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The Story of Pictou Academy
Pictou Academy will be one hundred years old, March
26, 1916. It is one of the best known and probably, the most famous
academy of learning in Canada. Over it was fought the battle of the
nineteenth century against unconstitutional government and religious
intolerance. It was largely over the rights and wrongs of the
Academy, more than any other question, that the fight was waged and
won for responsible government in Nova Scotia. It was a great
educator in our provincial politics. Under it and through this great
conflict our ablest statesmen were educated. The life of the
Presbyterian Church hung upon it, for if it was to be perpetuated
and extended, it must have a school to educate and train a native
ministry. From the walls of the Academy has gone forth a constant
stream of strong men and women into all parts of the world, who have
graced almost every profession and walk in life. Its founders of
rugged Presbyterian stock, esteemed education of next importance to
the Bible, and quickly planted a school, on the lines of Edinburgh
University, in their eyes, the ideal of what a college should be. It
was to attract students from every clime and send them forth to
every land.
history of the Academy divides itself conveniently into five
The College
The institution had its origin in the brain of its
founder and first President, the Rev. Thomas McCulloch, D. D., Nova
Scotia's greatest pioneer educationist, and the father of higher
education in the Atlantic Provinces.
Born in Scotland in 1766, educated at Glasgow University, where he
took a course in Medicine, as well as in Arts, studied theology at
Whitburn, ordained as minister in Ayrshire, offered his services as
Missionary to the Colonies, arrived in Pictou, N. S., 1803, and
inducted in charge of Prince St. Church June 6, 1804 these are the
main facts in his life. But it is as the champion of liberal and
religious education in Nova Scotia that his fame chiefly rests. In
the old Academy he laid deep and strong, in a life of great courage
and unremitting toil, the foundation of higher education in Nova
Scotia. The country is still reaping the fruits of his intellectual
activity and zealous labors.
Dr. McCulloch was a man of a rare type. He was possessed of fine
natural ability, a strong personality, a mind finely disciplined and
of extensive literary attainments as his writings show.
He wielded the pen with ease and felicity, and when needs be, with
pungency. He was a born fighter. He lived in a stormy time, and to
accomplish his purposes for church and school, he needed to be to
some extent a man of war. But amid prejudice and opposition his
fearless courage and self sacrifice shone forth in the higher
interests of the people and country. In 1805, two years after his
arrival in Pictou, we find him projecting an institution to give
promising young men a collegiate education. One day when musing
sadly over the ignorance he found among the young, he said to
himself, "Why not attempt to train the youth of the Province for
better things, and perhaps for the Ministry." It was a difficult
task, on account of the condition of the country and small means at
hand, and it required the faith and force of a Livingstone or a
Lincoln to attempt it. Though unable to carry out the idea for a
time, he never relinquished it, and in due time, it resulted in the
establishment of Pictou Academy.
His idea was to establish a college for higher education open to all
classes and creeds alike. For this purpose a society was formed in
Pictou and subscriptions collected amounting to a thousand pounds
Dr. McCulloch Dr. McGregor and Mr. Ross each giving fifty pounds. He
opened a school in a log .building near his own house, but it was
soon destroyed by the hand of an incendiary. Another was soon
erected in its place.
In 1811 on the passing of the "Grammar School Act" Dr. McCulloch
received the grant allotted to the Pictou district amounting to a
hundred pounds a year. This School attracted students from all over
the Province some coining as far as the West Indies. Dr. Patterson
tells us that Messrs. McGregor and Ross tutored boys in. Latin and
Greek with the idea of matriculating in the contemplated College.
Thus the leavening power of Dr. McCulloch's ambitious ideals were
producing fruit, and preparing the people throughout the province
for the carrying out of his early formed and favorite plans. The
time seemed now favorable. Edward Mortimer represented the District
of Pictou in the legislature, and Sherbrooke was Governor a man more
liberal minded than Wentworth, who occupied the position in. 1805.
An Act of Incorporation was sought and obtained March 26, 1816.
In the autumn of 1817, the first class comprising 23 students met in
a private house, with Dr. McCulloch as Principal. Rev. John McKinlay
assisted in teaching classics and mathematics, the rest of the
Academic work was done by the Principal. It was not until 1818 that
the Academy building was ready to be occupied. The Trustees finding
that the thousand pounds subscribed was not enough to build the
Academy, petitioned Governor Dalhousie for a grant. This was at
first refused, but afterwards he granted the sum of five hundred
Pictou Academy has had a very eventful and checkered career. It had
to fight its way to recognition and aid. Early in its history it had
to contend with opposition and prejudice; notably, the opposition of
the "Council of Twelve," and the unfriendly rivalry of King's
College, Windsor, founded in 1790. This college was receiving a
grant of nearly $2.000 a year from the provincial treasury and
$5,000 a year from the British Government. But its doors were barred
to all but Episcopalians. Dissenters, as all other Protestants were
called and who formed four-fifths of the population of the Province,
were destitute of all means for an advanced education. Naturally,
the trustees of the Academy applied to the Council for aid. They
were refused, for the "Council of Twelve" appointed by the Imperial
Government were composed entirely of adherents of the Church of
England, with the Bishop as one of its most influential members.
They considered money spent on the education of Dissenters as worse
than wasted. They could not tolerate the Pictou idea of a
non-sectarian College. The House of Assembly, elected by the people,
and representing their wishes, was always in hearty sympathy with
the Academy, while the Council was deadly opposed hence the long and
bitter struggle.
In 1819 an application was made to Lord Dalhousie to have Pictou
Academy changed into a college, with power to confer degrees, and
also asking for the establishment of a professorship of Divinity.
These requests were both flatly refused. For the next four years the
council granted about $800 a year on application by the trustees. In
1824, application was made for a permanent grant of $2,000 a year,
which was passed by the assembly but rejected by the council. Thus
year after year the struggle went on. Bill after Bill providing
grants for the academy were passed by the House of Assembly but
negative by the council. In this matter the council vetoed the voice
of the assembly no less than fifteen times.
This continued opposition of the council to the will of the people
so roused the energy and righteous indignation of such men as Joseph
Howe and Jotham Blanchard, who waged such a vigorous contest, that
the agitation finally ended in the demolition of the council and in
the establishment of Responsible Government in Nova Scotia. The
academy greatly suffered from their rivalries. Unfortunately at this
time a section of the Presbyterian Church joined forces with the
opponents of the Academy. The trustees became discouraged for lack
of funds to carry on the work. In 1830 it was on. the brink of ruin.
Finally, in. 1831 Jotham Blanchard was sent to England, as the agent
of the trustees to lay the whole case before the British Government.
His mission to England was successful. Virtually all the claims of
the academy were sustained by the Colonial Office.
Pictonians at Home and Abroad, 1914
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