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Canadian Genealogy
The Church of England in Lindsay,
Victoria County, Ontario Canada
Fourth in order of seniority in
Lindsay comes the Church of England.
The first service was held in 1855 in the old town
hall by the Rev. John Hickey, who had driven in as a missionary from
Fenelon Falls. In 1858 the Rev. John Vicars was appointed incumbent,
and a 99-year lease secured from the government on the lot on the
south side of Kent Street, now occupied by the Post Office. Here in
1859 a large frame church, in service for the next twenty-six years,
was erected.
Prominent among the church members at this time were William
Stoughton, T. C. Patrick, W. D. Russell, G., M. Roche, Wm. Bell, Dr.
Joshua Fidler, Wm. Grace, Robt. Lang, John Thirkell, Hartley
Dunsford, and John Bryans. Messrs. Stoughton, Fidler, Grace and
Dunsford were among the early church wardens. In early times Mr. T.
C. Patrick took a prominent part in the music of the church and his
mantle fell later on Inspector J. H. Knight, who was long organist
and choirmaster.
The Rev. W. T. Smithett succeeded Mr. Vicars in 1872. In 1881 the
Rev. Vincent Clementi was appointed rector with the Rev. S. Weston
Jones as curate-in-charge. The latter succeeded to the rectorship in
In 1884 preparations were made to build a new church. A Building
Committee, consisting of Wm. Grace, D. Brown, Thomas Walters, Rev.
Weston Jones, Adam Hudspeth, and R. L. Bryans, and a Finance
Committee, consisting of J. H. Knight, C. D. Barr, Dr. Burrows, J.
H. Sootheran and G. H. Hopkins, were duly formed. Mr. Adam Hudspeth
donated a church site of half an acre on the south side of Russell
Street between William and Cambridge streets and the Finance
Committee purchased a quarter acre of adjoining land with a view to
putting up a school house and a parsonage at some later time. The
plans adopted were prepared by Messrs. Stewart and Denison, Toronto.
The contract for constructing the church was awarded to Messrs.
McNeely and Walters, of Lindsay. The corner stone was laid with
Masonic honors on Dominion Day, 1885. Most Worshipful Brother Hugh
Murray, of Hamilton, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada,
officiated. The completed church was dedicated on November 25, 1885,
by the Lord Bishop of Toronto and eleven assisting clergymen.
The new church was built of white brick on foundations of Bobcaygeon
limestone, 110 feet long by 59 feet wide. Ohio bluestone was used
for the facings. On the northeast corner was a tower fifty feet high
surmounted by a spire sixty feet high. The latter was finished off
with a finial of hammered iron. The front of the church was lighted
by. a large triplet window, 14 feet wide and 22 feet high. There
were seven windows in the main walls on each side and five claire
storey windows in the upper walls supporting the roof. The rear of
the church was built in a half octagon shape and was lighted by
three windows. The seating capacity of the church was reckoned at
550. The price paid to the contractors was $14,659.27. As all the
expenses bore very heavily on the congregation, it was not until
February 24, 1921, that the mortgage covering the church's debt was
formally burnt.
The Rev. C. H. Marsh became the rector of this new St. Paul's church
in 1887 and today, in 1921, is still the incumbent. The following
curates have assisted him during his
thirty-three years or service in Lindsay:
Rev. Wilson McCann, B.A., now deceased
Rev. Carl Smith, of Brooklyn, N.Y.
Rev. Archdeacon Perry, of Hamilton
Rev. Dr. Hallam, Lecturer at Wycliffe College and Editor of "The
Canadian Churchman"
Rev. Major McIlmara, of St. John's Church, Toronto
Rev. Kingstone
Rev. Bilkey, of Brantford
Rev. G. R. Maconachie, who is still with him.
During the first year of Canon Marsh's sojourn in Lindsay a school
house was built on the church lot and in 1905 a building uniting the
school house and church was put up at a cost of $1500. In the same
year a new pipe organ, costing $2450,1 was installed. A rectory was
built on the church property in 1914 at a cost of $7,000.
According to the last census, there are 1394 Anglicans in Lindsay.
Victoria County