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The Second Session
The next year the session was increased by the
addition of Donald McKay and Peter Grant of the East River. Robert
Marshall and Kenneth Fraser of the Middle River, John McLean and
Hugh Fraser of the West River and John Patterson of the Harbor. They
were ordained on May 6, 1787.
During the summer, the people built two log churches, the first in
the county. The one was situated near the site of the old Duff
Cemetery, a short distance above New Glasgow; the other on the Loch
Broom side of the West River, beside a brook, on land, owned at that
time, by William MacKenzie, who gave the site. Dr. McGregor
describes the building of these churches. During the month of July
1787, the men were chiefly engaged in building the two meeting
houses. Instead of having contractors, to build them, they agreed to
divide the work among themselves. One party cut the logs and hauled
them to the site; another hewed and laid them; another provided the
shingles; those who had knowledge of carpentering made the doors and
the windows; the glass and nails were bought. Moss was stuffed
between the logs to keep out the wind and rain. The churches at
first had no pulpits, and, when they were provided at a later date,
they were not of mahogany, but of the white pine of Pictou. The
buildings were some thirty-five or forty feet long, by twenty-five
to thirty feet wide. The only seats in them were logs of wood with
the upper side hewed. It is unnecessary to state that they were
without cushions. There was a gallery, or rather, an upper story,
with a floor seated with logs and slabs to which the young went up
by ladders.
Such were the first two churches of Pictou. They had no modem
improvements. Even the luxury of a fire in winter was unknown. There
were no carriages and no roads at that date Our dear mothers in
Israel walked to church, or went by boat or horseback, in bonnet and
shawl and gingham dress. The music was far from pretentious. The
preacher and his sermon would now be considered antiquated. But the
writer of this volume is old fashioned enough to think that no
sweeter praise and prayers ever ascended to God than these devout
pioneers offered in glen and glade and primitive building.
With all our knowledge and progress, we have not got beyond them in
In 1803, the old log church near New Glasgow was replaced by a frame
building at Irishtown, (now called Plymouth). Here Dr. McGregor
built a house made of brick, the first of its kind in the Eastern
part of the Province. He employed a man from the old country to make
the brick. Here he lived till near the close of his life. The fact
that Dr. McGregor received no salary until he had been over a year
at work did not prevent him from doing his whole duty as a minister.
His salary was to be eighty pounds for the first two years, ninety
for the third and fourth and one hundred pounds currency per year
thereafter, which was a very generous allowance for that time, more
particularly in a new and struggling settlement. The salary at first
was raised by an assessment on lands and cattle. With certain
changes this was continued till 1815, when the method of obtaining
the salary was changed to voluntary subscription.
On the 27th day of July, 1788, the first Sacrament was held at
Middle River, in the open air. It was dispensed on a beautiful green
plot, on the left bank of the river, sheltered by a lofty wood. Here
one hundred and thirty sat down in Nature's great cathedral, for the
first time in this new land, to own a Savior's dying love. There the
sacred Supper was dispensed annually till 1795. At the first
communion thirty-eight new communicants joined. Each year there were
a few additions till, in 1793, the number had reached two hundred
and forty. At the same time five hundred persons were under training
with a view to becoming communicants.
In 1793 a census of the County was taken. In 1769, there had been 18
families and a total population of 120. In 1786, there were 90
families and about 500 people. In 1793, there were 178 families, a
gain of one hundred per cent in seven years.
For nine years Dr. McGregor labored alone At the end of that time
two young ministers arrived from Scotland, Revs. Duncan Ross and
John Brown. They reached Pictou in the summer of 1795, and remained
there for a little time to rest. Meantime the sacrament of the
Supper was dispensed at Middle River. Messrs. Ross and Brown
assisted in preaching and serving the tables.
The next step was for those three to organize a Presbytery.
Accordingly, at the close of the sacrament, on Monday, July 7, 1795,
Messrs. McGregor, Ross and Brown held a meeting in Robert Marshall's
barn, and formed themselves into "The Associate Presbytery of Nova
Scotia." On this occasion Dr. McGregor preached on Neh. 2:20, "The
God of heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will
arise and build." The meetings of Presbytery were occasions of rich
enjoyment. Business was apparently a secondary matter, at all
events, for five years; they kept no minutes of their proceedings.
But their meetings were scenes of hearty Christian fellowship and
conference about the trials or successes of their work; intelligence
from friends in the dear homeland, the new movement in Missions, the
meaning of some particular text, or sometimes an hour of harmless
mirth and merriment, these engaged their attention and made their
meetings times of fraternal enjoyment.
Dr. McGregor and Mr. Ross were associate ministers for the county
till July 14, 1801, when a division was made. Thereafter West and
Middle Rivers formed one congregation, with Mr. Ross as minister.
East River, another, with Dr. McGregor in charge; and the Harbor a
third, to be supplied by these two till another minister could be
In Nov. 1803, Rev. Dr. Thos. McCulloch, with his wife and three
children, arrived at Pictou from Scotland. His coming was a great
event in the ecclesiastical and educational history of the County,
as well as in that of the Province. He had been assigned to Prince
Edward Island, but owing to the lateness of the season, he was
unable to secure passage. He was engaged to supply the Harbor
congregation till spring. Before winter was over, the people gave
him a call, and he was inducted as their minister, June 6, 1804. The
town of Pictou, at this time, consisted of something over .a dozen
houses, a few barns, a blacksmith shop and the Court House. There
was no church, and the people met in private dwellings and other
places. Until that time the people of the Harbor had worshipped in
the log church at Loch Broom, but they now set about the erection of
a church of their own, and a frame building was built on the lot at
present occupied by Prince St. Church. That building served the
congregation till 1848, when the existing church was erected. Dr.
McCulloch resigned in 1824 to give his whole time to educational
work. He was succeeded by Rev. John McKinlay who continued in charge
till his death, 1850. He in turn was succeeded by Rev. James Bayne,
D.D. Mr. McKinlay was a native of Scotland, and came to this country
in 1817. For several years he was a teacher in Pictou Academy before
he became pastor of the Harbor church.
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