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The Fall of the Lesser Forts
While Fort Detroit was withstanding Pontiac's
hordes, the smaller forts and block-houses scattered throughout the
hinterland were faring badly. On the southern shore of Lake Erie,
almost directly south of the Detroit River, stood Fort Sandusky--a
rude blockhouse surrounded by a stockade. Here were about a dozen
men, commanded by Ensign Christopher Paully. The blockhouse could
easily have been taken by assault; but such was not the method of
the band of Wyandot in the neighborhood. They preferred treachery,
and, under the guise of friendship, determined to destroy the
garrison with no risk to themselves.
On the morning of May 16, Paully was informed that seven Indians
wished to confer with him. Four of these were members of the Wyandot
tribe, and three belonged to Pontiac's band of Ottawa. The Wyandot
were known to Paully, and as he had no news of the situation at
Detroit, and no suspicion of danger to himself, he readily admitted
them to his quarters. The Indians produced a calumet and handed it
to Paully in token of friendship. As the pipe passed from lip to
lip, a warrior appeared at the door of the room and raised his arm.
It was the signal for attack. Immediately Paully was seized by the
Indians, two of whom had placed themselves on either side of him. At
the same moment a war-whoop rang out and firing began; and as Paully
was rushed across the parade-ground he saw the bodies of several of
his men, who had been treacherously slain. The sentry had been
tomahawked as he stood at arms at the gate; and the sergeant of the
little company was killed while working in the garden of the
garrison outside the stockade.
When night fell, Paully and two or three others, all that remained
of the garrison, were placed in canoes, and these were headed for
Detroit. As the prisoners looked back over the calm waters of
Sandusky Bay, they saw the blockhouse burst into flames. Paully and
his men were landed at the Ottawa camp, where a horde of howling
Indians, including women and children, beat them and compelled them
to dance and sing for the entertainment of the rabble. Preparations
were made to torture Paully to death at the stake; but an old squaw,
who had recently lost her husband, was attracted by the handsome,
dark-skinned young ensign, and adopted him in place of her deceased
warrior. Paully's hair was cut close; he was dipped into the stream
to wash the white blood from his veins; and finally he was dressed
and painted and became an Ottawa brave.
News of the destruction of Fort Sandusky was brought to Gladwyn by a
trader named La Brosse, a resident of Detroit, and a few days later
a letter was received from Paully himself. For nearly two months
Paully had to act the part of an Ottawa warrior. But early in
July--Pontiac being in a state of great rage against the
British--his squaw placed him in a farmhouse for safe keeping. In
the confusion arising out of the attack on Fort Detroit on the 4th
of the month, and the murder of Captain Campbell, he managed to
escape, by the aid, it is said, of an Indian maiden. He was pursued
to within musket-shot of the walls of Detroit. When he entered the
fort, so much did he resemble an Indian that at first he was not
The next fort to fall into the hands of the Indians was St. Joseph,
on the east shore of Lake Michigan, at the mouth of the St. Joseph
River. This was the most inaccessible of the posts on the Great
Lakes. The garrison here lived lonely lives. Around them were thick
forests and swamps, and in front the desolate waters of the sea-like
lake. The Indians about St. Joseph had long been under the influence
of the French. This place had been visited by La Salle; and here, in
1688, the Jesuit Allouez had established a mission. In 1763, the
post was held by Ensign Francis Schlosser and fourteen men. For
months the little garrison had been without news from the east,
when, on May 25, a party of Potawatomi from about Detroit arrived on
a pretended visit to their relations living in the village at St.
Joseph, and asked permission to call on Schlosser. But before a
meeting could be arranged, a French trader entered the fort and
warned the commandant that the Potawatomi intended to destroy the
Schlosser at once ordered his sergeant to arm his men, and went
among the French settlers seeking their aid. Even while he was
addressing them, a shrill death-cry rang out--the sentry at the gate
had fallen a victim to the tomahawk of a savage. In an instant, a
howling mob of Potawatomi under their chief Washee were within the
stockade. Eleven of the garrison were straightway put to death, and
the fort was plundered. Schlosser and the three remaining members of
his little band were taken to Detroit by some Foxes who were present
with the Potawatomi. On June 10, Schlosser had the good fortune to
be exchanged for two chiefs who were prisoners in Fort Detroit.
The Indians did not destroy Fort St. Joseph, but left it in charge
of the French under Louis Chevalier. Chevalier saved the lives of
several British traders, and in every way behaved so admirably that
at the close of the Indian war he was given a position of importance
under the British, which position he held until the outbreak of the
Revolutionary War.
We have seen that when Major Robert Rogers visited Detroit in 1760,
one of the French forts first occupied was Miami, situated on the
Maumee River, at the commencement of the portage to the Wabash, near
the spot where Fort Wayne was afterwards built. At the time of the
outbreak of the Pontiac War this fort was held by Ensign Robert
Holmes and twelve men. Holmes knew that his position was critical.
In 1762, he had reported that the Seneca, Shawnee, and Delaware were
plotting to exterminate the British in the Indian country, and he
was not surprised when, towards the end of May 1763, he was told by
a French trader that Detroit was besieged by the Ottawa Confederacy.
But though Holmes was on the alert, and kept his men under arms, he
was nevertheless to meet death and his fort was to be captured by
treachery. In his desolate wilderness home the young ensign seems to
have lost his heart to a handsome young squaw living in the vicinity
of the fort. On May 27, she visited him and begged him to accompany
her on a mission of mercy--to help to save the life of a sick Indian
woman. Having acted as physician to the Indians on former occasions,
Holmes thought the request a natural one. The young squaw led him to
the Indian village, pointed out the wigwam where the woman was
supposed to be, and then left him. As he was about to enter the
wigwam two musket-shots rang out, and he fell dead. Three soldiers,
who were outside the fort, rushed for the gate, but they were
tomahawked before they could reach it. The gate was immediately
closed, and the nine soldiers within the fort made ready for
resistance. With the Indians were two Frenchmen, Jacques Godfroy,
whom we have met before as the ambassador to Pontiac in the opening
days of the siege of Detroit, and one Miny Chesne;1
and they had an English prisoner, a trader named John Welsh, who had
been captured and plundered at the mouth of the Maumee while on his
way to Detroit. The Frenchmen called on the garrison to surrender,
pointing out how useless it would be to resist and how dreadful
would be their fate if they were to slay any Indians. Without a
leader, and surrounded as they were by a large band of savages, the
men of the garrison saw that resistance would be of no avail. The
gates were thrown open; the soldiers marched forth, and were
immediately seized and bound; and the fort was looted. With Welsh
the captives were taken to the Ottawa village at Detroit, where they
arrived on June 4, and where Welsh and several of the soldiers were
tortured to death.
A few miles south of the present city of Lafayette, on the southeast
side of the Wabash, at the mouth of Wea Creek, stood the little
wooden fort of Ouiatanon. It was connected with Fort Miami by a
footpath through the forest. It was the most westerly of the British
forts in the Ohio country, and might be said to be on the borderland
of the territory along the Mississippi, which was still under the
government of Louisiana. There was a considerable French settlement,
and nearby was the principal village of the Wea, a sub-tribe of the
Miami nation. The fort was guarded by the usual dozen of men, under
the command of Lieutenant Edward Jenkins. In March, Jenkins had been
warned that an Indian rising was imminent and that soon all the
British in the hinterland would be prisoners. The French and Indians
in this region were under the influence of the Mississippi officers
and traders, who were, in Jenkins's words, 'eternally telling lies
to the Indians,' leading them to believe that a great army would
soon arrive to recover the forts. Towards the end of May ambassadors
arrived at Ouiatanon, either from the Delaware or from Pontiac,
bringing war-belts and instructions to the Wea to seize the fort.
This, as usual, was achieved by treachery. Jenkins was invited to
one of their cabins for a conference. Totally unaware of the Pontiac
conspiracy, or of the fall of St. Joseph, Sandusky, or Miami, he
accepted the invitation. While passing out of the fort, he was
seized and bound, and, when taken to the cabin, he saw there several
of his soldiers, prisoners like himself. The remaining members of
the garrison surrendered, knowing how useless it would be to resist,
and under the threat that if one Indian were killed all the British
would be put to death. It had been the original intention of the
Indians to seize the fort and slaughter the garrison, but, less
blood-thirsty than Pontiac's immediate followers, they were won to
mercy by two traders, Maisonville and Lorain, who gave them presents
on the condition that the garrison should be made prisoners instead
of being slain. Jenkins and his men were to have been sent to the
Mississippi, but their removal was delayed, and they were quartered
on the French inhabitants, and kindly treated by both French and
Indians until restored to freedom.
The capture of Forts Miami and Ouiatanon gave the Indians complete
control of the route between the western end of Lake Erie and the
rivers Ohio and Mississippi. The French traders, who had undoubtedly
been instrumental in goading the Indians to hostilities, had now the
trade of the Wabash and lower Ohio, and of the tributaries of both,
in their own hands. No British trader could venture into the region
with impunity; the few who attempted it were plundered and murdered.
The scene of hostilities now shifts to the north. Next to Detroit,
the most important fort on the Great Lakes west of Niagara was
Michilimackinac, situated on the southern shore of the strait
connecting lakes Huron and Michigan. The officer there had
supervision of the lesser forts at Sault Ste Marie, Green Bay, and
St Joseph. At this time Sault Ste Marie was not occupied by troops.
In the preceding winter Lieutenant Jamette had arrived to take
command; but fire had broken out in his quarters and destroyed the
post, and he and his men had gone back to Michilimackinac, where
they still were when the Pontiac War broke out. There were two
important Indian tribes in the vicinity of Michilimackinac, the
Chippewa and the Ottawa. The Chippewa had populous villages on the
island of Mackinaw and at Thunder Bay on Lake Huron. They had as
their hunting-grounds the eastern half of the peninsula which is now
the state of Michigan. The Ottawa claimed as their territory the
western half of the peninsula, and their chief village was L'Arbre
Croche, where the venerable Jesuit priest, Father du Jaunay, had
long conducted his mission.
The Indians about Michilimackinac had never taken kindly to the new
occupants of the forts in their territory. When the trader Alexander
Henry arrived there in 1761, he had found them decidedly hostile. On
his journey up the Ottawa he had been warned of the reception in
store for him. At Michilimackinac he was waited on by a party of
Chippewa headed by their chief, Minavavna, a remarkably sagacious
Indian, known to the French as "Le Grand Sauteur", whose village was
situated at Thunder Bay. This chief addressed Henry in most eloquent
words, declaring that the Chippewa were the children of the French
king, who was asleep, but who would shortly awaken and destroy his
enemies. The king of England, he said, had entered into no treaty
with the Chippewa and had sent them no presents: they were therefore
still at war with him, and until he made such concessions they must
look upon the French king as their chief. 'But,' he continued, 'you
come unarmed: sleep peacefully!' The pipe of peace was then passed
to Henry. After smoking it, he bestowed on the Indians some gifts,
and they filed out of his presence. Almost immediately on the
departure of the Chippewa came some two hundred Ottawa demanding of
Henry, and of several other British traders who were also there,
ammunition, clothing, and other necessaries for their winter hunt,
on credit until spring. The traders refused, and, when threatened by
the Indians, they and their employees, some thirty in all,
barricaded themselves in a house, and prepared to resist the demands
by force of arms. Fortunately, at this critical moment word arrived
of a strong British contingent that was approaching from Detroit to
take over the fort, and the Ottawa hurriedly left for their
For nearly two years the garrison at Michilimackinac lived in peace.
In the spring of 1763, they were resting in a false security.
Captain George Etherington, who was in command, heard that the
Indians were on the war-path and that the fort was threatened; but
he treated the report lightly. It is noteworthy, too, that Henry,
who was in daily contact with the French settlers and Indians, and
had his agents scattered throughout the Indian country, saw no cause
for alarm. But it happened that towards the end of May news reached
the Indians at Michilimackinac of the situation at Detroit, and with
the news came a war-belt signifying that they were to destroy the
British garrison. A crowd of Indians, chiefly Chippewa and Sacs,
presently assembled at the post. This was a usual thing in spring,
and would cause no suspicion. The savages, however, had planned to
attack the fort on June 4, the birthday of George III. The British
were to celebrate the day by sports and feasting, and the Chippewa
and Sacs asked to be allowed to entertain the officers with a game
of lacrosse. Etherington expressed pleasure at the suggestion, and
told the chiefs who waited on him that he would back his friends the
Chippewa against their Sac opponents. On the morning of the 4th,
posts were set up on the wide plain behind the fort, and tribe was
soon opposed to tribe. The warriors appeared on the field with
moccasin feet, and were otherwise naked save for breech-cloths.
Hither and thither the ball was batted, thrown, and carried. Player
pursued player, tripping, slashing, shouldering each other, and
shouting in their excitement as command of the ball passed with the
fortunes of the game from Chippewa to Sac and from Sac to Chippewa.
Etherington and Lieutenant Leslie were standing near the gate,
interested spectators of the game; and all about, and scattered
throughout the fort, were squaws with stoical faces, each holding
tight about her a gaudily colored blanket. The game was at its
height, when a player threw the ball to a spot near the gate of the
fort. There was a wild rush for it; and, as the gate was reached,
lacrosse sticks were cast aside, the squaws threw open their
blankets, and the players seized the tomahawks and knives held out
in readiness to them. The shouts of play were changed to war-whoops.
Instantly Etherington and Leslie were seized and hurried to a nearby
wood. Into the fort the horde dashed. Here stood more squaws with
weapons; and before the garrison had time to seize their arms,
Lieutenant Jamette and fifteen soldiers were slain and scalped, and
the rest made prisoners, while the French inhabitants stood by,
viewing the tragedy with apparent indifference.
Etherington, Leslie, and the soldiers were held close prisoners. A
day or two after the capture of the fort, a Chippewa chief, "Le
Grand Sable", who had not been present at the massacre, returned
from his wintering-ground. He entered a hut where a number of
British soldiers were bound hand and foot, and brutally murdered
five of them. The Ottawa, it will be noted, had taken no part in the
capture of Michilimackinac. In fact, owing to the good offices of
their priest, they acted towards the British as friends in need. A
party of them from L'Arbre Croche presently arrived on the scene and
prevented further massacre. Etherington and Leslie were taken from
the hands of the Chippewas and removed to L'Arbre Croche. From this
place Etherington sent a message to Green Bay, ordering the
commandant to abandon the fort there. He then wrote to Gladwyn at
Detroit, giving an account of what had happened and asking aid. This
message was carried to Detroit by Father du Jaunay, who made the
journey in company with seven Ottawa and eight Chippewa commanded by
Kinonchanek, a son of Minavavna. But, as we know, Gladwyn was
himself in need of assistance, and could give none. The prisoners at
L'Arbre Croche, however, were well treated, and finally taken to
Montreal by way of the Ottawa River, under an escort of friendly
On the southern shore of Lake Erie, where the city of Erie now
stands, was the fortified post of Presqu'isle, a stockaded fort with
several substantial houses. It was considered a strong position, and
its commandant, Ensign John Christie, had confidence that he could
hold out against any number of Indians that might beset him. The
news brought by Cuyler when he visited Presqu'isle, after the
disaster at Point Pelee, put Christie on his guard. Presqu'isle had
a blockhouse of unusual strength, but it was of wood, and
inflammable. To guard against fire, there was left at the top of the
building an opening through which water could be poured in any
direction. The blockhouse stood on a tongue of land--on the one side
a creek, on the other the lake. The most serious weakness of the
position was that the banks of the creek and the lake rose in ridges
to a considerable height, commanding the blockhouse and affording a
convenient shelter for an attacking party within musket range.
Christie had twenty-four men, and believed that he had nothing to
fear, when, on June 15, some two hundred Wyandot arrived in the
vicinity. These Indians were soon on the ridges, assailing the
blockhouse. Arrows tipped with burning tow and balls of blazing
pitch rained upon the roof, and the utmost exertions of the garrison
were needed to extinguish the fires. Soon the supply of water began
to fail. There was a well nearby on the parade-ground, but this open
space was subject to such a hot fire that no man would venture to
cross it. A well was dug in the blockhouse, and the resistance
continued. All day the attack was kept up, and during the night
there was intermittent firing from the ridges. Another day passed,
and at night came a lull in the siege. A demand was made to
surrender. An English soldier who had been adopted by the savages,
and was aiding them in the attack, cried out that the destruction of
the fort was inevitable, that in the morning it would be fired at
the top and bottom, and that unless the garrison yielded they would
all be burnt to death. Christie asked till morning to consider; and,
when morning came, he agreed to yield up the fort on condition that
the garrison should be allowed to march to the next post. But as his
men filed out, they were seized and bound, then cast into canoes and
taken to Detroit. Their lives, however, were spared; and early in
July, when the Wyandot made with Gladwyn the peace which they
afterwards broke, Christie and a number of his men were the first
prisoners given up.
A few miles inland, south of Presqu'isle, on the trade-route leading
to Fort Pitt, was a rude blockhouse known as Le Boeuf. This post was
at the end of the portage from Lake Erie, on Alleghany Creek, where
the canoe navigation of the Ohio Valley began. Here were stationed
Ensign George Price and thirteen men. On June 18, a band of Indians
arrived before Le Boeuf and attacked it with muskets and
fire-arrows. The building was soon in flames. As the walls smoked
and crackled the savages danced in wild glee before the gate,
intending to shoot down the defenders as they came out. But there
was a window at the rear of the blockhouse, through which the
garrison escaped to the neighboring forest. When night fell, the
party became separated. Some of them reached Fort Venango two days
later, only to find it in ruins. Price and seven men laboriously
toiled through the forest to Fort Pitt, where they arrived on June
26. Ultimately, all save two of the garrison of Fort Le Boeuf
reached safety.
The circumstances attending the destruction of Fort Venango on June
20 are but vaguely known. This fort, situated near the site of the
present city of Franklin, had long been a centre of Indian trade. In
the days of the French occupation it was known as Fort Machault.
After the French abandoned the place in the summer of 1760, a new
fort had been erected and named Venango. In 1763, there was a small
garrison here under Lieutenant Gordon. For a time all that was known
of its fate was reported by the fugitives from Le Boeuf and a
soldier named Gray, who had escaped from Presqu'isle. These
fugitives had found Venango completely destroyed, and, in the ruins,
the blackened bones of the garrison. It was afterwards learned that
the attacking Indians were Seneca, and that they had tortured the
commandant to death over a slow fire, after compelling him to write
down the reason for the attack. It was threefold: (1) the British
charged exorbitant prices for powder, shot, and clothing; (2) when
Indians were ill-treated by British soldiers they could obtain no
redress; (3) contrary to the wishes of the Indians, forts were being
built in their country, and these could mean but one thing--the
determination of the invaders to deprive them of their
With the fall of Presqu'isle, Le Boeuf, and Venango, the trade-route
between Lake Erie and Fort Pitt was closed. Save for Detroit,
Niagara, and Pitt, not a British fort remained in the great
hinterland; and the soldiers at these three strong positions could
leave the shelter of the palisades only at the risk of their lives.
Meanwhile, the frontiers of the British settlements, as well as the
forts, were being raided. Homes were burnt and the inmates
massacred. Traders were plundered and slain. From the eastern slopes
of the Alleghanies to the Mississippi no British life was safe.
1 This is the only recorded
instance, except at Detroit, in which any French took part with the
Indians in the capture of a fort. And both Godfroy and Miny Chesne
had married Indian women.
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Chronicles of Canada, The War
Chief of The Ottawa, A Chronicle of the Pontiac War, 1915
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