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Mill Village of Omemee,
Victoria County, Ontario Canada
The mill built by William Cottingham in 1825 became
so important as a base of supplies during this Robinson immigration
that a store was opened beside it in 1826. This was the nucleus
around which the modern Omemee has grown.
In 1835 a post office was established here with Josiah L. Hughes as
postmaster. This post office was called Emily, but the hamlet was
known generally as Williamstown doubtless equivalent to "William
Cottingham's town." In 1835, also, the first school was built on the
site of the later Bradburn's Hotel. James Laidley and Captain
Hancock were amongst the earliest teachers.
The first preachers to come in had been Methodist pioneer
missionaries or "saddlebags." Prominent amongst these was the Rev.
"Daddy" Sanderson, known irreverently throughout the township as
"Little Peculiarities," because his invariable reproof to those whom
he heard criticizing others was: "You know we all have our little
peculiarities." In 1826 a church, used chiefly by the Methodists,
was built on the northwest corner of Lot 13, Concession 2. An
Anglican clergyman, the Rev. Mr. Thompson, famed locally as a
classical scholar, used to come in from Cavan and hold services in
private homes. In 1835 an Anglican church was built at Williamstown
and the Rev. M. Street, of Cobourg, became the first resident
clergyman. A Methodist church was begun in the village in 1836, but
took several years to finish. The first Presbyterian minister was
the Rev. Mr. Dick, who was succeeded by the Rev. Mr. Ewing.
In the forties the name of the village was changed to Metcalfe. A
business directory of 1850 gives the following names: William
Cottingham, miller, lumber merchant, carder and fuller; Robert
Grandy, postmaster; Richard Galbraith, distiller; Wm. Kells,
teamster; C. Knowlson, merchant; Wm. Matchett, merchant; W. Beatty,
merchant; Rev. John Burk, R. C. priest; Rev. Robert Harding,
Anglican priest; Rev. John Ewing, Presbyterian minister.
The Port Hope, Lindsay and Beaverton Railway was built through the
township in 1857, but the station was placed at an extraordinary
distance from the village. This was apparently done by the railway
company out of spite because the bonus paid them had fallen short of
their demands.
The name of the village was now changed to Omemee, after the Omemee
or "Pigeon" family of Mississaga Indians, who had long made this
neighborhood their hunting ground. The names of Pigeon Creek, Pigeon
Lake, and Omemee have thus a common origin.
Incorporation as a village was secured in 1874. The first Village
Council was constituted as follows:
Reeve, Wm. Cottingham
Councillors, Jas. Ivory, Wm. Neil, John English and Copeland Laidley
Its officials were:
Clerk, C. Knowlson
Treasurer, W. S. Cottingham
Collector, S. English
Assessors, J. Ritchie and W. H. Hill
Omemee reached its maximum of prosperity and population in 1878,
when it had 835 inhabitants. There were then three churches, a high
school and a public school, a grist mill, two sawmills, a tannery, a
foundry, a shingle mill, a cloth mill, four hotels and several
"'stores. The "Warder," now of Lindsay, had been published in Omemee
from 1856 to 1867, but its successor in the seventies was the
"Herald," now defunct.
By 1920 the population had dwindled to 467. The
industrial competition of the cities has had a blighting effect on
local manufacturing and the general decline of the countryside has
been reflected in village life It still functions, however, as the
natural economic focus of the township.
There has been no other considerable village in Emily. The quondam
post office of King's Wharf dates from the time of the Robinson
immigration and a Roman Catholic church built in the forties at
"Downey's Cross" has been surrounded by the modern hamlet of
The original "St. Luke's" church was a log structure put up on the
present cemetery site by Father Fitzpatrick of Lindsay. The first
resident priest at Downeyville was Father Burke, appointed in 1851.
Under his successor, Father Coyle, a new frame church was built in
1858. This church was bricked over and remodeled in 1894, .during
the incumbency of Father Bretherton.
The Municipal
History of Emily
The municipal history of Emily may be said to
commence in 1824 when Samuel Cottingham collected the first taxes,
amounting to sixteen shillings, and carried them to the Treasurer of
the Newcastle ,District at Cobourg. His commission as collector was
one shilling, and his expenses in the undertaking, borne by himself,
amounted to several shillings.
The Colborne District was formed in 1841 and allegiance transferred
from Cobourg to Peterborough. A new system of local government was
now inaugurated, whereby each township had local officials, wardens,
and a clerk, a tax collector and an assessor, and also elected
representatives to a District Council at Peterborough. Jos. L.
Hughes, the postmaster at Wlllianstown, and Wm. Cottingham, the
miller, were the first District Councillors from Emily. They, along
with Dennis Hullahan, were also Township Wardens. The Township Clerk
was Christopher Knowlson, the Collector, Hugh Collum, and the
Assessor, James English. The chief work o the township officers lay
in the extension of roads and schools. Economy seems to have been
strictly observed, for the township accounts for the period 1843-49
shows a total expenditure of only thirty-two dollars.
In 1850 the Colborne District became Peterboro County and the modern
system of municipal institutions was established. The first Township
Council under this form of administration comprised the following:
Reeve, Wm. Cottingham
Councillors, Wm. Buck, Thomas Fee, Christopher Knowlson, and Michael
The official appointments were:
Clerk, Robert Grandy
Treasurer, Thomas Mitchell
Assessor, James English
Collector, Arthur McQuade
Auditors, T. Crawford and H. Sherwin
Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Irons
The last Dominion Census, taken in 1911, shows that the racial
strains and religious cleavages of early days still persist with
great distinctness. The chief stocks represented in Emily, including
Omemee, were as follows:
Irish, 2,117
English, 353
Scotch, 114
The main denominational groupings were:
Methodists, 979
Roman Catholics, 863
Anglicans, 493
Presbyterians, 242
The total resident population of the township apart from Omemee was
2554 in 1880. The assessment returns of 1920 show that this rural
population has dropped to 1656, a decrease of over thirty-five per
cent. The county assessment of Emily, however, stands now at
$1,664,018, which is nominally twice that of 1880.
Southern Townships
Victoria County