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Forward, Pictonians at Home and Abroad
No fairer scenes than Pictou County presents can be
found in the land. Merely as a piece of Mother Earth it is deserving
of the most enthusiastic admiration and ardent attachment. Its
beautiful elm studded valleys, its clear, winding streams, its
sunlit hills with their fertile fields gently sloping toward the
sea, its bonnie, happy homes, its thriving towns, its peaceful
villages, its infinitely varied forests and even its rugged glens
present charms which never pall.
But the county's moral claim for its people's love and loyalty is
stronger than the physical. No spot in our wide Dominion, of equal
size and population, has contributed so much to all that is best in
our national life. Nowhere else have religion and education so
effectually joined hands for the uplift of the people and the
promotion of good. Nowhere have righteousness and truth been more
genuinely wedded, or produced finer fruitage.
In support of these statements the evidence in this book is
confidently submitted. The gathering of the evidence has been a
difficult task. It is not claimed that it is either exhaustive or
absolutely accurate, but the author has done his best, and he has
had the hearty cooperation of many to whom he is sincerely grateful.
It has been said that Pictou is noted for coal and clergymen. Great
as is the yield of coal, yet that which is Pictou's proudest product
is her men and women. In less than a hundred years she has given to
the church nearly three hundred clergymen. She has sent forth one
hundred and ninety physicians, sixty-three lawyers, forty
professors, fifteen men and eleven women missionaries, eight college
presidents, four judges, two governors, two premiers and a chief
justice for the Province, besides a host of journalists, politicians
and business men of note and name.
There is inspiration in studying the lives of men and women. It
stirs within us a deepening desire to imitate and achieve all that
was best in their lives. If this book will help the youth of the
land to do this, it will have accomplished the main purpose of the
Our fathers have left us a precious heritage and a rare record. We
owe them the debt of a grateful remembrance. "Happy are the people,"
says John Fiske, "that can look back upon the work of their fathers
and in their heart of hearts pronounce it good."
June 1, 1914 J. P. MacPhie
Pictonians at Home and Abroad, 1914
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