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Okanagon, Ottawa, Passamaquoddy and Puntlatsh Indians of Canada

Okanagon. A tribe living on Okanagan Lake and later in the Similkameen Valley, and extending southward on the west side of Okanogan River to old Fort Okanogan in the State of Washington. (See Washington.)

Ottawa. This tribe occupied Manitoulin Island and bands belonging to it extended eastward toward Ottawa River. At a very early period they made settlements in the southern peninsula of Michigan. (See Michigan.)

Passamaquoddy. A tribe affiliated with the Malecite, living on Passamaquoddy Bay and St. Croix River, in New Brunswick and Maine. (See Maine.)

Puntlatsh. Phonetically rendered Pentlatc, significance unknown.

Connections. The Puntlatsh constituted a dialectic group of the coastal division of the Salishan linguistic family.

Location. On the east coast of Vancouver Island between the Cowichan and Comox tribes.


Hwahwatl, on Englishman River.
Puntlatsh, on Baynes Sound and Puntlatsh River.
Saämen, on Kwalekum River.

History. The history of the Puntlatsh is practically the same as that of the Cowichan (q. v.).

Population. Mooney (1928) estimates 300 Puntlatsh in 1780; reduced to 13 in 1906.

Connection in which they have become noted. The Puntlatsh have given their name to Puntlatsh River, B. C.

The Indian Tribes of North of America, by John Swanton, 1953

Canadian Indians

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