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Mademoiselle Mange
The tide of religious enthusiasm ran high in the
seventeenth century. The primary object of most of those interested
in the New World was to convert the pagan Indians. It is true that
many embarked in the fur trade, but the vast majority were religious
enthusiasts. Champlain had written sketches of his travels, and he
lost no opportunity to emphasize the great necessity of carrying the
cross to the heathen tribes.
The enterprise of the rich young widow, Madame de la Peltrie, was a
common theme of conversation among the ladies of France, and
especially among those engaged in religious work. It is not
surprising, therefore, to find many young women fired with the same
desire to sacrifice themselves upon the missionary altar of New
The religious zeal was not confined to the gentler sex. It was no
unusual thing for men to give themselves up wholly to religious
exercises, and to mortify the flesh by flagellations and other cruel
devices. Such a man was Danversiere, who had a call from heaven to
found a hospital upon the Island of Montreal in Canada. By a strange
coincidence, a young Parisian priest, named Olier, equally zealous
in his religious observances, had a similar call from heaven to
organize a society of priests and establish them on this same Island
of Montreal. At that time this island was a wilderness exposed to
the ravages of the dreaded Iroquois.
These two good men were full of their respective projects. Neither
had ever heard of the plans of the other until they accidentally
met, when, impelled by some unknown force, there was mutual
recognition like the meeting of old friends. They discussed their
plans and finally settled upon three distinct undertakings: The
founding of a hospital, the organization of an order of priests to
do missionary work among the Indians, and another order of nuns to
teach the children.
For my present purpose I shall confine my-self to the first of these
pious enterprises. What need, we may ask, was there for an hospital
at a point where there were no settlers? The plan seemed to resemble
the outcome of a disordered brain. The fact that there was no
population upon this island did not quench their enthusiasm. They
must establish a colony and get the population, and they set about
this gigantic task. They organized the Society of Notre Dame de
Montreal. Funds were raised and the title to the island secured. It
was decided to send out a number of colonists (forty) in the first
place, and to at once commence the erection of the hospital. Their
next object was to secure a suitable woman to place in charge. Here
again supernatural influence was at work. Mademoiselle Jeanne Mance
was a delicate and devout maiden of thirty-four years. She had never
taken the veil, but had lived a very exemplary and religious life.
She had heard of Madame de la Peltrie and her work in the New World,
and she longed for an opportunity to go to Canada and do what she
could towards Christianizing the many tribes who had never heard of
the Savior, to whose service she was prepared to surrender
everything. Her spiritual adviser assured her that the call was from
heaven, and that it was her duty to respond to it, which she
accordingly did. She raised a considerable sum of money, and, though
with no clearly defined plans in mind, proceeded to Rochelle, where
Danversiere was preparing to dispatch his first installment of
colonists. He had never met Mademoiselle Mance, and had no knowledge
of her plans, and she also was in ignorance of his undertaking. Here
again the same unseen Power seems to have introduced them to each
other. They met in a church, and as the result of the conference, he
secured a woman to take charge of the hospital that was to be, and
Mademoiselle Mance realized her heart's desire an appointment to a
position of trust and responsibility in the New World. Maisonneuve
was in charge of the party, which consisted of forty men with
Mademoiselle Mance, a young woman, and the wives of two of the men,
who joined them at the last moment.
It was late in October, 1641, when the little colony arrived at
Quebec, and their project did not meet with the approval of the
Governor, who endeavored to dissuade them from it. Some historians
attribute his attitude to jealousy, but it is probable that he had
good reason to doubt the success of the venture. The entire French
population did not exceed three hundred souls. The Iroquois were
swarming about the settlements, and the danger of a general massacre
was continually haunting the French. The Indians were particularly
bitter at this period, and seemed determined to exterminate the
white intruders. It was for the mutual benefit of all that they
should not be scattered about in separate settlements. The idea of
establishing a hospital one hundred and eighty miles from Quebec did
not commend itself to the Governor, and he freely expressed his
The party wintered near Quebec, and on the 18th of the following May
proceeded to their destination. Madame de la Peltrie accompanied
them and for the time abandoned her own work to lend assistance to
the more romantic one of Mademoiselle Mance. Upon landing at
Montreal, their first act was to erect a rude altar, where they
offered up thanks to the Almighty for bringing them safe to the
scene of their future operations. As they sat about their camp-fires
on that quiet spring evening recounting the experiences of the past
few months and laying their plans for the future, little did they
dream that they were laying the foundation of the commercial
metropolis of a great country. Did Mademoiselle Mance see in the
flickering flames pictures of that great hospital, the Hotel Dieu,
that for nearly three hundred years has ministered to the sick and
suffering of her race?
In three months' time another ship brought more colonists and
further aid for the erection of the hospital, which was accordingly
built, and Mademoiselle Mance placed in charge. She did not have to
wait long for patients.
The Iroquois soon discovered the new post and made it an especial
object of attention. They would lurk in a hollow or in the woods for
a week at a time in the hope of surprising a colonist. It was no
unusual thing for the inhabitants to be aroused from their slumbers
by the war-whoop of the savages. This little settlement was
particularly exposed, and the Indians lost no opportunity to harass
them, and many a wound from the tomahawk or battle-axe was dressed
by the tender hands of Mademoiselle Mance. She did not limit
her-self to the nursing of the sick, but taught the young Indians
and assisted in the religious exercises and instruction of the
community. She had to contend against many obstacles, but she stood
bravely at her post and surmounted them all. She endured the trials
common to all the early settlers, and shared with them the dangers
of the furious Indian raids. She had also the responsibility of
managing and financing the institution of which she was the real
head. She was not lacking in either resource or energy. She gave her
life to the noble work, and the success of her labors shows that it
was not given in vain. Her history is so closely interwoven with
tradition that it is difficult to sift out all the actual
occurrences, but the important facts remain unchallenged, that this
brave woman left home and friends and came voluntarily to the
dangerous wilds of America to sacrifice her life to suffering
humanity, with no other hope of earthly reward than the
consciousness of having done what she conceived to be her duty.
Heroines of Canadian History, By W. S.
Herrington, 1910
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