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Sewage System,
Victoria County, Ontario Canada
Proper sewage arrangements for the town were slow in
In 1873, a stone drain, costing $5600, was built from the river
south up Lindsay Street to Kent Street and thence west along Kent to
about the present Post Office. This provided drainage for the swampy
cellars of part of the business section. No further sewerage was
attempted for another quarter of a century.
Shortly after the installment of the waterworks in 1892, the popular
demand for sewage accommodation became vocal, and Willis Chipman,
C.E., of Toronto, was engaged by the town to make a sewage survey.
His report, rendered in September 1893, divided the town into six
drainage areas:
(1) a small northwest area;
(2) a 1200-acre Brewery Creek area, separated from
(1) by a line from the highest point of land on the western boundary
to the point where the Scugog crosses the northern boundary and from
(2) by a line from the corner of Kent and William streets to the
corner of Durham and Cambridge streets, and thence south to the
southern boundary;
(3) a 200-acre Lindsay Street Creek area;
(4) a strip, varying in width from 700 feet to 1500 feet, along the
west bank of the river from Huron Street to the southern boundary;
(5) that part of the East Ward west of a line drawn north northeast
from the south end of St. Patrick Street;
(6) that part of the East Ward to the east of the same line. To
serve areas and the principal portion of the town, he proposed
building two trunk sewers, one from Sussex Street along Kent,
Cambridge, Wellington, and William streets, and emptying into the
river at the foot of Francis Street, and the other north down
Lindsay Street. All drains were to empty below the locks, where a
minimum current of 10 feet per minute and an average discharge of
23,000 cubic feet per minute were considered sufficient for sewage
disposal until the population exceeded 13,000. The sewers, too, were
for sewage only. Storm water was to be left to the Wellington Street
drain and the Kent Street storm sewer.
The cost of the Chipman system was estimated at $56,000, and, as the
town was suffering from the effects of execrable management in
earlier years, the council did not dare to undertake a work of such
magnitude. Indeed, it was not until 1898 that any sewerage
construction was begun at all, and the first vote then was only
$1500. Cautious but steady development has been going on ever since.
Summary of Public Utilities
Today, there are some 1713 private dwelling houses
in Lindsay. Figures secured from public utility officials show that
1191 (or nearly 70%) have sewerage and waterworks connection, and
that 1391 (or over 80 %) are lighted by electricity.
The Streets of Lindsay
The streets of the town were long notorious as
sloughs of despond. The townsite consisted, for the most part, of
cedar swamp and the roads seemed mere stretches of bottomless bog.
The late Charles Britton, who came to Lindsay in 1837, often claimed
to have run a pole twenty feet straight down in the center of Kent
Street without striking solid ground; and even the present
generation can remember wagons being engulfed axle deep in the slab
mud of the road.
From 1890 to 1910, many unsatisfactory experiments were made with
macadam, which persisted in sinking quietly to unknown depths. Five
blocks of asphalt pavement were laid down on William Street North in
1910 and gave immediate satisfaction. From 1916 to 1918, during the
mayoralty of Richard Kylie and chiefly because of his persistent
advocacy, all the main arteries of traffic were paved with asphalt
or concrete. Thanks largely to Mr. Kylie, Lindsay has now over
twelve miles of permanent roadway, and has passed at one stride from
the worst to the best. It is probable that no town of its size in
Canada has now such superlatively good thoroughfares.
Prior to 1883, the town was bare of shade trees. In April of that
year, an Act introduced by the Hon. S. C. Wood, provincial member
for South Victoria, authorized a government bonus of twenty-five
cents for each tree planted. The town council supplemented this with
a subsidy of fifty cents for each tree, and tree planting became the
order of the day.
No thought was given to parks until May 1901, when the Board of
Trade undertook the development of the south half of the
Kent-Sussex-Peel-Victoria block. This "Victoria Park" was now
leveled and seeded for the first time. In 1907, Richard Sylvester
sold the town, for park purposes only, the major portion of the
north half of the same block, asking for it only $300, the price he
had paid for it twenty-five years before.
During the mayoralty of Mr. Kylie, a "Memorial Park" was acquired in
Ops township on the banks of the Scugog, and time and care will
doubtless transform it into a beautiful picnic resort.
Town of Lindsay
Victoria County