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The Aborigines of Canada
Of the uncounted centuries of the history of the red
man in America before the coming of the Europeans we know very
little indeed. Very few of the tribes possessed even a primitive art
of writing. It is true that the Aztecs of Mexico, and the ancient
Toltecs who preceded them, understood how to write in pictures, and
that, by this means, they preserved some record of their rulers and
of the great events of their past. The same is true of the Mayas of
Central America, whose ruined temples are still to be traced in the
tangled forests of Yucatan and Guatemala. The ancient Peruvians also
had a system, not exactly of writing, but of record by means of
QUIPUS or twisted woolen cords of different colors: it is through
such records that we have some knowledge of Peruvian history during
about a hundred years before the coming of the Spaniards, and some
traditions reaching still further back. But nowhere was the art of
writing sufficiently developed in America to give us a real history
of the thoughts and deeds of its people before the arrival of
This is especially true of those families of the great red race
which inhabited what is now Canada. They spent a primitive
existence, living thinly scattered along the sea-coast, and in the
forests and open glades of the district of the Great Lakes, or
wandering over the prairies of the west. In hardly any case had they
any settled abode or fixed dwelling-places. The Iroquois and some
Algonquins built Long Houses of wood and made stockade forts of
heavy timber. But not even these tribes, who represented the
furthest advance towards civilization among the savages of North
America, made settlements in the real sense. They knew nothing of
the use of the metals. Such poor weapons and tools as they had were
made of stone, of wood, and of bone. It is true that ages ago
prehistoric men had dug out copper from the mines that lie beside
Lake Superior, for the traces of their operations there are still
found. But the art of working metals probably progressed but a
little way and then was lost,--overwhelmed perhaps in some ancient
savage conquest. The Indians found by Cartier and Champlain knew
nothing of the melting of metals for the manufacture of tools. Nor
had they anything but the most elementary form of agriculture. They
planted corn in the openings of the forest, but they did not fell
trees to make a clearing or plough the ground. The harvest provided
by nature and the products of the chase were their sole sources of
supply, and in their search for this food so casually offered they
moved to and fro in the depths of the forest or roved endlessly upon
the plains. One great advance, and only one, they had been led to
make. The waterways of North America are nature's highway through
the forest. The bark canoe in which the Indians floated over the
surface of the Canadian lakes and rivers is a marvel of construction
and wonderfully adapted to its purpose: This was their great
invention. In nearly all other respects the Indians of Canada had
not emerged even from savagery to that stage half way to
civilization which is called barbarism.
These Canadian aborigines seem to have been few in number. It is
probable that, when the continent was discovered, Canada, from the
Atlantic to the Pacific, contained about 220,000 natives--about half
as many people as are now found in Toronto. They were divided into
tribes or clans, among which we may distinguish certain family
groups spread out over great areas.
Most northerly of all was the great tribe of the Eskimos, who were
found all the way from Greenland to Northern Siberia. The name
Eskimo was not given by these people to themselves. It was used by
the Abnaki Indians in describing to the whites the dwellers of the
far north, and it means 'the people who eat raw meat.' The Eskimo
called and still call themselves the Innuit, which means 'the
The exact relation of the Eskimo to the other races of the continent
is hard to define. From the fact that the race was found on both
sides of the Bering Sea, and that its members have dark hair and
dark eyes, it was often argued that they were akin to the Mongolians
of China. This theory, however, is now abandoned. The resemblance in
height and color is only superficial, and a more careful view of the
physical make-up of the Eskimo shows him to resemble the other races
of America far more closely than he resembles those of Asia. A
distinguished American historian, John Fiske, believed that the
Eskimos are the last remnants of the ancient cave-men who in the
Stone Age inhabited all the northern parts of Europe. Fiske's theory
is that at this remote period continuous land stretched by way of
Iceland and Greenland from Europe to America, and that by this means
the race of cave-men was able to extend itself all the way from
Norway and Sweden to the northern coasts of America. In support of
this view he points to the strangely ingenious and artistic drawings
of the Eskimos. These drawings are made on ivory and bone, and are
so like the ancient bone-pictures found among the relics of the
cave-men of Europe that they can scarcely be distinguished.
The theory is only a conjecture. It is certain that at one time the
Eskimo race extended much farther south than it did when the white
men came to America; in earlier days there were Eskimos far south of
Hudson Bay, and perhaps even south of the Great Lakes.
As a result of their situation the Eskimos led a very different life
from that of the Indians to the south. They must rely on fishing and
hunting for food. In that almost treeless north they had no wood to
build boats or houses, and no vegetables or plants to supply them
either with food or with the materials of industry. But the very
rigor of their surroundings called forth in them a marvelous
ingenuity. They made boats of seal skins stretched tight over walrus
bones, and clothes of furs and of the skins and feathers of birds.
They built winter houses with great blocks of snow put together in
the form of a bowl turned upside down. They heated their houses by
burning blubber or fat in dish-like lamps chipped out of stones.
They had, of course, no written literature. They were, however, not
devoid of art. They had legends and folk-songs, handed down from
generation to generation with the utmost accuracy. In the long night
of the Arctic winter they gathered in their huts to hear strange
monotonous singing by their bards: a kind of low chanting, very
strange to European ears, and intended to imitate the sounds of
nature, the murmur of running waters and the sobbing of the sea. The
Eskimos believed in spirits and monsters whom they must appease with
gifts and incantations. They thought that after death the soul
either goes below the earth to a place always warm and comfortable,
or that it is taken up into the cold forbidding brightness of the
polar sky. When the aurora borealis, or Northern Lights, streamed
across the heavens, the Eskimos thought it the gleam of the souls of
the dead visible in their new home.
Farthest east of all the British North American Indians were the
Beothuks. Their abode was chiefly
Newfoundland, though they wandered also in the neighborhood of the
Strait of Belle Isle and along the north shore of the Gulf of St
Lawrence. They were in the lowest stage of human existence and lived
entirely by hunting and fishing. Unlike the Eskimos they had no
dogs, and so stern were the conditions of their life that they
maintained with difficulty the fight against the rigor of nature.
The early explorers found them on the rocky coasts of Belle Isle,
wild and half clad. They smeared their bodies with red ochre, bright
in color, and this earned for them the name of Red Indians. From the
first, they had no friendly relations with the Europeans who came to
their shores, but lived in a state of perpetual war with them. The
Newfoundland fishermen and settlers hunted down the Red Indians as
if they were wild beasts, and killed them at sight. Now and again, a
few members of this unhappy race were carried home to England to be
exhibited at country fairs before a crowd of grinning yokels who
paid a penny apiece to look at the 'wild men.'
The Dawn of Canadian History, A Chronicle of
Aboriginal Canada, 1915
Chronicle of
Aboriginal Canada |