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Abbott's Corners to Angeline Canada
ABBOTT'S CORNERS, a post village in Missisquoi co.,
Que., 7 miles from Abercorn. It contains 2 churches. Pop. 100.
ABBOTTSFORD, a post village in Rouville co., Que., 9 miles from
Granby. It contains several stores and a sawmill. Pop. 250.
ABERARDER, a post village in Lambton co., Ont., on the G. T. R., 5
miles from Camlachie. Pop. 100.
ABERCORN, a post village in Brome co., Que., on the Missisquoi
River, and on the S. E. R., 72 miles from Montreal. It contains a
telegraph office, 4 stores, 1 hotel, 1 church, and several saw and
gristmills. Pop. 200.
ABERCROMBIE, Terrebonne co., Que. See Ste. Adele.
ABERDEEN, Pontiac co., Que. See Rapides des Joachims.
ABERFOYLE, a post village in Wellington co., Ont., 7 miles from
Guelph. It contains several stores and hotels, and a gristmill. Pop.
ABINGDON, a post village in Monck co., Ont., 12 miles from Winona.
It contains 2sawmills, 1 shingle factory, and 2 stores. Pop. 150.
ABOUSHAGAN ROAD, a post settlement in Westmorland co., N.B., 8 miles
from Sackville. Pop. 100. i
ABOYNE, a post village in Bonaventure co., Que. See Escuminac.
ABOYNE, a post village in Wellington co., Ont, 14 miles from Guelph.
It contains grist, oat and flax mills, and a tannery. Pop. 70.
ABRAM'S VILLAGE, a hamlet in Prince co., P.E.I. It contains a mill,
a tannery and a store.
ACACIA, a post village in Norfolk co., Ont., 164 miles from
Ingersoll. It contains 2 hotels, 1 store and a saw and gristmill.
ACADIA, the original name of Nova Scotia, which see.
ACADIA MINES, a post village in Colchester co., N.S., on the
Cobequid Mountains, 3 miles from Londonderry. The Cobequid Mountains
are noted for their rich deposits of iron ore. Here are situated the
works of the Intercolonial Iron and Steel Company (formerly called
the Acadia Iron works) The annual production of these works is about
3,000 tons of ore, which are manufactured into pig and bar iron, car
wheels, and cast and spring steel, of the aggregate value of
$120,000. The average number of men employed is 300. The village
contains several stores and a telegraph office. Pop. 500.
ACADIAVILLE, a hamlet in Richmond co., N.S. It contains 1 hotel and
3 stores.
ACTON, York co., N.B. See Cork station.
ACTON VALE, or ST. ANDRE D'ACTON, a post village in Bagot co., Que.,
on the G. T. R., 55 miles from Montreal. It contains a telegraph
office, 3 churches, 15 stores, 3 hotels, several mills, and a brick
field. Rich copper mines are worked in the vicinity. Traces of gold
have also been found, but in too small quantities to repay the
search. Pop. 500.
ACTON WEST, a thriving post village in Halton co., Out, on the G. T.
R., 35¼ miles from Toronto. It contains 2 telegraph offices, and
several mills, factories, and stores. Pop. 700.
ADAMS, Pontiac co., Qua. See Allumette Island.
ADAM'S CORNERS, a small village in Durham co., Ont., 1 mile from
Campbell's Crossing. Pop. 100.
ADAM'S COVE, a fishing settlement in Bay de Verds district, Nfld.,
13 miles from Carbonear. Pop. 360.
ADAM'S MILLS, Grenville co., Ont. See Ventnor.
ADAMSVILLE, a thriving post village in Brome co., Que., 4 miles from
Brigham. It contains a telegraph office, several mills and a
tannery. Pop. 200.
ADAMSVILLE, Lanark co., Ont. See Glen Tay.
ADARE, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., 4 miles from Lucan.
Pop. 150.
ADDERLEY, a post settlement in Megantic co., Que., 16 miles from
Becancour station. Pop. 150.
ADDINGTON, a county in the S. E. part of Ontario, bordering on Lake
Ontario, has an area of 1,316,623 acres. It is drained by the
Napanee River and other streams, and contains several small lakes,
the principal of which is Beaver Lake, having an outlet through
Salmon River. The chief staples are lumber, wool and the productions
of the dairy. This county is traversed by the G. T. R. Chief town,
Napanee. Pop. 33,312.
ADDINGTON FORKS, or BEAVER MEADOW, a post village in Antigonish co.,
N.S., 43 miles from New Glasgow. It contains a tannery, 2 stores,
and several mills. Pop. 100.
ADDISON, a post village in Leeds co., Ont., 7½ miles from Bellamy's.
It contains flour and sawmills, and carriage, potash, and other
factories. Pop. 200.
ADELAIDE, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., 7 miles from
Strathroy. It contains a saw and grist mill, and 2 stores. Pop. 150.
ADMASTON, a post village in Renfrew co., Ont., 6 miles from Renfrew.
It contains a woolen factory, a sawmill and a store. Pop. 50.
ADMIRAL'S BEACH, a small fishing settlement in the district of St.
Mary's find Placentia., Nfld., 7 miles from St. fairy's. Pop. I'd.
ADOLPHUSTOWN, a post village in Lennox CO., Ont., on the Bay of
Quinte, 32 miles W. of Kingston. Pop. 150.
ADVOCATE HARBOUR, a flourish, seaport town in Cumberland co., N.S.,
on Minas Basin, 33 miles from Parrsborough The harbor is safe and
commodious. Shipbuilding is extensively carried on. At Cape d'Or,
near here, there are valuable copper mines. Pop. 600.
AGTNCOURT. a post village in York co., Ont, on the T. & N. R., 14
miles from Toronto. It has a telegraph office and a sawmill. Pop.
AILSA CRAIG, a market town in Middlesex co., Ont., on the G. T. R.,
24 miles W. of London. It contains several mills and factories, 2
telegraph offices, a printing office, and a number of stores. Cattle
fairs are held here monthly. Pop. 750.
AINLEYVILLE, Huron co., Ont. See Dingle.
AINSLIE GLEN, a hamlet in Inverness co., N.S.
AIRD, a post village in Missisquoi co., Que., on Missisquoi Bay, 15
miles from St. Armand. It contains 2 stores. Pop. 50.
AIREY, Elgin co., Ont. See Aldboro.
AIRLIE, a post office in Simcoe co., Ont., 10 miles from Angus.
ALBANEL, a township in Chicoutimi co., Que., in the beautiful valley
of the Tikouabi, a tributary of Lake St. John, so named in memory of
the zealous missionary who was the first European to journey by this
route to Lake Mistassini, and thence to Hudson's Bay, in 1672 It is
bounded N. by Lake Mistassini.
ALBANY, a post settlement in Prince co., P.E.I., 16 miles from
Summerside. Pop. 150.
ALBANY, NEW, a settlement in Queens co., N.S., on Port Medway river,
40 miles from Annapolis. Pop. 75.
ALBANY PLAINS, a hamlet in Queens co., P.E.I. It contains a hotel.
ALBERT, a peninsular county of New Brunswick, having the Petitcodiac
River for its N., and the Bay of Fundy for its E. and S. boundary.
Area 429,000 acres. This county contains valuable coal mines and
gypsum quarries. Capital, Hopewell. Pop. 10,672.
ALBERT BRIDGE, a post village in Cape Breton co., N.S., on Mira
river, 12 miles from Sydney. It contains several mills and stores.
Pop. 250.
ALBERT MINES, a mining village in Albert co., N.B., 20 miles from
Moncton. It contains rich and extensive coal mines. The bed is
included in shales with an underlying mass of soft slate, and the
coal is directly overlaid by a stratum of highly bituminous shales,
filled with the embalmed remains of a beautiful species of the genus
Palaeoniscus, fishes of the ganoid order. A tramway 5½ miles long,
connects the mines with Hillsborough, a port of entry on the
Petitcodiac River. Pop. 200.
ALBERTON, a post village in Wentworth co., Ont, 12 miles from
Hamilton. It contains 2 sawmills and 2 stores. Pop. 100.
ALBERTON, a flourishing seaport town in Prince co., P.E.I., on
Cascumpeque Bay, 43 miles from Summerside. It contains a telegraph
office, saw and gristmills, several factories, and a number of
stores. Its harbor is a great rendezvous for vessels engaged in the
fisheries. Pop. 700.
ALBERTVILLE, Essex co., Ont. See Gosfield.
ALBION, or BOLTON, a thriving post village in Cardwell co., Ont., on
the Humber river, with a station on the T. G. & B. R. (called
Bolton), 25 miles from Toronto. It contains 2 telegraph offices,
several stores, a flour and grist mill, a woolen mill, an iron
foundry, and a printing office issuing a weekly newspaper. Pop.
ALBION MILLS, or ALBION-VILLE, Wentworth co., Ont. See Mount Albion.
ALBION MINES, or COAL MINES, or STELLARTON, a mining village in
Pictou co., N.S., on the East river, with a station on the I. R.,
(called Stellar-ton,) 101 miles N.E. of Halifax. Here are valuable
coal mines, from which large quantities of coal are annually raised.
The General Mining Association own a fine railway 6 miles long, from
the mines to the loading wharf at Pictou Harbor. The village
contains a telegraph office, and about 15 stores. Pop. 2,000.
ALBIONVILLE, Wentworth co., Ont. See Mount Albion.
ALBURY, a post village in Prince Edward co., Ont., 9 miles from
Belleville. Pop. 100.
ALDBORO, or NEW GLASGOW, or AIUEY, a post village in Elgin co.,
Ont., on Lake Erie, 14 miles from Newbury. Pop. 150.
ALDERSHOT, a post village in Wentworth co., Ont., ½ a mile from
Waterdown. Pop. 150.
ALDERVILLE, an Indian post village in Northumberland co., Ont., 19
miles from Cobourg. Pop. 200.
ALEXANDER'S POINT, a poet village and fishing settlement in
Gloucester co., N.B., on Shippegan Island, at the entrance to Baie
des Chaleurs, 73 miles W.N.W. of Chatham. Pop. 200.
ALEXANDRIA, a flourishing post village in Glengarry co., Ont., on
the M. & O. J.R., 21 miles from Rivière Raisin. It contains several
stores a telegraph office, an iron foundry, flour and sawmills, a
carding mill and a tannery; also manufactories of cloth, pearl-ash,
wagons and other articles. Pop. 800
Prince co., P.E.I., and on the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 35 miles from
Summerside. It is one of the principal depots of the gulf fisheries.
Pop. 150
ALFRED, a post village in Prescott co., Ont., 15 miles from
L'Orignal. Pop. 70
ALGOMA, a distance at the W. extremity of Ontario, on the N. shores
of Lakes Huron and Superior. It contains rich copper and silver
mines, and is watered by many streams. Area 27,605,802 acres. Pop.
7,018, chiefly Indians.
ALGONQUIN or WRIGHT'S CORNERS, a post village in Grenville co., Ont.
5 miles from Maitland. Pop. 100
ALINAVILLE, Oxford co., Ont. See Strathallen
ALLANBURG, a post village in Welland co., Ont., on the Welland
canal, with a station on the W. R., 7 miles from St. Catharines. It
contains a telegraph office, a sawmill and several stores. Pop. 300
ALLENDALE, a settlement in York co., N.B., 43 miles from
Fredericton. Pop. 50
ALLENDALE MILLS or LANG, a post village in Peterborough co., Ont. On
Indian River, 10 miles from Peterborough. It contains saw and
gristmills, a carding mill and a hoop factory. Pop. 200.
ALLEN PARL, a post village in Grey co., Ont., 6½ miles from Durham.
It contains a grist mill. Pop. 70
ALLEN'S CORNERS, a post village in Chateauguay co., Que., 24 miles
from Caughnawaga. Pop. 80.
ALLAN'S MILLS, a post village in Lanark co., Ont., on Grant's Creek,
a branch of the Tay, 7 miles from Perth. It contains 1 store, 1
sawmill and 2 gristmills. Pop. 50
ALLAN'S MILLS, Northumberland co., Ont. See Rylstone.
ALLANSVILLE, a pretty post village in Simcoe co., Ont., on
Kempenfeldt Bay, an arm of Lake Simcoe, with a station on the N.R.,
63 miles from Toronto. It contains a telegraph office and several
stores and sawmills. Pop. 200.
ALLENFORD, a post village in Bruce co., Ont., 13½ miles from Owen
Sound; It contains a saw and gristmill, a telegraph office and
several stores. Pop. 150
ALLEN SETTLEMENT, Hastings co., Ont. See Cooper.
ALLENSVLLE, a post village in Victoria co., Ont., 16 miles from
Bracebridge. It contains a store and sawmill.
ALLISONVILLE, a post village in Prince Edward co., Ont., 12 miles
from Picton. Pop. 150
ALLISTON, a post village in Simcoe co., Ont., 17 miles from Gilford.
It contains a sawmill, foundry, telegraph, office and several
stores. Pop. 250
ALLRIGHT ISLAND, one of the Magdalen Islands, in the Gulf of St.
Lawrence. Area, 8,600 acres. Pop. 838.
ALLUMETTE ISLAND, or ADAMS, or CHAPEAU, a post village in Pontiac
co.. Que., on an island in the Ottawa River, 8 miles from Pembroke.
It is also called Chapeau, from a rock resembling (chapeau) in the
rapids at the head of the Island. Pop. 250.
ALMA, Bruce co., Ont. See Lurgan.
ALMA, a post village in Pictou co., N.S., 5 miles from Stellarton.
It contains an axe factory and store. Pop. 100.
ALMA, a thriving post village in Wellington co., Ont., on the W. G.
& N. R , 23 miles from Guelph. It contains saw and planing mills, a
shingle factory, a telegraph office, and several stores. Pop. 350.
ALMIRA, a post village in York co., Ont., 12 miles from Aurora. It
contains a woolen factory, a sawmill and a grist mill. Pop. 100.
ALMONTE, or RAMSAY, a flourishing post village in Lanark co., Ont.,
on the Mississippi River, an affluent of the Ottawa, with a station
on the B. & O. R., 35 miles from Ottawa. It has Episcopal,
Presbyterian, Methodist and Roman Catholic churches, 2 telegraph
offices, a branch bank, an iron foundry, and a number of extensive
woolen factories, saw and grist mills, &c. It possesses unlimited
water power. A weekly newspaper is published in Almonte. The
township of Ramsay, in which this village is situated, is one of the
most thickly settled in the district, and has a large trade in
agricultural produce. Pop. 3,218; Pop. of Almonte, 2,080.
ALPORT, a river port in Victoria co., Ont, on Lake Muskoka, 4 miles
from Bracebridge.
ALTON, a post village in Cardwell co., Ont., on the River Credit,
with a station on the T. G. & B. R., 44½ miles from Toronto. It has
good water power, and contains 3 sawmills, 3 flour and grist mills,
an axe factory, a woolen factory, 2 cabinet factories, a steam
shingle and lath factory, and a telegraph office. There is an
abundance of limestone near the station. The Caledon Lakes, famed
for their excellent trout, are in the neighborhood. Pop. 400.
ALTONA, a post village in Ontario co., Ont., 4¼ miles from
Stouffville. Pop. 100.
ALTONVILLE ; a hamlet in Huron co., Ont. It contains a hotel and
ALVANLEY, a post office in Grey co., Ont., 9¾ miles from Owen Sound.
ALVINSTON, a post village in Lambton co., Ont., on Big Bear Creek,
and on the C. S. R., (St. Clair division,) 35 miles from St. Thomas.
It contains 3 stores and a sawmill.
AMARANTH, a station on the T. G. & B. R., in Wellington co., Ont.,
56 miles from Toronto. A large quantity of timber is shipped from
this station. It has a telegraph office.
AMBERLEY, a post village in Huron co., Ont., on Lake Huron, 22 miles
from Goderich. It is surrounded by a fine agricultural country, and
is one of the best fishing stations on the lake. It has a telegraph
office. Pop. 100.
AMBLESIDE, a post office in Bruce co.. Ont., 10 miles from
AAJELIASBURG, or ROBLINS MILLS, a post village in Prince Edward co.,
Ont., at the outlet of Roblin Lake in the Bay of Quinte, S miles
from Belleville. It contains several stores and hotels, and is a
port at which the Belleville and Kingston steamers call. Pop. 200.
AMHERST, formerly known as FORT LAWRENCE, a seaport town of Nova
Scotia, the capital of Cumberland co., very pleasantly situated on
an arm of Cumberland Bay, and on the Intercolonial railway, 9 miles
from Sackville. N.B., and 138 miles W. by N. of Halifax. It
contains, besides the county and railway buildings, about 30 stores,
several churches, hotels, mills and factories, an iron foundry, 2
tanneries, one printing office issuing a weekly newspaper, a
telegraph office, and a branch bank. It is a port of entry, and has
a large trade especially in lumber and shipbuilding. The total
number of arrivals for 1872 was 190 (tons 21,836), and the
clearances 208 (tons 24,106.) Total value of imports $94,244:
exports $107,769. Pop. 2,000.
AMHERSTBURG, an incorporated town in Essex co., Ont., on the Detroit
River, 5 miles above its junction with Lake Erie, and at the western
terminus of the Canada Southern railway, 18 miles from Windsor. It
was at one time a garrison town, and was called Malden, the name of
a fortress in the town. It contains a courthouse, a lunatic asylum,
5 places of worship, several saw and gristmills, an iron foundry,
about 25 stores, 5 hotels, and a telegraph office. Amherstburg is a
port of entry. Total value of imports for 1872, $80,657; exports
$114,350. Steamers run daily between Amherstburg and Detroit. Pop.
AMHERST COVE, (Upper and Lower,) a fishing settlement in Bonavista
district, Nfld., 12 miles from Bonavista. Pop. 135.
AHHERST HILL, a post office in Cumberland co., N.S.
AMHERST ISLAND, an island near the entrance to the Bay of Quinte, W.
of Kingston, Ont. Its original French name was the Isle of Tanti.
Area 16,830 acres. Pop. 1,189.
AMHERST ISLAND, one of the most important of the Magdalen group, in
the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 140 miles S.E. of Perce. On its S. point
is a lighthouse exhibiting a powerful revolving light. Lat. 47° 13'
N., lon. 61° 58 W. Pop. 1,131.
AMHERST POINT, a post settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., 4 miles
from Amherst. Pop. 200.
AMHERST ROAD, a settlement in Cumberland co., N.S., ½ mile from
River Philip.
AMHERST SHORE, Cumberland co., N.S. See Rockwell.
AMIENS, a post village in Middlesex co., Ont., 6 miles from
Strathroy. Pop. 130.
AMOUR POINT, a headland on the S.E. side of Forteau Bay, Labrador.
Lat. 51° 27'35' N., Ion. 56° 50' 53 W. On it is a lighthouse.
AMQUI, Rimouski co., Que. See Neigette.
ANCASTER, a thriving post village in Wentworth co., Ont., 7 miles
W.S.W. of Hamilton. It contains an extensive knitting factory, an
iron foundry, carding and woolen mills, an agricultural implement
factory, a telegraph office, and several stores. Pop. 600.
ANCE SABLON, a cove on the Labrador coast, at the eastern extremity
of the province of Quebec.
ANCIENNE LORETTE, a thriving post village and parish in Quebec co.,
on the Gosford railway, 9 miles from Quebec. It has a large lumber
trade. Pop. 2,233.
ANDERSON, a post office in Perth co., Ont., 17 miles from St.
ANDERSON, a post office in Westmorland co., N.B.
ANDERSON'S CORNERS, Huntingdon co., Que. See Six Mile Cross.
ANDERSON'S CORNERS, Wentworth co., Ont. See Blackheath.
ANDERSON'S MILLS, a small village in Frontenac co., Ont., on Bob's
Lake, 41 miles from Kingston. It contains a sawmill and a gristmill.
Pop. 25.
ANDERSON'S MOUNTAIN, a settlement in Pictou co., N.S., 4 miles from
New Glasgow. It has extensile freestone quarries. Pop. 100.
ANDERSON'S SETTLEMENT, £b Gloucester co., N.B., 26 miles from
Bathurst. Pop. 50.
ANDOVER, or TOBIQUE, a poet village in Victoria co., N.B.,
pleasantly situated on the River St. John, opposite the mouth of the
Tobique River, 180 miles W.N.W. of St. John, and 50 miles N. of
Woodstock. A large trade is done here in lumber. During the season
of navigation steamers ply between Andover and Woodstock. Pop. 400.
ANDREWSVILLE, a post village in Lanark co., Ont., on the Rideau
canal, 2½ miles from Merrickville, 11½ miles from Irish Creek. Pop.
ANGE GARDIEN, a thriving post village and parish in Montmorency co.,
Que., on the north shore of the St. Lawrence, 10 miles from Quebec.
It contains several stores. Pop. 1,049.
ANGE GARDIEN, Rouville co., Que. See Canrobert.
AXGE GARDIEN, a parish in Ottawa co., Que., 10 miles from Ottawa.
Pop. 1,234.
ANGELINE formerly SOIXANTE, a post village in Rouville co., Que., on
the S. S. & C. R., 21 miles from St. Johns.
Lovell's Gazetteer of British North America,
Edited by P.A. Crossby, 1873
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