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Canadian Genealogy
Carrier Indians
of Canada
Carrier. The name was derived
from a native custom whereby a widow was obliged to carry about with
her in a basket for 3 years the ashes of her deceased husband. Also
Atlashimih, Bellacoola name.
Takulli, by several Athapascan tribes, and said to mean "people who
go upon the water."
Connections. The Carriers spoke an Athapascan dialect.
Location. Around Eutsuk, Francis, Babine, and Stuart Lakes
and the headwaters of the Fraser River as far south as the
neighborhood of Quesnel.
Subdivisions |
The lists collected by different
investigators vary to some extent. The following names are
adapted from Morice |
(1906): |
Southern Carriers: |
Tautin, on Fraser River about
old Fort Alexander.
Naskotin, in Chentsithala and Nesietsha villages, on Fraser
River near the mouth of Blackwater.
Tanotenne, at the junction of Stuart and Nechako Rivers.
Ntshaautin, on Blackwater River and upper Nechaco River.
Natliatin, inhabiting Natleh and Stella, at either end of
Fraser Lake. |
Northern Carriers: |
Nikozliautin, on the southern
half of Stuart Lake and on Pintce River, in two villages,
Nakraztli at the outlet of Stuart |
Lake, and Pintce on Stuart Lake at the mouth
of Pintce River. |
Tatshiautin, at the head of
Stuart Lake and on Tachi River and Thatlah, Tremblay, and
Connolly Lakes, in the |
following villages: Kezche on Taché River,
Sasthut on Connolly Lake, Tachy at the mouth of Taché River,
Tsisli at the mouth of Tatlah River, Taisthainli on Lac
Trembleur, Yucuche at the head of Stuart Lake and on the
portage between it and Sabine Lake, and probably Saikez
south of Nechaco River. |
Babines: Nataotin, on middle
Babine River and Babine lake, in two towns: Lathakrezla (on
the north side of Babine |
Lake) and Neskollek (on Babine Lake). |
Hwotsotenne, on Bulkley River,
hunting as far as Francis Lake, and occupying the following
villages: Hagwilget, on |
Bulkley River 3 miles southeast of Hazleton.
Hwotat, on the east side of
Babine Lake near its outlet.
Keyerhwotket, on Bulkley River.
Lachalsap, on Bulkley River.
Tsechab, on Bulkley River.
Tselkazkwo, on Bulkley River. |
Dawson (1880 b) makes the
people of Kezche distinct from the Tatshiautin under the
name of Kustsheotin, the people of Tachy distinct from the
rest of the Tatshiautin under the name Tatshikotin, and the
people of Stella distinct from the other Natliatin under the
name Stelatin. |
History. The Carriers were visited in 1793 by
Alexander Mackenzie when on his way from Athabaska Lake to the
Pacific Ocean. When Fort McLeod was built in the Sekani country by
Simon Fraser in 1805, it served for a time as a trading point for
the Carriers, but in 1806 Fort St. James was established in their
own country, near the outlet of Stuart Lake. Missionary work was
begun among them in 1843 by the Roman Catholic priest, Father
Demers, and proved very successful. After that time white traders,
miners, and settlers came in increasing numbers, and finally the
country was penetrated by the Canadian transcontinental railroad to
Prince Rupert.
Population. Mooney (1928) estimates that the Carrier tribe
numbered 5,000 in 1780. It was given as 2,625 in 1839. Morice (1889)
gave an estimate of 1,600, while the Canadian Office of Indian
Affairs reported 1,551 in 1902 and 1,614 in 1909.
Connection in which they have become noted. The Carriers
attracted attention at an early period on account of the peculiar
custom to which they owe their name. Later they were particularly
commended to the attention of ethnologists as furnishing an
excellent illustration of the manner in which cultures spread on
account of the mixture of coastal and interior features, and for the
very thorough studies of them made by Rev. A. G. Morice.
The Indian Tribes of North of America, by
John Swanton, 1953
Canadian Indians