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Angels Cove to Ayton, Canada
ANGELS COVE, a small settlement in Placentia and St Mary's district,
Nfld., 18 miles from Placentia. Pop. 7.
ANGERS, a post village in Ottawa co., Que., on the Ottawa river, 14
miles from Ottawa. Pop. 250.
ANGUS, a flourishing post village in Simcoe co., Ont., on the N. R.,
73 miles from Toronto. It contains 2 telegraph offices, 1 printing
office, 7 sawmills, 3 grist mills, and several stores and hotels.
Pop. 400.
ANNAGANCE, a post village in Kings co., N.B., on the I. R., 60 miles
N. of St. John. Pop. 100.
ANNANDALE, or GRAND RIVER a post village in Kings co., P.E I., on
the north side of Grand River, 10 miles from Georgetown. It contains
several mills and stores. Pop. 150.
ANNAPOLIS, formerly called PORT ROYAL, a seaport town of Nova
Scotia, at the mouth of the River Annapolis, a fine inlet of the Bay
of Fundy, 129 miles W. of Halifax. It is the most ancient settlement
in this part of North America having been founded in 1604 by De
Monts, a Frenchman. Subsequently, in the time of Queen Anne. It was
the seat of Government until 1749. Annapolis boasts of one of the
prettiest sites in Nova Scotia. It is the western terminus of the W.
& A. R. and has daily steam communication with St. John, N.B.,
distant 63 miles. It contains a telegraph office, a branch bank, a
Dominion saving bank, a well furnished reading room and library, a
printing office issuing a weekly newspaper, 9 hotels, and about 25
stores. Shipbuilding is largely engaged in. The total number of
arrivals at this port for 1872 was 133 (tons 15,354), and clearances
106 (tons 12,557.) Total value of imports $42,191; exports $108,793.
Pop. 800.
ANNAPOLIS, a county of Nova Scotia, having the Bay of Fundy for its
N. boundary. It is traversed by the Windsor and Annapolis railway.
The land is of a very superior quality, consisting of dike, salt
marl, intervale and upland. Area 837,000 acres. Pop. 18,121.
ANSE AUX GRIFFONS, Gaspe co., Que. See Griffon's Cove.
ANSTRUTHER, a hamlet in Peterborough co., Ont. It contains a hotel
and a store.
ANTICOSTI, a large island of the province of Quebec, in the estuary
of the St. Lawrence, between lat. 49° and 50 1 N., and Ion. 62° and
65" W. Area estimated at 2,600 square miles. Interior mountainous
and wooded, climate severe. The north, coast is high and without
harbors, the south shore low and very dangerous. There are four
lighthouses on the island. Anticosti Island is a valuable resort for
seal and bear bunting, and for salmon, trout, cod, and herring
fishing. On the low lands, on the south coast, there exists more
than 160 square miles of peat bog, of 2 to 3 feet thickness, and of
excellent quality. Marl is also found on the island. Pop. 102.
ANTIOONISH, formerly called SYDNEY, or SIDNEY, a flourishing town at
the eastern extremity of Nova Scotia, in the co. of Antigonish, 40
miles E. of New Glasgow. It is the county town, and the seat of the
n Catholic Bishop of Arichat. It contains a large college, a
cathedral, a telegraph office, a printing office issuing a weekly
newspaper, a branch bank, and about 20 stores and 4 hotels. The
total number of arrivals for 1872 was 46 (tons 6,389), and the
clearances 25 (tons 12,557.) Total value of imports $36,014; exports
$87,476. The inhabitants are chiefly of Scotch descent. St. George's
Bay, a fine inlet of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, is situated opposite
the town. It is navigable for vessels drawing ten feet of water.
Pop. 1,000.
ANTIGONISH HARBOR, a post office in Antigonish co., N.S.
ANTLER CREEK, a post office in the district of Cariboo, B.C.
ANTRIM, a post village in Carleton co., Ont., 4 miles from Pakenham.
Pop. 130.
ANTRIM, a post village in Halifax co., N.S., 7 miles from Milford.
Pop. 150.
APOHAQUI, or MOUTH OF MILLSTREAM, a post village in Kings co., N.B.,
on the I. R., 39 miles from St. John. It contains several stores and
sawmills. Pop. 300.
APPIN, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., on the G. W. R., 22
miles W.S. W of London. It has a telegraph office. 2 stores and a
saw and gristmill. Pop. 100
APPLEBY, St. John co., N.B. See Riverside.
APPLEBY, a post village in Halton co., Ont., on the G. W. R., 11
miles from Hamilton. Pop. 150.
APPLE GROVE, a post office in Stanstead co., Que 3 miles from
Smith's Mills.
APPLE RIVER, a post village in Cumberland co., N.S., on the Apple
river, 42 miles from Parrsborough, and 54 miles from Athol. Pop.
APPLETON, a thriving post village in Lanark co., Ont., on the
Mississippi River, with a station on the C. C. R., 26 miles from
Ottawa. It possesses excellent water power, and contains several
mills and woolen factories, and a telegraph office. Pop. 300.
APSEY COVE, a small fishing settlement in Twillingate and Fogo
district, Nfld., 14 miles from Fogo. Pop. 14.
APSLEY, a post village in Peterborough co., Ont., 45 miles from
Peterborough. It contains a sawmill and a store. Pop. 75.
APTO, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 11 miles from Barrie. It
contains 2 sawmills and 1 hotel. Pop. 100.
AQUAFORTE, a fishing settlement and harbor in Ferryland district,
Nfld., 48 miles from St. John's. Pop. 213.
ARCADIA, a pretty village in Yarmouth co., N.S., on the seashore, 3
miles from Yarmouth. It contains 2 stores, and several mills and
factories. Pop. 500.
ARCHIBALD SETTLEMENT, in Restigouche co., N.B., 22 miles from
Dalhousie, 3 miles from Louison River It contains a post office.
Pop. 200.
ARDEN, a post village in Frontenac co., Ont., 40 miles from Napanee.
It contains 2 stores and saw and grist mills. Pop. 100.
ARDOOH, a post village in Frontenac co., Ont., 70 miles from
Kingston. Pop. 50.
ARDTREA, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 5 miles from Orillia.
Pop. 50.
ARDOISE HILL, a small village in Han's co., N.S., 2k miles from
Ellershouse. Pop. 100.
ARGEXTEUIL, a county of Quebec, on the northern banks of the Ottawa
River. Area 599,700 acres. It is watered by the Rouge and North
Rivers, and several smaller streams. The lower part, bordering on
the Ottawa, is traversed by the Carillon and Grenville railway. The
projected Northern Colonization railway will also pass through the
county. Chief town, Lachute. Pop. 12,806.
ARGYLE, a post village in Victoria co., Ont., on the T. & N. R., 67
miles from Toronto. Pop. 100.
ARGYLE, a post village and township in Yarmouth co., N.S., on the
sea coast, 19 miles from Yarmouth. The village contains 4 stores and
2 hotels. Pop. of township 1,333.
ARGYLE, or SOUTH RIVER LAKE, a settlement in Guysborough co.. N S.,
36 Miles from Hopewell. Pop. 150.
ARICHAT, a flourishing seaport of Nova Scotia, on the island of Cape
Breton, about lat. 45° 28 N; lon. 61° 3 W. It contains several
important fishery establishments. It is the chief town of the co: of
Richmond, is principally populated by French, has a convent and
English academy, and has a harbor capable of sheltering the largest
vessels. A lead mine is worked at the head of the harbor. The total
number of arrivals for 1872 was 89 (tons 10,220), and the clearances
25 (tons 1,594.) Total value of imports $64,229; exports 19,550.
Pop. 1,058.
ARISAIG, a post village in Antigonish co., N.S., romantically
situated on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 32½ miles from New Glasgow.
Pop. 150.
ARKELL, a post village in "Wellington co., Ont., 5 miles from
Guelph. It has a woolen factory. Pop. 100.
ARKONA, a post village in Lambton co., Ont., 7 miles from Widder. It
contains a telegraph office, a foundry, and several mills and
factories. Pop. 500.
ARKWRIGHT, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., 22 miles from Owen
Sound. Pop. 150.
ARLINGTON, a post village in Cardwell co., Ont., 22 miles from
Gilford. It contains 2 stores, 2 hotels, and a sawmill. Pop. 90.
ARMADALE, a post village in York co., Ont., 2½ miles from Markham.
Pop. 30.
ARMAGH, or ST. CAJETAN, a post village in Bellechasse co., Que., 24
miles from St. Valier. It contains several sawmills, and has a large
lumber trade. Pop. 300.
ARMAND, or ST. HONORÉ a post village in Temiscouata co., Que., 26
miles from Rivière du Loup en bets. Pop. 100.
ARMSTRONG'S BROOK, a post settlement in Restigouche co., N.B., 24
miles E. of Dalhousie. Pop. 200.
ARMSTRONG'S CORNER, a post settlement in Queens co., N.B., 6 miles
from Welsford. Pop. 200.
ARMSTRONG'S FALLS, Victoria co., Ont. See McKellar.
ARNOLD'S, Oxford co., Ont. See Goble's Corners.
ARNOLD'S COVE, a small fishing settlement in the district of
Placentia and St. Mary's, Nfld., on Long Island. Pop. 44.
ARNOTT, or HOLLAND CORNERS, a post village in Grey co., Ont., 12
miles from Owen Sound. It has a telegraph office. Pop. 30.
ARNPRIOR, a nourishing post village in Renfrew co., Ont., on the
Madawaska River, near its confluence with the Ottawa, with a station
on the B. & O. R., 40 miles from Ottawa. It contains several grist,
saw and woolen mills, 2 telegraph offices, a printing office, a
branch bank, and several stores and hotels, and has a large lumber
trade. There are marble quarries and iron in the vicinity. Pop.
AROOSTOOK, a post village and settlement in Victoria co., N.B., on
the Aroostook River, near its confluence with the St. John, 66 miles
from Woodstock. It has a large woolen mill. Pop. 400.
AROS, a post village in Victoria co., Ont., 5½ miles from Kirkfield.
Pop. 50.
ARTEME'SIA, Grey co., Ont. See Flesherton.
ARTHABASKA, a county in the S. part of Quebec. Area 439,000 acres,
It is traversed by the Grand Trunk railway, and drained by the
Nicolet River and its branches. It is attached to Drummond for
electoral purposes. Chief town, St. Christophe d'Arthabaska. Pop.
ARTHABASKA, Arthabaska co., Que. Sec East Arthabaska.
ARTHABASKA STATION, or VICTORI A VILLE, a thriving post village in
Arthabaska co., Que., on the G. T. R., at its junction with the
Three Rivers branch, 108 miles E. of Montreal. It contains several
stores and mills, and a telegraph office, and has a large lumber
trade. Pop. 400.
ARTHABASKAVILLE, Arthabaska co., Que. See St. Christophe d'
ARTHUR, an incorporated village in Wellington co., Ont., on the
Conestoga River, with a station on the T. G. & B. R., 72 miles from
Toronto. It is in the heart of a fine agricultural district, and
contains saw, grist, flax and planing mills, a woolen factory,
shingle factors , potash factory, tannery, several stores and
hotels, 2 telegraph offices, and a printing office issuing a weekly
news-paper. Pop. 900.
ARTHUR GOLD MINES, a post office in Halifax co., N.S., 7 miles from
Hamilton's Corners, on the Musquodoboit road.
ARTIIURETTE, a post settlement in Victoria co., N.B., 15 miles from
Andover. Pop. 400.
ARUNDEL, a post settlement in Argenteuil co., Que., 28 miles from
Grenville. Pop. 50.
ARVA, or ST. JOHNS, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., on the
Thames river, 6 miles from London. It contains a woolen factory, and
several stores and mills. Pop. 200.
ASCOT CORNER, a post village in Sherbrooke co., Que., 7 miles from
Sherbrooke. Pop. 80.
ASHBURN, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., 10 miles from Whitby.
Pop. 150.
ASHBURNHAM, a market town in Peterborough co., Ont., on the Otonabee
River, ¼ mile from Peterborough. It contains saw and gristmills, 2
breweries, a foundry, woolen factory, and several stores. Pop.
ASHCROFT, a post office in Yale co., B.C., 204 miles from New
ASHDALE, Hants co., N.S. See Rawdon, south.
ASHDOWN, a post office in Victoria co., Ont, 14 miles from Port
ASHGROVE, a post village in Halton co., Ont., 4 miles from
Georgetown. Pop. 50.
ASH ISLAND, an island in the River Richelieu, at the mouth of the
River Lacolle.
ASHLEY, a post office in Grey co., Ont., 5 miles from Owen Sound.
ASHTON f a post village in Carleton co., Ont., on the River Jock,
with a station on the C. C. R., 23 miles from Ottawa. It contains 5
stores, 2 hotels, 1 foundry and 1 tannery. Pop. 250.
ASHWORTH, a post office in Ontario co., Ont., 6 miles from Uxbridge.
ASPHODEL, Peterborough co., Ont. See Westwood.
ASPOTOGAN HARBOR, a seaport in Lunenburg co., N.S., on the Atlantic
coast, 50 miles W. of Halifax. The Aspotogan Mountain, which rises
back of the harbor, is the highest ground in the western part of the
ASP Y BAY, a hamlet in Victoria co., N.S., on the seacoast. It
contains 2 stores, and is the place of landing of the Atlantic
Telegraph cable.
ASSAMETQUAGAN, a post office in Bonaventure co., Que., on the
Intercolonial railway, 80 miles from St. Flavie. It has a telegraph
ASSELSTINE'S MILLS, a small village in Lennox co., Ont., 2½ miles
from Ernestown. It contains a woolen mill and a sawmill. Pop. 35.
ASSUMPTION, a village and river in the Province of Quebec. See
ASTON STATION, a post village in Nicolet co., Que., on the G. T. R.
(Three Rivers branch), 18 miles from Arthabaska. It contains a
telegraph office and 2 stores. Pop. 30.
ATHA, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., miles from Stouffville.
It contains several sawmills. Pop. 50.
ATHELSTAN, or ST. MICHAEL, a post village in Huntingdon co., Que.,
5½ miles from Huntingdon. It contains grist and sawmills, 4 stores,
and 2 hotels. Pop. 150.
ATHENS, a post office in Ontario co., Ont., 3 miles from Uxbridge.
ATHERLEY, a thriving post village in Ontario co., Ont., on tire
narrows of Lake Simcoe, with a station on the N. R. (Muskoka branch)
3 miles from Orillia. It contains saw, grist, carding and fulling
mills, 4 stores and 2 hotels. Pop. 400.
ATHERTON, or TRENTONVILLE, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., 3½
miles from Delhi. Pop. 80.
ATHLONE, a post village in Card-well co., Ont., 18 miles from
Bradford. It contains a grist mill, sawmill and general store.
ATIIOL, a post village in Glengarry co., Ont., 20 miles from
Alexandria. It contains saw and gristmills, 2 pearl-ash factories,
and 3 stores. Pop. 150.
ATHOL, a village on the I. R., in Cumberland co., N.S., 12 miles
from Amherst. It has a telegraph office and several stores.
ATTERCLIFFE, a post village in Monck co., Ont., on the Welland
river, and on the C. S. R., 8 miles from Canfield. Considerable
quantities of lumber and railroad ties are shipped from this point.
It contains 3 stores and a sawmill.
AUDIGNY, a post village in Ottawa co., Que., 45 miles from Ottawa.
Pop. 50.
AUBREY, or CALIFORNIA, a post village in Chateauguay co., Que., on
the English river, 4 miles from St. Jean Chrysostome, 18 miles from
St. Remi. It contains a sawmill and several stores. Pop. 300.
AUBURN, a hamlet in Halton co., Ont. It has a hotel.
AUBURN, or MANCHESTER, a post village in Huron co., Ont., 12 miles
from Goderich. It contains several mills and stores. Pop. 200.
AUDLEY, or BROWN'S CORNERS, a post office in Ontario co., Ont., 5
miles from Whitby.
AUGHRIM, a post village in Lambton co., Ont, 9 miles from Newbury.
Pop. 50.
AUGUSTA COVE, or WARBLINGTON, a post village in Prince co., P.E.I.,
20 miles from Summerside. Pop. 180.
AUGUSTA TOWN HALL, Grenville co., Ont. See Charleville.
AU LAC, or COLE'S ISLAND, a post village in Westmorland co., N.B.,
on the Au Lac River, with a station on the I. R., 2 miles from
Sackville. Pop. 50.
AULD'S COVE, Guysborough co., N.S. See Forristall's.
AULTSVILLE, a thriving post village in Stormont co., Ont, on the
north shore of the St. Lawrence, with a station on the G. T. R., 83
miles W. of Montreal. It contains a telegraph office, a pottery, a
tannery, a mill, and several stores. Pop. 300.
AUM1CK LAKE, a settlement on the shore of a lake of the same name in
the district of Parry Sound, Ont. Pop. 160.
AURORA, or MAC HELL'S CORNERS, an incorporated village in York co.,
Ont., on the N. R., 30 miles from Toronto. It contains 3 churches, a
temperance hall, mechanics' institute, printing office issuing a
weekly newspaper, 2 telegraph offices, a foundry, a brewery, several
mills and factories, a number of stores, and a fine driving park.
Pop. 1,132.
AVALON, a large peninsula forming the southeast part of
Newfoundland, having Trinity Bay on the north and Placentia Bay on
the south.
AVENING, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., S miles from Stayner.
It contains a telegraph office, 2 woolen factories, and flour and
sawmills. Pop. 200.
AVIGNON, or ST. ALEXIS, a post office in43onaventure co., Que., 7
miles from Metapediac.
AVOCA, a post settlement in Argenteuil co., Que., 15 miles from
Grenville. Pop. 50
AVON, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont , 17 miles from
Ingersoll. Pop. 100.
AVONBANK, a post office in Perth miles from St. Mary's.
AVONDALE,a post office in Carleton co., NB.
AVONDALE, a post village in Pictou co., NS, has a sawmill.
AVONDALE, Hants co., N.S. See Newport Landing.
AVONMORE, a post village in Stormont co., Ont., 18 miles from
Cornwall. It contains several mills and stores. Pop. 100
AVONPORT, a pretty post village in Kings co., N.S. on the Avon
River, with a station on the W. & A. R., 57 miles from Halifax. Pop.
AVONTON, a post office in Perth co., Ont., 5 miles from Sebringville.
AYER'S FLAT, a post village in Stanstead co., Que., on the M. V. R.,
18 miles from Lennoxville. It has a telegraph office, and a good
hotel. Pop. 200.
AYLESFORD, a post village it Kings co., N.S on the W. & A. R. 87
miles from Halifax. It contains 11 stores. Pop. 200.
AYLMER (East), a thriving post town in Ottawa co., Que., on the
Chaudière Lake, an expansion of the Ottawa river, 8 miles above
Ottawa city. It is the chef lieu of the district of Ottawa, and
contains several large lumbering establishments, 4 churches, a
telegraph office, and a number of stores. The steamers running on
the Upper Ottawa start from Aylmer. Pop. 1,650.
AYLMER (West), a flourishing post village in Elgin co., Ont., on
Catfish Creek, with a station on the G. W. R., (Canada Air Line,) 64
miles from Canfield. It contains several woolen and carding mills, a
gristmill, a tannery, 2 telegraph offices, a printing office, a
number of stores, and several hotels. Pop. 1,400.
AYLWIN, a post village in Ottawa co., Que., on the Gatineau River,
60 miles from Ottawa. Pop. 150.
AYR, a thriving post village in Waterloo co., Ont., at the
confluence of Smith's Creek (or River Nitu) and Cedar Creek, 7 miles
from Paris. It is an important grain and lumber market, possesses
good water power, and contains a large iron foundry, woolen factory,
extensive flouring mills, &c., also a telegraph office, a branch
bank, a number of stores, and several hotels and churches. Pop.
AYTON, a post village in Grey co., Ont., 14 miles from Mount Forest.
It contains a gristmill and 2 stores. Pop. 150.
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America,
Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873
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