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Canadian Genealogy
The Coming of the Mississaga
Retribution, though long delayed, overtook the
Iroquois at last. The avengers of the Huron nation were the
Mississaga, an Algonquin tribe from near Sault Ste Marie, who trace
their lineage back to the
Shawnees of Kentucky. Early in the 18th century, hunting parties
of the Mississaga started drifting down over central and western
Ontario. Here they were set upon and massacred by the
Iroquois. The outcome was a Mississaga council of war in 1740
and the launching of a great punitive expedition against the enemy.
The story of that grand foray, as handed down in Mississaga
tradition, makes stirring reading. The conflict opened with the
annihilation of a
Mohawk force on the "Island of Skulls" in Georgian Bay. In
Victoria County the Iroquois resistance stiffened, and eight swift,
bloody battles had to be won before the Mississaga could slash their
way through to the east. Near Coboconk, on Lots 18 and 19, Gull
River Range, one may still see the pits from which beleaguered
Mohawks fought to the death. Another party was wiped out on a small
island off Indian Point, Balsam Lake, and just west of the modern
steamboat channel. A band of Iroquois were ambushed in the valley of
Goose Lake, north of Cambray and slaughtered there. Other parties
clashed at Sturgeon Point and Ball Point, and some, who retreated up
the Scugog past Lindsay made their last stand at Caesarea, on the
east shore of Scugog Lake, and at Washburn's Island. At the latter
place, the warriors fought in the shallows up to their waists in
water, and for long years afterwards the waves kept washing human
bones up on the beach. Still another party was cut down on Lot 28,
Concession 7, Verulam, about five miles north-northwest of
Bobcaygeon. Then the exultant Mississaga swarmed eastward down the
Trent system.
But the warlike Iroquois were not yet wholly discomfited. They
borough, and then fell back on their Rice Lake encampments. Here,
from the mouth of the Otonabee six miles east to Roach's Point,
ensued one of the bitterest and most sanguinary struggles in the
history of Indian warfare. It was no surprise attack but a pitched
battle fought by checked the Mississaga rush for a moment at
Cemetery Point, Peterland and by water and contested every foot of
the way with amazing ferocity and determination. Over a thousand
Iroquois had died fighting, before their party broke and fled. There
was a brief rally at Cameron's Point, near the foot of the lake ,but
the struggle was really over, and the Mohawks were soon in full
retreat towards Lake Ontario, with the Mississaga in pursuit. Nor
was this the end of this stirring campaign; for the Mississaga
expedition actually crossed into New York State, besieged the
Iroquois in their villages there, and enforced a treaty by which the
Mississaga were admitted as an additional tribe in the Iroquois
The Days of Mississaga
A general migration from their northern home into
the land thus 132 cleared of Mohawks, was the immediate result of
this season of Mississaga warfare. From 1746 to 1750 they fought
with the Iroquois against the French, but suffered reverses and
withdrew from the Confederacy. However, they continued to occupy
Southern Ontario. Victoria County, for the first time in 150 years,
was again, dotted with villages, though not as thickly as in Huron
Fifteen of these Mississaga villages in or adjacent to the County
have been listed as follows:
(1). West half lots 8 and 9, Concession 6, Ops, near Stony Creek (or
East Cross Creek). Owner, Mr. Carlin.
(2). Lot 10, Con. 3, Ops, at the mouth of West Cross Creek. Owner,
Jas. Roach.
(3). On the shore of Scugog Lake, just south of Port Perry.
(4). On Lot 5, Con. 11, Verulam, Mr. M. Killaby, owner. This is a
sandy site about fifty rods from Pigeon Lake.
(5). At Pleasant Point, Sturgeon Lake.
(6). On the site of the Presbyterian manse, Cambray village.
(7). On the west part of Lot 26, Con. 4, Fenelon, Mr. Archibald
McArthur, owner. This village was on a terrace touching the shore of
South Bay, Balsam Lake.
(8). Lot 29, Con. 3, Fenelon, on east shore of Long Point, just
across South Bay from the previous site. Owner, Mr. F. Staples.
(9). Lot 21, Con. 9, Eldon, Donald Fraser, owner.
(10). Southeast corner, Indian Point, Balsam Lake. Owner, Mr. J. H.
(11). Lots 19 and 20, Gull River Range, Bexley, near Coboconk.
Owner, Mr. J. Moore.
(12). Lot 24, Con. 2, Somerville, J. Ead, owner.
(13). East half Lot 1, Con. 8, Laxton, Wm. Campbell, owner. This is
on a flat on the south shore of Deer Lake.
(14). Lot 12, Con. 7, Laxton. David Hilton, owner.
(15). Lot 18, Con. 4, Carden, J. Chrysler, owner. This is on the
east side of Lower Mud Lake.
The Mississaga were a tall race, characterized by
fine' physique and a heavy, prominent nose. They probably equaled
the Iroquois in bravery and strength but lacked their solidity of
character and capacity for organization. Their prowess in war needs
no vindication, but they never established a strong, concentrated
civilization after the manner of the Iroquois and the Huron. They
depended far more on hunting and fishing than on agriculture, and so
lived in small, scattered groups throughout their domain. Their
homes were not the rectangular bark lodges of Iroquoian peoples, but
round wigwams built by planting poles in a circle, tying their tops
together, and fastening birch bark or grass mats around the outside
as walls.
From this period dates a "deer fence," which was found, in pioneer
days, running east from Goose Lake, near Cambray, to Sturgeon Lake,
five miles away. This fence was made by felling trees in a long row
and piling brush along them. Gaps were left at intervals, and here
hunters would take their places while beaters drove the deer along
the fence. The frightened animals would pass through the gaps and
there be shot down at a point blank range that made arrows fatal.
From this era, too, dates the legend of Manita. In the version told
me by Johnston Paudash, son of the Mississaga Chief at the
Nanabazhoo Reserve, Rice Lake, Manita or Nomena ("light of love")
was the daughter of a great Mississaga chief who lived at Pleasant
Point, Sturgeon Lake. Ogemah, an Iroquois chief, paddled alone from
his own country to ask for her in marriage, but was murdered by a
jealous Mississaga brave. About 1886 a poem on this theme was
published in Lindsay by the late Mr. William McDonnell. This poem is
a pretty little idyll, but as a portrayal of Indian psychology it is
hopelessly sentimental and therefore unbelievable. It also
substitutes Huron for Mississaga, Sturgeon Point for Pleasant Point
and brings Ogemah on the stage by way of Lindsay, the wrong
direction entirely.
Mr. Paudash also assured me that the war paint used by Indians was
for the purpose of camouflage in the forest. This device would
therefore antedate the Great War by several centuries. The Indians
also had ,a system of signaling with the arms, much like the
"semaphore" system, but each position of the arms represented a
syllable and not a letter. They also signaled by passing a deerskin
in front of a fire light in a fashion that foreshadowed the
The Surrender of the
In 1763, by the Peace of Paris, France relinquished
to England all claim on Canada. In the same year, the English issued
a proclamation conceding to the Indians the right of occupancy upon
their old hunting grounds and their claim to compensation for its
In accordance with this policy, the English government treated for
and obtained in 1784 a formal cession of the tier of townships now
fronting on Lake Ontario from Toronto east to Trenton. This
satisfied the land hunger of Anglo-Saxon, colonists for more than
three decades, but its area was not permanently adequate. At last,
on November 5, 1818, the chiefs of the six Mississaga tribes,
Buckquaquet of the Eagles, Pishikinse of the Reindeers, Paudash of
the Cranes, Cahgahkishinse of the Pike, Cahgagewin of the Snakes,
and Pininse of the White Oaks, were summoned to Port Hope. There
they sold to the Crown a great block of land comprising the modern
counties of Peterborough and Victoria, and twenty-eight adjoining
townships or parts of townships in Hastings, Northumberland, Durham,
Ontario, Muskoka and Haliburton.
For this tract, comprising well over two million acres, the purchase
price was set at £740 in goods to be delivered yearly forever to the
Mississaga tribes of the district. After this contract had been
signed, however, the Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs
added a strange postscript announcing that the government proposed
to issue only ten dollars in goods annually to each man, woman and
child alive at the time of the sale. This payment would cease with
their death; and individuals born after November 5, 1818, would
receive nothing. Thus, by a stroke of chicanery, fifty-seven Ontario
townships passed to the white man for a brief dole of merchandise.
(See "Indian Treaties and Surrenders," Vol. I, page 49, published by
the King's Printer, Ottawa.)
The history of the Mississaga since contact with the white man has
been a slow tragedy. Originally numbering several thousands, they
were so debauched by the white man's whiskey and so ravaged by the
white man's diseases that only a few hundred were left by the second
quarter of last century. They presented a constant problem to the
government, for their unprofitable occupation of good land aroused
much covetousness, while their frank and trustful natures made them
an easy prey to a swarm of swindlers. Certain small reservations of
land were at last bought or set aside for them by the Crown. Here
they still live. They have adopted the Christian religion and a
measure of Anglo-Saxon civilization, but their old traditions and
instincts die hard. In 1911, the Mississaga totaled 831, and were
located in reserves on Rice Lake, Mud Lake, Scugog Lake and the
Credit River. Victoria County, once part of their wild domain, has
passed almost completely into other hands.
Annals of the Red Man
Victoria County