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Prince Edward Island Vital Records

In order to obtain an birth certificate you must provide the following information:
  • Surname (last name, given maiden name if certificate is for a married woman)
  • All given name(s)
  • Gender: male or female
  • Date of Birth: (written out as month, day, year)
  • Place of birth (city, town, village and province)
  • Surname of Father, if applicable*
  • All given name(s) of Father
  • Surname of Mother (maiden name)
  • All given name(s) of Mother
  • Parents' places of birth
This information must be provided exactly as it is recorded on the birth registration or the certificate will not be issued.

Other required information includes:

  • Name, address and telephone number of applicant must be provided.
  • Relationship to person named on certificate and reason for requesting a certificate.
  • Method of payment: cash, cheque, money order, debit card, visa (expiry date)

Apply for a copy of a birth, marriage or death certificate.

Printable version of this form

Death Certificate

In order to obtain a death certificate you must provide the following information:

Surname (last name) and given name(s) of deceased

Date of death (written out as month, day, year)

Gender : male or female

Age and date of birth (written out as month, day, year)

Place of death

Usual residence prior to death

Marital Status

Other required information includes:
Name, address and telephone number of applicant must be provided.
Relationship to person named on certificate and reason for requesting a certificate.
Method of payment: cash, cheque, money order, debit card, visa (expiry date)

Who can apply for a death certificate?

The following may apply for a death certificate:

Any person furnishing information satisfactory to the Director, may obtain a certificate in the prescribed form in respect of the registration of death.

No certificate issued shall disclose the cause of death


Apply for a copy of a birth, marriage or death certificate.

Printable version of this form


Marriage Certificate

Prince Edward Island Genealogy

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