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Lindsay Under a Mile of Ice,
Victoria County, Ontario Canada
At the close of the Pliocene Period, about a million
years ago, there came a time when the northern half of the
continent, as far south as Ohio, was covered by an immense glacier.
The cause of this glaciation is sometimes ascribed to a diminution
of carbon dioxide in the air and sometimes to a great periodic
wobble in the earth's axis which, so they say, shifted the earth's
zones for a time. Whatever may have been to blame, Lindsay was
crushed under an almost imperceptibly moving sheet of ice, a mile in
depth. Several of these Ice Ages followed one another, with
temperate periods in between.
The chief result of the glaciers was the smothering up of the older
drainage systems. Clay, sand, gravel and boulders were scoured from
off the land farther north and deposited over the countryside.
Almost the whole aspect of this area today, apart from the limestone
outcroppings already described, is the result of these glacial
deposits. Typical sand and gravel ridges are found on Lot 10,
Concession IX, Eldon, whence the Port McNicholl line drew ballast in
construction days; on Lot 11, Concession II, Fenelon, two miles
north of Cambray; on Lot 23, Concession VII, Fenelon, on the
southwest shore of Cameron Lake; and at the Lindsay sandpits. Much
more important was the formation of a great range of morainic hills
running east and west a few miles from Lake Ontario. This range is
nearly twenty miles across, from Mt. Horeb and Omeemee to Orono and
Rossmount, and extends from Orangeville as far east as Trenton. It
blocked the old river systems completely, and today all the drainage
waters of Victoria, Haliburton and Peterboro counties must push far
to the east until nearly north of Trenton, before they can slip past
this great barrier. But some blockage took place farther north even
than the Durham hills. The river channels straight south past
Glenarm and Cambray were choked up. The Gull River filled the broad
shallow basin of Balsam Lake and slopped over at the lowest point,
at Rosedale, into the next river basin. As this, too, had been
blocked, the water spread out to form Cameron Lake until it spilled
for the first time over the limestone ridge at Fenelon Falls into
the next valley. Here, again, the Scugog channel was so clogged up
with glacial rubbish that the water had to form Sturgeon Lake and
overflow across a limestone rim at Bobcaygeon. More than this, the
valley of the Scugog was so filled in that a shallow puddle at its
southern end, the present Scugog Lake, is actually eight feet above
Sturgeon Lake, which lies in the higher levels of the old preglacial
valley. It is just possible, however, that before the Bobcaygeon
channel wore down to its present level the Scugog valley was flooded
and the two lakes joined for a time.
Ancient Niagara
River at Fenelon
However, before the drainage system took on
permanently its modern form, there intervened a short period when
this region assumed considerable importance. It was just at the
close of the last glacial epoch. A great barrier of ice, slowly
melting northward, lay across the granite (highlands from the
Adirondacks to North Bay and Lake Superior. Lake Iroquois, larger
than the Lake Ontario of today, occupied its present basin and much
adjoining territory as well and had its outlet near Rome, New York.
Lake Algonquin, a much larger lake still, took in most of the basins
of Huron and Michigan and covered considerable more land to boot,
for the pressure of the great ice sheet just to the north had pushed
the surface of the earth hereabouts much lower than before or after.
A broad bay of this lake ran down from the northwest into what is
now Lake Simcoe. Another bay ran east from near Rohallion. This bay
had a very irregular outline. It formed narrows between Kirkfield
and Victoria Road, then expanded into a larger Balsam Lake, and
spread out into the Cameron Lake basin as well. Deep embayments ran
up all the old preglacial river channels to north and south. Just
south of Rosedale was an island two miles long. As the shore of Lake
Algonquin lay just east of Bolsover, Horncastle, Carden and Uphill,
this Rohallion bay was thus about sixteen miles in length,
terminating at Fenelon Falls.
Through it, for a long time, passed all the waters of this upper
lake . system ,which, at this period, emptied down through the
Kawartha Lakes into Rice Lake, then a bay of Lake Iroquois. The
first fall was at Fenelon, where this "Algonquin River," a mile in
width, roared down thirty feet (instead of the present twenty-three)
into Sturgeon Lake. The bared rock floor and undercut banks of this
great river may still be traced in the neighborhood. Sturgeon Lake
was a little larger than at present, but very similar in shape. At
Pleasant Point, the first slight rise on the road to Lindsay, just
at the edge of the swamp behind the summer cottages, marks the older
shore of the lake. Gravel beaches and bars have been located near
all the shores of the present lake, in no case more than a mile from
the water. At Bobcaygeon came a second fall, this time of only six
feet, instead of the seven of today. The wide, strongly scoured
,rock floored channel, grown up here and there with juniper, is even
clearer here than at Fenelon Falls.
Even at this late period, some 30,000 years ago, the
mammoth, a huge, woolly elephant with curved tusks ten feet long,
trumpeted defiance through the subarctic spruce forests of Woodville
and Coboconk, and herds of caribou ranged from Omemee to Kirkfield.
Nor were human hunters lacking for such tremendous game; for along
with their bones in the deep Iroquois beach deposits north of
Toronto have been found the flint weapons of Indians.
But change came, gradually and inevitably. As the great ice barrier
to the north melted away and removed its weight, this whole region
tilted up towards the north, so that Fenelon Falls, which was
formerly lower than Sarnia, is now 260 feet above it. As a result,
Lake Algonquin was poured back to the present Georgian Bay shore
line and found a new, lower outlet by way of St. Clair, Erie, and
the Niagara River.
Strange, True Geological Wonders.
Men in these latter days seem to have lost their capacity for
wonder. The unseeing eye was probably never so common as in these
times of supposed enlightenment. Yet surely we can force a momentary
thrill by remembering that Norland and Burnt River were once on the
Pacific coast of a great Greenland continent, that the Scugog River
once flowed south, that Lindsay was once buried under a mile of ice,
and that the Niagara River of a former age foamed down through
Fenelon Falls and Bobcaygeon.
Record of the Rocks
Victoria County