 gristmill, 2 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 200.
BOLTON CORNERS, Wellington co., Oat. See Cotswold.
BOLTON FOREST, a post village in Brome co., Que., 13 miles from
Waterloo. It contains a store and a sawmill. Copper mines are worked
in the vicinity. Pop. 40.
BOMAXTOX, or BOWMANTOX, a post village in Northumberland co., Ont.,
13 miles from Cobourg. Pop. 40.
BONAVENTURE, a county of Quebec, has an area of 2,106,081 acres.
Chief town, New Carlisle. Pop. 15,923.
BONAVENTURE, Bonaventure co., Que. See New Richmond.
BONAVENTURE ISLAND, a small island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence,
opposite Perce. It is 2£ miles long by J of a mile wide, and is well
settled, there being a Roman Catholic church, a school house, and
about 50 houses. In winter this island has the appearance of a vast
iceberg. It forms a natural breakwater between Perce and the Gulf.
BONAVENTURE RIVER, a post village in Bonaventure co., Que., on Baie
des Chaleurs, 10 miles from New Carlisle. It has a telegraph office
and several stores. Pop. 150.
BONAVISTA, a bay, cape and station on the east coast of
Newfoundland, the bay in lat. 48° 42 N., lon. 53° 8 W.
BOXAVISTA, the chief town of the district of Bonavista, Nfld., is
situated on the east coast of the province, 10 miles from Catalina,
100 miles from Sr. John's. It is a port of entry, and contains
several stores and churches. This is one of the oldest settlements
in Newfoundland. Pop. 2,600.
BON DESIR, a small settlement in Saguenay co., Que., on the north
shore of the St. Lawrence, 15 miles from Tadousac Pop. 50.
BOND HEAD, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 6 miles from
oBradford It contains a telegraph office, a foundry and a grist
mill. Pop 500.
BOND HEAD HARBOR, Durham co., Ont. See Newcastle.
BONGARD'S CORNERS, a post village in Prince Edward co., Ont., on the
Bay of Quinte, 9 miles from Picton. Pop. 200.
BONNE BAY, a fishing settlement and a bay on the French shore,
Nfld., 23 miles from the north head of Bay of Islands. It is much
frequented by United States and Nova Scotia fishermen on account of
its great herring fishery. The East river falls into the bay; its
banks are well timbered. The surrounding scenery is most attractive
Pop. 336.
village in Renfrew co., Ont., at the mouth of Bonnechere River, and
on the B. & O.R., 6 miles from Sand Point. Pop. 100.
BONSHAW, a small village in Queens co., P.E.I., on the West River 15
miles form Charlottetown. Pop. 75.
BONSVILLE, Oxford co., Ont., See Chesterfield.
BOOKTON, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., 6 miles from Windham.
Pop. 80.
BOOM, a post settlement in Inverness co., N.S., near the mouth of
River Dennis, 15 miles from Whycocomah. Pop. 150.
BORD À PLOUFFE, a thriving post village in Laval co., Que., situated
on Isle Jesus, between Rivière des Prairies and Jesus, 10½ miles
from Montreal. It has a telegraph office, several stores and hotels,
and a good trade in lumber and cattle. Pop. 1,200.
BORELIA, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., 15 miles from Oshawa.
Pop. 300.
BORNHOLME, a post village in Perth co., Ont., 5 miles from Mitchell.
It contains 2 hotels and 2 sawmills. Pop. 100.
BOSCOBEL, a post village in Shefford co., Que., 14 miles from Acton.
BOSTON, a post village in Norfolk co., on Boston Creek, 11 miles
from Brantford, 5 miles from Waterford. It contains a cheese
factory, a saw mill, and stave and pump factories. Pop. 500.
BOSWORTH, a post village in Wellington co., Ont., 13 miles from
Elora. It contains a gristmill. Pop. 150
BOTNAY, a post office in Bothwell co., Ont., 5½ miles from
BOTHWELL, a county in the W. part of Ontario, bounded on the S.E. by
Lake Erie and on the W. by Lake St. Clair. Area, 370,000 acres. It
is traversed by the Great Western and Canada Southern railways, and
is famed for its great oil springs. Chief town, Bothwell. Pop.
BOTHWELL, an incorporated village in Bothwell co., Ont., on the
River Thames, with a station on the G. W. R., 42 miles from London
It is in the centre of the oil regions, and contains 2 large oil
refineries, 2 saw mills, 1 woolen factory, 1 sash and door factory,
2 printing offices issuing weekly newspapers, several churches and
hotels, 2 telegraph offices, and a number of stores. It has a large
trade in flour, grain, cattle and lumber. Pop. 995.
BOTHWELL, a small village in Kings co., P.E.I., 30 miles from
Georgetown. Pop. 100.
BOTSFORD PORTAGE, a post settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., 15
miles from Shediac. Pop. 100.
BOUCHARDS, LES ISLES several islands on the S. shore of the St.
Lawrence, between Verchères and Contrecoeur, Que. The largest is
about 5 miles long by ½ a mile wide.
BOUCIIERVILLE, a mountain in the seigniory of Montarville, co. of
Chambly, Que. On its summit are two small lakes from whence descends
a rivulet which turns several mills. The first lake is picturesquely
situated on the brow of the mountain.
BOUCIIERVILLE, an incorporated village in Chambly co., Que.,
prettily situated on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, 9 miles
from Montreal. It has a telegraph office and several stores. Pop.
BOUDREAU, or BEACDREAC, VILLAGE, a post village in Westmorland co.,
N.B., on the Petitcodiac river, 11 miles from Memramcook. Pop. 100.
BOUGIE'S CORNERS, a small village in Hochelaga co., Que., on the
Back River road, 4 miles from Montreal.
BOUGOGEN, a settlement in Westmorland CO., N.B., 3 miles from
Barachois, 8 miles from Shediac. Pop. 100.
BOULARDERIE, a post settlement in Victoria co., N.S., on the north
side of an island of the same name in Bras d'Or Lake, 12 miles from
Baddeck. Pop. 150.
BOULTER, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., 100 miles back of
Belleville. Pop. 50.
BOULTON DITCH, a station on the G. T. R., (Buffalo and Goderich
division), in Monck co., Ont., 45 miles from Brantford.
BOUNDARY CREEK, or HARRIS'S CORNER, a post village in Westmorland
co., N.B., on the I. R., 10 miles from Moncton, Pop. 100.
BOUNDARY LINE, a station on the G. T. R., in Stanstead co., Que., 9
miles from Coaticook. See Stanhope.
BOUNDARY PRESQU'ILE, a post office in Carleton co., N.B., 35 miles
from Woodstock.
BOURDON, ISLE, a small island opposite the mouth of the River
L'Assomption, Que.
BOURGEOIS, a post office in Kent co., N.B.
BOURG LOUIS, a post village in Portneuf co., Que., on the north
shore of the St. Lawrence, 36 miles above Quebec. Pop. 80.
BOUT DE LISLE, a small village to Jacques Cartier co., Que., 21
miles from Montreal. See St. Anne Bout de lisle.
BOWEN, Hastings co., Out. See Mill Point.
BOWLING GREEN, a post village in Wellington co., Ont., 13 miles from
Orangeville. It contains a sawmill and a shingle mill. Pop. 30.
BOWMANTON, Northumberland co., Ont. See Bomanton.
BOWMANVILLE, an incorporated town and port of entry in Durham co.,
Ont., with an excellent harbor on Lake Ontario and a station on the
G. T. R., 43 miles. N.E. of Toronto. It contains the head office of
the Ontario bank, an agency of the Royal Canadian bank, a mechanics
institute, several assurance and insurance agencies, 2 telegraph
offices, 2 printing offices, from which three weekly newspapers are
issued, several churches and hotels, a number of stores, and
manufactories of iron castings, machinery, woolens, hoop-skirts,
furniture, carriages, leather, boots and shoes, cabinet ware, &c.
Its port of landing is 24 miles from the town, and is better known
as Port Darlington. Pop. 3,000.
BOWMORE, Simcoe co., Ont. See Duntroon.
BOWOOD, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., 7 miles from Ailsa
Craig. Pop. 170.
BOX GROVE, a post village in York co., Ont., 31 miles from Markham.
It has good water power, and contains a woolen factory, a saw mill,
and cheese factory. Pop. 150.
BOXY, a small fishing settlement in the district of Fortune Bay,
Nfld., 6 miles from English Harbor. Pop. 40.
BOYNE, a post village in Halton co., Ont., 3 miles from Milton. It
contains a woolen factory. Pop. 120.
BOYNTON, or LIBBEY'S MILLS, a post village in Stanstead co., Que.,
4§ miles from Ayers Flat. It contains saw and gristmills. Pop. 70.
BRACEBRIDGE, a thriving post village in Victoria co., Ont., on the
N. branch of the Muskoka river, 33 miles from Atherley, 125 miles
from Toronto. It contains a telegraph office, 2 printing offices, 1
sash factory, 1 grist mill, 4 saw mills, 1 woolen factory, 4 hotels,
about 20 stores, 4 churches, a court house and a registry office.
The Lake Muskoka steamers call daily during the season of
navigation. There is good hunting and fishing in the neighborhood.
Bracebridge is the business centre of the free grant district of
Muskoka. Pop. 700.
BRACKLEY POINT, a small village in Queens co., P.E.I., on the Prince
Edward Island railway, 13 miles from Charlottetown. Pop. 150.
BRADFORD, an incorporated village in Simcoe co., Ont., on the
Holland river, a stream flowing into Lake Simcoe, with a station on
the N. R., 42 miles N.N.W. of Toronto. It contains several churches,
hotels and stores, a woolen mill, a gristmill, a sawmill, an iron
foundry, &c., 2 telegraph offices, a branch bank, and a printing
office issuing a weekly newspaper. Pop. 1,130.
BRADLEY'S COVE, a fishing settlement on the north shore of
Conception Bay, Nfld., 16 miles from Carbonear. Pop. 135.
BRAE, a post village in Prince co., P.E.I., on the Prince Edward
Island railway, 35 miles from Summerside. Pop. 300.
BRAEMAR, a post village in Oxford co., Ont., 8 miles from Woodstock.
It contains a woollen factory, a cheese factory, and a sawmill. Pop.
BRAESIDE, a post village in Renfrew co., Out., on the B. & 0. 3
miles from Arnprior. It has a telegraph office.
BRAGG'S ISLAND, one of a group of islands on the west side of
Bonavista Bay, Nfld., 7 miles from Green's Pond. Pop. 36.
BRAHA, a small fishing station on the French shore, Nfld., 27 miles
from Croque. Seals are caught here. Pop. 40.
BRAMLEY, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., on the N. R., 56 miles
from Toronto. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 50.
BRAMPTON, the chief town of the co. of Peel, Ont., is situated on
the G. T. R., 21 miles N.W. of Toronto. It contains 4 or 5 churches,
a bank agency, several assurance and insurance agencies, a mechanics
institute, 2 telegraph offices, 2 printing offices, an iron foundry,
several factories, stores, hotels, &c. and is an important grain and
flour market. Pop. 2,900.
BRANCH, a fishing settlement on the west side of St. Mary's Bay,
Nfld., 16 miles from St. Mary's. Pop. 160.
BRANCH, Lunenburg co., N.S. See Upper Branch.
BRANCHTON, a post village in Waterloo co., Ont., on the W. G. & B.
R., 6 miles from Harrisburg. It contains a woollen factory and a
sawmill. Pop. 250.
BRANDY CREEK, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., 12 miles from
Simcoe. It contains a sawmill and a shingle mill. Pop. 100.
BRANDY POTS, several small islets in the River St. Lawrence, lying
off the N. E. end of Bare Island, below Quebec.
BRANT, a county in the S. part of the province of Ontario, W. of
Lake Ontario, has an area of 271,247 acres. It is drained by the
Grand River, and traversed by the Grand Trunk, Great Western and
Canada Southern Railways. The chief staples are lumber, wool, hops,
grain and the products of the dairy. Chief town, Brantford. Pop.
BRANTFORD, a commercial town and capital of the co. of Brant, Ont.,
24 miles S.N. of Hamilton, is situated on Grand River, which is
navigable within 2½ miles of the town, for which distance a canal
has been opened, affording uninterrupted water communication with
Lake Erie. It is an important station on the Buffalo and Goderich
branch of the G. T. R. A branch of the G. T. R. connects the town
with the main line at Harrisburg, and a railway 45 miles long is
projected, which will connect it with Port Burwell, on Lake Erie.
Brantford has agencies of the Bank of Montreal, Bank of British
North America, Canadian Bank of Commerce, and several assurance and
insurance companies, and contains churches of 10 denominations, 2
printing offices, from which 2 daily and 2 weekly newspapers are
issued, 2 telegraph offices, about 80 stores, a handsome stone court
house, a widows and orphans home, and other public buildings. The
buildings erected by the Grand Trunk are on a very extensive scale,
occupying 11 acres. They consist of a repair shop, engine house and
roundhouse, built of white brick Among the manufactures of the town
may be mentioned brass and iron castings, tin and japanned ware, and
Blinds, engines and mill machinery, agricultural implements, and
stoneware produced nowhere else in the province, The Brantford
machine works and the Victoria foundry each employ over 100 men The
streets of Brantford are lighted with gas, The town derives its name
from Brant, the great Indian chief, who surrendered the present plot
to the Government in 1830. Brantford is a port of entry. The total
value of imports for 1872 was $345,182; export $107,241. Pop. 8,107.
BRAZILS, a small fishing settlement in the district of Burgeo and La
Poile, Nfld., 5 miles from Rose Blanche. Pop. 27.
BREADALBANE, a post office in Restigouche co , N.B.
BRECHIN, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., 10 miles from
Beaverton. It contains 2 stores, a gristmill and a saw mill Pop l00.
BRENT'S COVE, a small fishing station on the French shore, Nfld., 7
miles from La Scie. Pop 21.
BRENTWOOD, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 1½ miles from New
Lowell, it contains 2 saw mills and 3 Stores. Pop. 200.
BRESLAU, a post village in Waterloo co., Ont., on the G. T. R., 4
miles E. of Berlin. It contains a telegraph office. Pop. 200.
BRETON, CAPE See Cape Breton.
BREWER'S MILLS, a post village in Frontenac co., Ont., on the Rideau
Canal, 17 miles from Kingston. It contains a telegraph office, and
saw, grist and carding mills. Pop. 150.
BREWSTER, a post village in Huron co., Ont., 28 miles from Goderich.
Pop. 100.
BRIDGEDALE, a post village in Albert co., N.B., on the Petitcodiac
river, opposite the town of Moncton A bridge connects the two
places. Pop. 57.
BRIDGENORTH, a post village in Peterborough co., Ont., on Lake
Chemong, 7 miles from Peterborough. It contains several stores and
mills. Pop 150.
BRIDGEPORT, a thriving post village in Waterloo co., Ont., on Grand
River, 2 miles from Berlin. It has good water power, and contains a
woolen factory, saw and gristmills, several stores and hotels, and a
telegraph office. Pop. 700.
BRIDGEPORT, a post village in Cape Breton co., N.S., on the sea
coast, 15 miles from Sydney. Here are extrusive coal mines, which
are worked by the Intercolonial Coal Mining Company. A railway built
by this company connects the mines with Sydney. Pop. 300.
BRIDGETOWN, a flourishing post village in Annapolis co., N.S.
situated at the head of navigation of Annapolis river, with a
station on the W. & A. P., 14 miles from Annapolis. It possesses
excellent water power, and contains an iron foundry, a tannery,
several stores and hotels, a telegraph office, and a printing office
issuing a weekly newspaper. This section of the province is noted
for its magnificent orchards, its fine farms, and its excellent farm
stock, Bridgetown is a port of entry. The total number of arrivals
for 1872 was 12 (tons 911) and the clearances 13 (tons 1,070). Total
value of imports $14,055; exports $10,341. Pop. 800.
BRIDGETOWN, a thriving post village in Kings co., P. E I., situated
at the head of navigation of Grand River, 10 miles from Charlotte
town. It contains several mills and stores. Pop. 400.
BRIDGEVILLE, a post village in Pictou co., N.S., on the east branch
of East River, 12 miles from New Glasgow. Pop. 100.
BRIDGEWATER, a flourishing post village in Hastings co., Ont.,
pleasantly situated on the Scootamata River, a tributary of the
Moira, 30 miles from Belleville. It possesses valuable water power,
and contains a large flouring mill, saw mill, woolen factory,
tannery, chair and cabinet factory, an iron foundry, a scythe and
edge tool factory, a telegraph office, a school house and a Wesleyan
church built entirely of marble, a town hall, and several stores and
hotels. Iron, copper, gold and other minerals are found in the
vicinity. Pop. 450
BRIDGEWATER, a flourishing post village in Lunenburg co., N.S.
situated on the La Have River, 12 miles from Lunenburg. It contains
a branch bank, a telegraph office, a printing office, saw, grist and
carding mills, an iron foundry, 1 tannery, about 20 stores 3 hotels,
5 churches, &c. A large trade is done in the exportation of
cordwood, lumber, staves and bark. Pop. 1,000.
BRIDGVILLE, Waterloo co., Ont. See Freeport.
BRIER ISLAND, an island in the Bay of Fundy, at the S. W. extremity
of Digby Neck. Lat. 44° 14 57 N., lon. 66° 23 2" W. On it is a
lighthouse. The inhabitants are chiefly engaged in the fisheries.
Pop. 643.
BRIGG'S CORNERS, a post village in Queens co., N.B., situated at the
head of navigation of Salmon river, 96 miles from St. John. It
contains grist and saw mills, and several stores. There are
extensive beds of coal in the vicinity. Pop. 500.
BRIGHAM, a post village in Brome co., Que., on the S. E. R., 8 miles
from West Farnham. It contains 2 sawmills, a tannery, 2 stores, a
sash factory, a hotel, and a telegraph office. Pop. 200.
BRIGHAMS CORNERS, a small village in Oxford co,, Ont., 14 miles from
Ingersoll. Pop. 70.
BRIGHT, a post village in Oxford en., Ont., on the G. T. R, (Buffalo
and Goderich division), 18 miles from Stratford. It contains a
telegraph office and several stores. Pop. 500.
BRIGFITON, an incorporated village in Northumberland co., Ont.,
situated on Presqu'ile harbor, on Lake Ontario, with a station on
the G. T. R., 92 miles E.N.E. of Toronto. It is a port of entry, and
has several saw mills, a plaster mill, 2 gristmills, a tannery, 2
telegraph offices, and several stores. The total value of imports
for 1872 was $8,361; exports $73,463. Pop. 1,357.
BRIGHTON, Digby co., N.S. See Head of St. Mary's Bay.
BRIGUS, a fishing settlement in the district of Ferryland, Nfld., 34
miles from St. John's. It is surrounded by high hills, presenting a
romantic appearance. Pop. 125.
BRIGUS, the capital of the district of Brigus, Nfld., is situated in
a rocky hollow between two high barren hills on the north side of
Conception Bay, 38 miles from St. John's. It is a port of entry, and
has a telegraph office and several stores and hotels. Its harbor is
small but safe. The inhabitants are chiefly engaged in the cod
fishery, which is prosecuted to a very large extent. Pop. 2,000.
BRILEY'S BROOK, or CHISHOLM, a post village in Antigonish co., N.S.,
4 miles from Antigonish. Pop. 250.
BRINKWORTH, a post village in Hastings co., Ont., 21 miles from
Belleville. Pop. 100.
BRINSLEY, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., 4 miles from Ailsa
Craig. Pop. 100.
BRINSTON'S CORNERS, a post village in Dundas co., Ont , 9 miles from
Iroquois. It contains a telegraph office, 1 church, 1 hotel, and 3
stores. Pop. 50.
BRISBANE, or BRISTOL, a post village in Wellington co., Ont., in the
vicinity of Shane's Lake, a line trout stream, 10 miles from
Georgetown. Pop. 50.
BRISTOL, a small village in Queens co., N.S., opposite the town of
Liverpool. A bridge connects the two places. Pop. 150.
INKERMAN, a post village in Pontiac co., Que., on the River Ottawa, 2 miles from
Sand Point, 45 miles above Ottawa city. It has a telegraph office, 4 stores, 1
hotel, and a gristmill. Pop. 200.
BRISTOL, Wellington co., Ont. See Brisbane.
BRISTOL, Westmorland co., KB. See Great Shemogue.
BRISTOL, York co., N.B. See Kingsclear.
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America,
Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873
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