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Canadian Genealogy
Conditions of Life,
Victoria County, Ontario Canada
Conditions of Life
Conditions in the sixties and seventies varied much
from those of today. William Street vied with Kent Street in
importance as a commercial thoroughfare. Wellington Street was the
leading residential section of the town. There were, however, no
sewers, no town water, no lights, and few cellars. The necessities
of the modern workingman were then luxuries unattainable to all.
It is interesting to note that on April 17, 1865, the day of Abraham
Lincoln's funeral, this little Canadian town closed all its stores
and schools, put its flags at half mast, and with two small cannon,
owned by a retired British naval officer named Rodden, fired off a
memorial salute to the great American.
The first telegraph system was installed in September 1862 by the
Montreal Telegraph Company, who brought in their line along the Port
Hope railway. On January 11, 1878, the first local demonstration of
the telephone was made by attaching receiving and transmitting
apparatus to the telegraph wires in Peterboro and Lindsay and so
talking between the two towns. The first local telephone exchange
was installed in June, 1881, by George D. Edwards of the Bell
Telephone Company. The system began with thirty subscribers. The
first demonstration of the phonograph was made in the Opera House in
June, 1878.
The police protection of these early days was very inadequate.
Drunkenness was fed by dirty taverns on every corner, and immorality
was so brazen and shameless that a number of private citizens formed
a Vigilance Committee in 1877 and burned down all the more notorious
brothels throughout the town. For many weeks the local papers kept
recording "another rookery gone." After this purging by fire, it
transpired that the Chief of Police himself had been a protector and
patron of the wanton sisterhood.
Cows, geese .and dogs wandered over all the streets unchecked until
the eighties. From 1883 to 1889, the feverish question in municipal
politics was whether or not to prevent "the poor man's cow" from
ranging abroad and devouring every green thing in every private
garden. A half-measure was tried ,which required every street
grazing cow to be tethered, but the tether ropes grew to
unbelievable lengths and in 1889 the cow was banished entirely from
the streets. The first dog by law was passed on July 25, 1887, and
imposed a tax of one dollar per dog.
Growth in Civic
The population of Lindsay has grown slowly but
steadily from 1100 at incorporation in 1857 to 1907 in 1861, 4049 in
1871, 5080 in 1881, 6081 in 1891, 7003 in 1901, and 8025 in 1921
(assessment roll figures.)
This gradual development has resulted in an unusually high standard
of general comfort in the town. There are few noticeable extremes of
wealth or poverty. There are no palaces and likewise no hovels. And
when hard times bring the soup kitchen and the bread line to bloated
industrial towns like Peterborough and Oshawa, Linday shows little
evident distress.
The chief causes of the town's having grown at all are
(1) municipal,
(2) transportational
(3) industrial
(4) commercial.
The advantages which it has enjoyed as the county town are self
evident. Judicial, educational, and municipal establishments have
all tended to focalize at this centre.
Far more important has been the gathering in of railways. Lindsay
has no fewer than eight lines of railway radiating out, spoke wise,
from her boundaries; 27 passenger trains and many more freight
trains pass in and out each day and the G.T.R. divisional locomotive
shops, stationed here, have a normal payroll of 120 men. The part
played by the railways in building up and maintaining the town can
not be over estimated.
The industrial and commercial growth of the town call for separate
Town of Lindsay
Victoria County