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Canadian Genealogy
The U. C. House of Assembly, 1821-41
From 1821 to 1841 such of the modern Victorian
townships as were then in existence; formed part of Durham County,
known also politically as the West Riding of Newcastle District. For
this riding two representatives sat concurrently in the House of
Assembly of Upper Canada.
The following were the members elected during the period from the
first settlement of Victoria up to 1841:
1820-24, Samuel Street Wilmot;
1824-28, George Strange Boulton and Charles Fothergill;
1828-30, John David Smith and Charles Fothergill;
1830-34, George Strange Boulton and Jesse Ketchum;
1834-36, George Strange Boulton and John Brown;
1836-1841, George Strange Boulton and George Elliott.
It was during this period that the bilious ferment of Family Compact
misrule came to its climax. The economic ills of the province
suffered from the malpractice of an irresponsible government. The
settlement of the land had been made wellnigh hopeless by grants to
the church, to politicians, and to politicians' friends. Redress
seemed beyond hope and in 1837 a few of the reformers, headed by
William Lyon McKenzie, entered on a rash, brief, pitiful little
revolt. The British government at last realized that all was not
well in Canada and sent out Lord Durham to investigate. The outcome
was a monumental report on the grievances and problems of both Upper
and Lower Canada.
Durham recommended:
(1) that responsible government be granted to the colony as a cure
for political abuses and
(2) that the two provinces be united in the hope that mutual
understanding might temper racial antagonism.
In surveying the events of this period it would not be wise to brand
the notorious leaders of either faction as deliberately evil. Most
of their acts were probably performed in accordance with conscience.
We need to learn that integrity of character may be accompanied by
uncivilized prejudice and cruelty. Witness, for example, the almost
unbelievable tyranny of bigoted righteousness in the case of
Archdeacon Strachan, and the narrowness, bitterness and emotional
violence of many of his followers. On the other hand, some men, even
today, take a long time to realize that those who differ with the
political party nominally in power are not necessarily traitors or
All the members for Durham County from 1821 to 1841 were supporters
of the Family Compact. Perhaps the foremost of their unsuccessful
opponents was Cheeseman Moe, of Ops, a retired naval officer, who
owned the northern one-quarter of the modern townsite of Lindsay.
Moe left for California by the overland route during the gold rush
of 1848. He was never heard of again and his land in Lindsay was
sold for taxes.
Politics Following the Act
of Union
As a result of Lord Durham's report, the British
parliament passed an Act in July 1840 uniting the two provinces. The
first election was held the following spring.
The electors of Durham County voted at Newtonville in Clarke
township. Representation had been cut down to one and the contest
was between George Strange Boulton (Family Compact) and John Tucker
Williams (Reformer). Boulton took every precaution to ensure his
election. Temporary refreshment booths were set up and whole barrels
of free whiskey stood on end with their heads knocked out. Axe
handles were provided for the persuasion of those who refused to be
mellowed. As voting was public and each man had to ascend a flight
of steps to an open air platform and verbally announce the name of
the candidate whom he favored, the Compact had always won heretofore
under such circumstances. On this occasion, however, the Scotch
settlers of Eldon, who were nearly all ex-soldiers, marched to the
polls in a body, dressed in navy blue and led by their pipers, and
voted to a man against Boulton. When it was announced that Williams
had been elected, there was a riot and a Reformer named John
Marshall was clubbed to death.
During the first parliament in 1841, the townships now in South
Victoria and South Peterborough were formed into the Colborne
District and assigned one representative. In 1853 Victoria County
was. made a separate political riding, with one member, an
arrangement which persisted until Confederation.
The promised principle of responsible government was
soon to be rudely violated. Sir Charles Metcalfe ,who became
governor in 1843, refused to follow the advice of his ministers in
the matter of appointments to public offices and actually conducted
an election in person in 1844 in order to secure the arbitrary
powers which he desired. Wholesale bribery, especially by grants of
public lands, was used and he succeeded in getting a small majority
in his favor. In the Colborne District, however, his candidate,
Colonel Baldwin, of Toronto, was defeated by George Barker Hall, a
Peterborough lawyer, who ran for the Reform party.
The next governor was the Earl of Elgin, appointed in 1847. In
December 1847 the Viger-Draper government, formed under Metcalfe,
resigned and parliament was dissolved. In the elections of 1848 the
Reformers swept the country, and formed a ministry under Robert
Baldwin and Sir L. H. Lafontaine. Colborne District returned James
Hall (Reformer), a Peterborough Scotchman, with a plurality of 81
votes over John Langton of Fenelon and Richard Birdsall, of
The Earl of Elgin had married a daughter of Lord Durham and was very
anxious to give Durham's report full application in colonial
affairs. He therefore accepted fully the principle of responsible
government and held it his duty to accede to the advice of the
leaders of the party in power.
In 1849 a Rebellion Losses Bill was passed by the parliament, which
then met in Montreal, giving compensation to all in Lower Canada
(exclusive of convicted rebels) who had suffered losses in the
revolt of 1837. When Elgin gave the Crown's assent to the bill, a
mob of blackguards ,consisting of the so called aristocracy of
Anglo-Saxon Montreal ,assaulted Elgin with stones and rotten eggs,
burnt down the parliament buildings, and looted Lafontaine's house.
The governor persisted patiently in his chosen course, however, and
constitutional government emerged stronger than ever from this last
outrageous assault on it by the survivors of the Family Compact
In 1851 another general election took place. The Reform party was
again in the majority but Lafontaine and Baldwin retired from public
life and their places were taken by A. N. Morin and Francis Hincks.
In the United Counties of Peterborough and Victoria (as our riding
then stood), John Langton of Fenelon township (Moderate
Conservative) was elected by a majority of 70 over James Hall
(Reformer), the former member.
Political Parties
Victoria County