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Nakotcho, Nanaimo, and Neutral Indians of Canada

Nakotcho-kutchin. Signifying "those who dwell on the flats." Also called:

Gens de la Grande Riviere, by Ross (MS.).
Loucheux, by Franklin (1823, p. 261).
Mackenzie Flats Kutchin, by Osgood (1934, p. 174).
Mackenzie's River Louchioux, by Ross (MS.).

Connections. The Nakotcho-kutchin were one of the tribes of the Kutchin group of the northern division of the Athapascan linguistic stock.

Location. On the lower course of Mackenzie River north of the Kawchodinneh and extending to the head of the Mackenzie Delta.

Population. With two neighboring tribes, Mooney (1928) estimates a population of 800 Nakotcho-kutchin in 1670. In 1906 he estimates there were 600. (See Kutcha-kutchin under Alaska.)

Nanaimo. A contraction of Snanaimux, meaning "people of Snonowas (Nanoose)."

Connections. The Nanaimo belonged to the Cowichan branch of the coastal division of the Salishan linguistic family.

Location. On the east coast of Vancouver Island about Nanaimo Harbor and Nanoose Bay.


Nanaimo, about Nanaimo Harbor.
Snonowas, about Nanoose Bay.

History. The history of the Nanaimo was practically identical with that of the Cowichan.

Population. (See Cowichan.) In 1906 there were 161 Nanaimo and in 1909, 14 Snonowas.

Connection in which they have become noted. The Nanaimo have given their name to an important port, owing its existence largely to the lignite coal deposits in the vicinity.

Neutral. This name was applied to a confederacy of Iroquoian tribes found by the Whites in occupancy of the southern part of Ontario, the western extremity of New York, and portions of Michigan and Ohio. (See New York.)

The Indian Tribes of North of America, by John Swanton, 1953

Canadian Indians

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