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Juan Verrazano
The name of Juan Verrazano has a peculiar
significance in Canadian history. In more ways than one he was the
forerunner of Jacques Cartier, 'the discoverer of Canada.' Not only
did he sail along the coast of Canada, but did so in the service of
the king of France, the first representative of those rising
ambitions which were presently to result in the foundation of New
France and the colonial empire of the Bourbon monarchy. Francis I,
the French king, was a vigorous and ambitious prince. His exploits
and rivalries occupy the foreground of European history in the
earlier part of the sixteenth century. It was the object of Francis
to continue the work of Louis XI by consolidating his people into a
single powerful state. His marriage with the heiress of Brittany
joined that independent duchy, rich at least in the seafaring
bravery of its people, to the crown of France. But Francis aimed
higher still. He wished to make himself the arbiter of Europe and
the over-lord of the European kings. Having been defeated by the
equally famous king of Spain, Charles V, in his effort to gain the
position and title of Holy Roman Emperor and the leadership of
Europe, he set himself to overthrow the rising greatness of Spain.
The history of Europe for a quarter of a century turns upon the
opposing ambitions of the two monarchs.
As a part of his great design, Francis I turned towards western
discovery and exploration, in order to rival if possible the
achievements of Columbus and Cortes and to possess himself of
territories abounding in gold and silver, in slaves and merchandise,
like the islands of Cuba and San Domingo and the newly conquered
empire of Montezuma, which Spain held. It was in this design that he
sent out Juan Verrazano; in further pursuit of it he sent Jacques
Cartier ten years later; and the result was that French dominion
afterwards, prevailed in the valley of the St Lawrence and seeds
were planted from which grew the present Dominion of Canada.
At the end of the year 1523 Juan Verrazano set out from the port of
Dieppe with four ships. Beaten about by adverse storms, they put
into harbor at Madeira, so badly strained by the rough weather that
only a single seaworthy ship remained. In this, the Dauphine,
Verrazano set forth on January 17, 1524, for his western discovery.
The voyage was prosperous, except for one awful tempest in
mid-Atlantic, 'as terrible,' wrote Verrazano, 'as ever any sailors
suffered.' After seven weeks of westward sailing Verrazano sighted a
coast 'never before seen of any man either ancient or modern.' This
was the shore of North Carolina. From this point the French captain
made his way northward, closely inspecting the coast, landing here
and there, and taking note of the appearance, the resources, and the
natives of the country. The voyage was chiefly along the coast of
what is now the United States, and does not therefore immediately
concern the present narrative. Verrazano's account of his
discoveries, as he afterwards wrote it down, is full of picturesque
interest, and may now be found translated into English in Hakluyt's
Voyages. He tells of the savages who flocked to the low sandy shore
to see the French ship riding at anchor. They wore skins about their
loins and light feathers in their hair, and they were 'of color
russet, and not much unlike the Saracens.' Verrazano said that these
Indians were of 'cheerful and steady look, not strong of body, yet
sharp-witted, nimble, and exceeding great runners.' As he sailed
northward he was struck with the wonderful vegetation of the
American coast, the beautiful forest of pine and cypress and other
trees, unknown to him, covered with tangled vines as prolific as the
vines of Lombardy. Verrazano's voyage and his landings can be traced
all the way from Carolina to the northern part of New England. He
noted the wonderful harbor at the mouth of the Hudson, skirted the
coast eastward from that point, and then followed northward along
the shores of Massachusetts and Maine. Beyond this Verrazano seems
to have made no landings, but he followed the coast of Nova Scotia
and Newfoundland. He sailed, so he says, as far as fifty degrees
north, or almost to the Strait of Belle Isle. Then he turned
eastward, headed out into the great ocean, and reached France in
safety. Unfortunately, Verrazano did not write a detailed account of
that part of his voyage which related to Canadian waters. But there
is no doubt that his glowing descriptions must have done much to
stimulate the French to further effort. Unhappily, at the moment of
his return, his royal master was deeply engaged in a disastrous
invasion of Italy, where he shortly met the crushing defeat at Pavia
(1525) which left him a captive in the hands of his Spanish rival.
His absence crippled French enterprise, and Verrazano's explorations
were not followed up till a change of fortune enabled Francis to
send out the famous expedition of Jacques Cartier.
One other expedition to Canada deserves brief mention before we come
to Cartier's crowning discovery of the St Lawrence river. This is
the voyage of Stephen Gomez, who was sent out in the year 1524. by
Charles V, the rival of Francis I. He spent about ten months on the
voyage, following much the same course as Verrazano, but examining
with far greater care the coast of Nova Scotia and the territory
about the opening of the Gulf of St Lawrence. His course can be
traced from the Penobscot river in Maine to the island of Cape
Breton. He entered the Bay of Fundy, and probably went far enough to
realize from its tides, rising sometimes to a height of sixty or
seventy feet, that its farther end could not be free, and that it
could not furnish an open passage to the Western Sea. Running
north-east along the shore of Nova Scotia, Gomez sailed through the
Gut of Canso, thus learning that Cape Breton was an island. He named
it the Island of St John-or, rather, he transferred to it this name,
which the map-makers had already used. Hence it came about that the
'Island of St John' occasions great confusion in the early geography
of Canada. The first map-makers who used it secured their
information indirectly, we may suppose, from the Cabot voyages and
the fishermen who frequented the coast. They marked it as an island
lying in the 'Bay of the Bretons,' which had come to be the name for
the open mouth of the Gulf of St Lawrence. Gomez, however, used the
name for Cape Breton island. Later on, the name was applied to what
is now Prince Edward Island. All this is only typical of the
difficulties in understanding the accounts of the early voyages to
America. Gomez duly returned to the port of Corunna in June 1525.
We may thus form some idea of the general position of American
exploration and discovery at the time when Cartier made his
momentous voyages. The maritime nations of Europe, in searching for
a passage to the half-mythical empires of Asia, had stumbled on a
great continent. At first they thought it Asia itself. Gradually
they were realizing that this was not Asia, but an outlying land
that lay between Europe and Asia and that must be passed by the
navigator before Cathay and Cipango could rise upon the horizon. But
the new continent was vast in extent. It blocked the westward path
from pole to pole. With each voyage, too, the resources and the
native beauty of the new land became more apparent. The luxuriant
islands of the West Indies, and the Aztec empire of Mexico, were
already bringing wealth and grandeur to the monarchy of Spain. South
of Mexico it had been already found that the great barrier of the
continent extended to the cold tempestuous seas of the Antarctic
region. Magellan's voyage (1519-22) had proved indeed that by
rounding South America the way was open to the spice islands of the
east. But the route was infinitely long and arduous. The hope of a
shorter passage by the north beckoned the explorer. Of this north
country nothing but its coast was known as yet. Cabot and the
fishermen had found a land of great forests, swept by the cold and
leaden seas of the Arctic, and holding its secret clasped in the
iron grip of the northern ice. The Corte-Reals, Verrazano, and Gomez
had looked upon the endless panorama of the Atlantic coast of North
America--the glorious forests draped with tangled vines extending to
the sanded beaches of the sea--the wide inlets round the mouths of
mighty rivers moving silent and mysterious from the heart of the
unknown continent. Here and there a painted savage showed the bright
feathers of his headgear as he lurked in the trees of the forest or
stood, in fearless curiosity, gazing from the shore at the
white-winged ships of the strange visitants from the sky. But for
the most part all, save the sounds of nature, was silence and
mystery. The waves thundered upon the sanded beach of Carolina and
lashed in foam about the rocks of the iron coasts of New England and
the New Found Land. The forest mingled its murmurs with the waves,
and, as the sun sank behind the unknown hills, wafted its perfume to
the anchored ships that rode upon the placid bosom of the evening
sea. And beyond all this was mystery--the mystery of the unknown
East, the secret of the pathway that must lie somewhere hidden in
the bays and inlets of the continent of silent beauty, and above all
the mysterious sense of a great history still to come for this new
land itself--a sense of the murmuring of many voices caught as the
undertone of the rustling of the forest leaves, but rising at last
to the mighty sound of the vast civilization that in the centuries
to come should pour into the silent wildernesses of America.
To such a land--to such a mystery--sailed forth Jacques Cartier,
discoverer of Canada.
The Dawn of Canadian History, A Chronicle of
Aboriginal Canada, 1915
Chronicle of
Aboriginal Canada |